5 Things That Might Happen to Your Body If You Use Mouthwash Every Day

year ago

Using mouthwash can prevent cavities, help freshen your breath, clear up canker sores, and diminish the amount of plaque on your teeth. However, rinsing with mouthwash every day can also have some unwanted effects, so we’d better be wary about how often we use it.

Regarding the question of whether you should use mouthwash daily, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. If you have questions or concerns, we recommend consulting with your dentist to determine the right oral hygiene routine for you.

1. Using mouthwash may cause “dry mouth.”

The regular use of mouthwash, in some cases, can cause dry mouth — a condition called xerostomia, where the salivary glands don’t produce the right amount of saliva. This can lead to gum disease, cavities, and other odor-causing problems, and that’s why it’s important to keep the tongue lubricated.

A mouthwash that contains alcohol may worsen the symptoms of dry mouth, so in these cases, it’s recommended to use a mouthwash that contains fluoride.

2. It can remove the good oral microbiome.

While some bacteria can lead to bad breath and cavities, other bacteria are there to break down the food we are eating and maintain healthy gums and teeth. That’s why killing all the bacteria in our mouths every day isn’t recommended.

We should also be aware that using even alcohol-free mouthwash can remove the healthy oral microbiome too.

3. It may stain your teeth.

According to a 2019 review, teeth staining was the most common side effect of using mouthwash. That’s because some ingredients contained in it can react with staining compounds in foods, making the color of your teeth dull.

If you can’t imagine your oral hygiene routine without mouthwash but are still concerned about staining your teeth, it’s recommended to limit the rinsing to nighttime, right before bed only.

4. It can cause teeth erosion and enamel loss

Some mouthwashes have low PH levels or are highly acidic, with acid levels that are almost the same as vinegar. This can hasten the erosion of your tooth enamel, which can increase tooth sensitivity to hot or cold. It’s also better to not use mouthwash before brushing because, this way, the enamel from your teeth can be more prone to damage.

5. Mouthwash use could increase the risk of diabetes.

According to a study, people who use mouthwash twice or more times daily have a significantly elevated risk of pre-diabetes or diabetes compared to less frequent users of mouthwash or non-users. Researchers explain that this might be because using mouthwash destroys “friendly” oral bacteria, which can alter blood-sugar metabolism, promoting diabetes.

How often do you use mouthwash? Have you noticed some cons of using it daily?


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