17 Comics on How Girls’ Lives Have Changed Since the ’00s

Girls stuff
2 years ago

The 2000s gave us velour tracksuits, low-rise jeans, brown tans, and “doll” makeup. Today, most of those trends cause us to grin and ask, “Was it even real at all?”

We at Bright Side felt a little nostalgic about the “golden” ’00s and we decided to visually show you how the life of women has changed over the past 20 years.

Deep tans stayed in the past. Self-tanning products have been replaced by sunscreens.

Eyebrow tweezers can be put away.

Trendy dog breeds no longer fit in a bag unless it’s a sack.

Round bangs are no longer the only cool styling option.

Nail polish stays on nails for 3 weeks, not 2 days. Amazing!

Individuality is now more important than being trendy.

Our homes became our offices.

The trendy “36—24—26” measurements have also been forgotten about today.

It’s much easier to walk through life smiling when your feet don’t hurt from high heels.

We let ourselves stay kids.

The quality of service became better but less heartfelt.

Still, some things stayed the same.

We now have free hair instead of tight, hairsprayed curls.

Cascades and “hat-like” haircuts now only exist in photos.

Sometimes shopping takes no more than 10 minutes.

Leather jackets were replaced with oversized coats. At least they’re warm!

Fashion still keeps surprising us.

Bonus: The difference between selfies in the era of MySpace and Instagram

Which of the 2000s trends seem awkward to you? Which ones would you gladly try on, even today?

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Please note: This article was updated in April 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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