12 Actors That Embody Their Characters So Flawlessly, We Stopped Being Able to Recognize Them

year ago

The magic of movie makeup often plays insane tricks on us. We can sometimes spend almost an entire movie wondering who the actor is that is blowing us away with their performance, only to discover that it was Tom Hanks or John Travolta all along. We’ve compiled a list of the most versatile actors, who’ve mastered the art of disguise.

1. Zoe Saldaña

2. Daniel Day-Lewis

3. Joaquin Phoenix

4. Charlize Theron

5. John Travolta

6. Tom Hanks

7. Eddie Redmayne

8. Christian Bale

9. Sacha Baron Cohen

10. Margot Robbie

11. Dave Bautista

12. Stanley Tucci

And speaking of Stanley Tucci, this talented actor is so dedicated to his craft, that he even keeps working despite health issues. The actor recently detailed his cancer battle, which almost took the thing he loves the most away from him.


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