20+ Marvelous Pieces of Art That Prove Mother Nature Is the Most Talented Creator

year ago

It’s not difficult for a skilled human being to create a perfect piece of art. However, perfection and regularity in nature never fail to leave an impression. And they don’t appear accidentally — nature often follows geometric patterns while creating its stunning artwork.

At Bright Side, we believe that nature’s creativity is far ahead of ours. To show you this, we invite you to look at these 17 natural creations that will leave you in awe.

1. A caterpillar with penguin pattern

2. “7-leaf clover I recently found”

3. “Tomato flowers grew in a Fibonacci spiral.”

4. “A giant pine cone”

5. “Somehow managed to grow a braided carrot.”

6. A mushroom with a baby mushroom on top

7. “Strawberry chicken”

8. “Hands with a bonus little finger”

9. “This rock that looks like a baked potato”

10. “These clouds in Oklahoma”

11. “Found the leaf litter beautifully decorated with slime mold this morning.”

12. Bulgarian pink lake

13. Nothing can stop a mushroom that has decided to grow.

14. A hairy caterpillar

15. “Ice formation on my wheel”

16. A CD spiderweb

17. “This frog looks like it’s made of copper. Complete with oxidation.”

18. “This caterpillar is eating a leaf but all I can see is Squidward’s interpretive dance.”

19. “This orchid really looks like an eagle.”

20. “This mushroom is growing out of a pine cone.”

21. “The way this spider’s web has drooped in the rain.”

22. “I grew some pink beans. They’re scarlet runners.”

23. “My parents are growing red walnuts.”

24. “A flawless intact fossil of a crinoid”

Who do you think is more creative — nature or humans?

Preview photo credit MayMyEnemiesLiveLong / Imgur


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