“I Don’t Punish My Kids,” a Mom Sparks a Hot Debate With Her Controversial Parenting Style

Family & kids
9 months ago

Modern parenting often relies on online tips for guidance, but not all advice finds unanimous approval. A recent TikTok trend on permissible parenting has sparked debates among parents, with some arguing it lacks discipline, while others view it as beneficial for a child’s growth.

It’s all about “gentle discipline.”

Laura, a mom of two toddler sons, sparked an important discussion on social media with her gentle parenting strategy that she captures in adorable videos. When one of her boys makes a mess or when it’s time to get dressed and go out, Laura sticks to explaining and guiding with conversation rather than resorting to punishment or raising her voice.

I don’t punish my kids. I guide them and teach them, and they ARE learning,” the proud mom claims. And while some applaud her approach, others question its practicality.

Not everyone agrees with this approach.

Some commenters pointed out that it’s hard to apply “gentle parenting” all the time, while others raised concerns about kids’ future.

  • “This is all great but impossible to do all the time. I’m sorry, but mothers get tired too, and we can not always play these games.”
  • “What will happen when the kids go to school? They will have to follow someone else’s schedule, how do all of the choices you’re giving the children help prepare them for that part?”
  • “This is great, but how does he do when he is told no? Because he will have to be told ‘No’ by others later on and when he’s older.”

There are no immediate results.

Even when things get tricky, Lauren relies on no-punishment parenting and is confident in its long-term results. “One of the most common arguments against gentle parenting is that it doesn’t work because children often repeat the behavior. The truth is, no gentle parenting doesn’t always yield immediate results,” this loving mom explains.

Lauren wants to challenge the “old-school” parenting style where parents’ authority is unquestionable. “This style of parenting is not fear-based. We do not force blind obedience and compliance. You will see your kids actively start using what they have been taught. The difference is that they are also learning emotional regulation, self-confidence, and genuine empathy in the process,” she adds.

This trending parenting approach has resonated with many, motivating them to reconsider their own parenting strategies:

  • “After years of being a reactive parent, I’m trying to change and seeing more successes with this way. Thank you 💗😊”
  • Discipline shouldn’t be shameful for children, it should guide them 🥰”
  • “I really believe the ripple effect from these videos is changing the world — I’ve seen this reposted to all different social media and the conversations it starts in the comments are always so cool.”


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