15 Celebrities Whose Red Carpet Fashion Has Dramatically Changed Over the Years

year ago

Red carpet fashion has become a very important aspect for a star’s brand over the years, and for many people, it is the first thing they recognize about a celebrity. Some have changed their sense of taste, even creating new trends with their distinct personal style.

We at Bright Side curated the most iconic style evolutions of celebrities over the years for you to enjoy and get inspired by.

1. Lady Gaga

2. Rihanna

3. Jennifer Lopez

4. Scarlett Johansson

5. Margot Robbie

6. Zendaya

7. Ariana Grande

8. Dua Lipa

9. Harry Styles

10. Penelope Cruz

11. Timothee Chalamet

12. Nicole Kidman

13. Blake Lively (23 y.o, 25 y.о and 35 y.o.)

14. Selena Gomez

15. Anne Hathaway

Which of these celebrities’ style evolutions were your favorite? If you could pick one of these outfits to wear to the red carpet, which one would you go with?


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