“Have Some Self-Respect,” People Slam Natalie Portman for Trying to Fix Marriage with Cheating Husband

9 months ago

After being together for over ten years, Natalie Portman and her now ex-husband Benjamin Millepied have reportedly decided to go their separate ways. The news of their possible breakup has surprised many. Fans were shocked by rumors about Millepied being unfaithful, and speaking of Portman, she’s been a big topic of conversation lately, too.

They had a fairy tale start.

Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/East News

Portman and Millepied first crossed paths in 2009 while working on the movie Black Swan, where the actress played the leading role, and Millepied worked as a choreographer on set.

Speaking of the start of their romance a few years ago, Portman recalled, “I met my husband on it, so I think I was in, like, dreamland.” She added, “He was teaching me to dance. [...] It was like I really got to know him, and that was when it seemed like, ‘Oh, this is the person.’”

The initial indications that their marriage was facing challenges.

AP/East News

The couple, who have two children, 12-year-old son Aleph and 6-year-old daughter Amalia, had tied the knot in August 2012. Talking about him, Natalie said, “I met my husband on it, so I think I was in, like, dreamland. He was teaching me to dance. You know, one of those romantic stories... It was definitely exciting and fun. It was beautiful. I don’t know about instant. It was like I really got to know him, and that was when it seemed like, ‘Oh, this is the person.’”

Despite usually keeping their personal lives private, this famous Hollywood couple found themselves in the spotlight as breakup rumors emerged on their 11th wedding anniversary. The buzz started when Portman appeared at an event in Sydney, Australia, minus her wedding ring.

The alleged affair.

In June, reports suggested that Millepied might have been having an affair with a 25-year-old climate activist named Camille Étienne. A close source explains, “He knows he made an enormous mistake and is doing all he can to get Natalie to forgive him and keep their family together. Natalie is incredibly private and has no intention of playing this out in the media. Her biggest priority is protecting her children and their privacy.”

However, others indicated Portman had chosen to stand by their marriage despite the alleged involvement. According to the source, “Natalie believes Benjamin’s affair was a brief and stupid liaison that means nothing to him.” The source continued, stating that the actress was “willing to see if she’s capable of rebuilding her trust” in her husband to ensure that her two children don’t “grow up in a broken home.”


But despite their efforts to patch things up, the affair had a toll on their relationship, and it is now believed that the pair have called it quits. An insider revealed, “After news of his affair came out, they’ve been trying to work on their marriage but are currently on the outs.”

She’s working on saving her marriage, but fans are pretty bummed out about it.

Portman made an appearance at a FIFA Women’s World Cup final match, accompanied by her family. Alongside her were her husband, Benjamin Millepied, and their young son, Aleph Portman-Millepied.

Even though this could be seen as an ordinary family outing, it unexpectedly sparked a reaction from fans. Despite the touching family tableau, fans found it hard to overcome their disappointment over witnessing the couple together, particularly considering the recent alleged affair involving Portman and her partner.

Some people commented saying things like, “Have some self-respect, Natalie,” “I thought she had more respect for herself!”, “If she takes him back, he will do it again. She needs to develop some self-respect and leave.”

Separation is never easy; our hearts are with Natalie and Benjamin during this difficult period. Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello are another beloved couple who recently shocked the world with their decision to split up, and the reason behind it is equally devastating.

Preview photo credit The Other Woman / IFC Films and co-producers, Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/East News


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