REVEALED: Sophie Turner Struggled After Giving Birth and Joe Jonas Was “Less Than Supportive”

8 months ago

For a while, fans had a hard time coming to terms with Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner going through a divorce. However, after their official announcement, it became evident that these beloved celebrities are choosing to embrace their single status in pursuit of happiness once more.

In another report, sources have shed light on a challenging time in their relationship. It’s been suggested that Joe Jonas wasn’t as “supportive” as he could have been toward his now-estranged wife, Sophie Turner, following the birth of their second child last year. Allegedly, Joe encouraged the Game of Thrones star to attend various industry events and urged her to get out more, even when she didn’t want to be photographed.

Despite Sophie’s preference for staying home with their 2 daughters, she displayed resilience by accompanying her husband to numerous events. Nonetheless, insiders reveal that Sophie had made it clear that she was uncomfortable and didn’t particularly enjoy being in those situations.

During an event where Sophie Turner was absent, Joe Jonas reportedly expressed his desire for her to be more social, leading those around him to wonder if their marriage was going through a rough patch.

It’s important to note that Joe Jonas’ representative has chosen not to comment on this report.

Despite enduring a challenging divorce and ongoing disagreements, celebrities are making a sincere effort to maintain mutual respect for each other. They kindly request their fans to honor their decision and respect their privacy during this period.

Not every marriage lasts forever for many reasons, but it’s crucial to muster the strength to end a relationship amicably. It’s essential to express gratitude for all the positive experiences that occurred during the marriage.


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