A friend of a friend is a stylist, and she told me that they get gifted or loaned designer shoes for red carpet events (as this is free publicity for the designers).
As they are rairly the specific size needed, they will choose from anything the celeb can fit their feet into. Sometimes the right size, often too large (and they use pads and tape to make them fit / stay on), but it is unlikely that a celeb will be prepared to wear shoes that are too small all night (but not unknown!).
Why Celebrities Wear Shoes That Are Too Big for Them
Many of you have probably noticed that some celebrities appear on the red carpet wearing shoes that are at least a size too big. Why? Is this a new fashion trend? Or is there more to it?
We at Bright Side have decided to figure this out.
Indeed, many Hollywood stars deliberately choose to grace the red carpet wearing heels that are too long or too wide for them. They just know a simple secret: by doing so, they will prevent their feet from swelling and forming blisters.
After all, celebrities have to wear high heels for hours — sometimes all night. Obviously, their feet will swell.
To avoid foot pain, discomfort, and chronic foot issues later in life, celebrities choose to wear shoes that are at least a size too big for them. Moreover, large pumps or sandals won’t rub, pinch, or squeeze because they don’t put pressure on the most vulnerable areas of the feet.
To keep shoes that are too large from slipping off the feet at the worst possible moment, stylists just put silicone pads inside the pumps. This simple trick ensures that the shoe fits snugly but stays on the foot, does not restrict blood circulation, and stops feet from swelling.
Double-sided tape is another secret tool used by celebrities. It also helps too-big shoes stay on your feet all night long.
Of course, most often celebrities wear pumps that don’t fit properly with maxi dresses when the hem covers the shoes. However, today this trick has almost become a trend, so a lot of Hollywood stars don’t even bother to hide their little secret from the public.

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