
24 Findings From Tech Support Workers That Show Technology Isn’t for Everyone

24 Findings From Tech Support Workers That Show Technology Isn’t for Everyone
2 years ago

Technology was born to make our lives easier and make tasks that used to require more tools, work, and time more bearable. But despite their great utility, they’re still fragile elements — the wrong move or even the passage of time can damage them. If there’s anyone who knows this first-hand, it’s technical support workers who not only try to save what already seems lost but who also run into all kinds of problems that really make you wonder how they even happened in the first place...

The «Other Mona Lisa»: Friend or Foe? Experts Can’t Agree on This STUNNING Painting

The «Other Mona Lisa»: Friend or Foe? Experts Can’t Agree on This STUNNING Painting
month ago

The enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa has captivated audiences for centuries. But now, a new contender has emerged, raising questions about art history and sparking a fierce debate among experts. This recently discovered portrait, dubbed the «Other Mona Lisa,» bears an uncanny resemblance to Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, but with subtle variations that have the art world buzzing.

My Stepson’s Mom Insists She Has the «Right» to Have a Key to Our House

My Stepson’s Mom Insists She Has the «Right» to Have a Key to Our House
Family & kids
2 months ago

We all prioritize our children’s safety above everything else. However, some people may resort to unconventional methods to achieve this goal. Recently, Sandra found herself in a dilemma when her stepson’s mother insisted on having a key to their home. While Sandra is concerned about the invasion of privacy, her husband sees no issue with it. Sandra has turned to us for guidance in this matter.

16 of the Best Historical Romance Movies That Defined a Generation

16 of the Best Historical Romance Movies That Defined a Generation
2 months ago

With technology occupying our world and relationships nowadays, many of us find ourselves thinking about how we may have been born in the wrong generation. Things like love letters have disappeared, and the romance we see on our TV screens has lost its meaning today. If you’re feeling nostalgic and yearn for the genuine love experienced in past centuries, we’ve gathered the best historical romance movies for you to enjoy.

A Woman Marries a Hologram and Says He Can «Satisfy All of Her Needs»

A Woman Marries a Hologram and Says He Can «Satisfy All of Her Needs»
3 months ago

In a bold leap into the future, artist Alicia Framis is set to become the first person to marry a hologram powered by artificial intelligence. With the rapid growth of AI technology, questions about its potential to provide genuine companionship have become relevant, and Framis’ upcoming wedding to her holographic partner, AiLex, sparks a fascinating conversation.

10 home gadgets that make life safe and convenient

10 home gadgets that make life safe and convenient
3 months ago

Have you ever imagined what our lives would be like without modern conveniences, like washing machines? These 10 products we gathered for you may not be equally groundbreaking, but they still offer multiple advantages. Some make our daily routines easier, and some others provide us and our children with an extra layer of safety.

if your motivation is low, these 14 products will boost it

if your motivation is low, these 14 products will boost it
3 months ago

Have you ever felt blocked to the point that you can’t keep working or studying and getting distracted all the time? Concentration may be hard for some of us, but it’s not an issue without a solution. Depending on your needs, these 14 products will keep you motivated and focused on your tasks.

The 10 Most Anticipated TV Series We Can’t Wait to See in 2024

The 10 Most Anticipated TV Series We Can’t Wait to See in 2024
3 months ago

Get ready to clear your schedules because 2024 is shaping up to be an epic year for television enthusiasts! With a slew of highly anticipated series set to hit the screens, viewers are in for a treat. From gripping dramas to mind-bending sci-fi adventures and everything in between, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re a fan of compelling storytelling, groundbreaking visuals, or captivating performances, these upcoming shows are sure to deliver excitement, intrigue, and plenty of memorable moments.

I’m Sick and Tired of My Friend Always Being Late, So I Taught Him a Lesson

I’m Sick and Tired of My Friend Always Being Late, So I Taught Him a Lesson
3 months ago

They say patience is a virtue, but even the most virtuous can find their limits tested when it comes to dealing with chronically late friends. For the woman in today’s story, the breaking point arrived after countless times of waiting in frustration, disrupting plans, and causing unnecessary stress. Enough was enough. But she decided to resolve things in a way that divided opinions.

9 Books Elon Musk Recommends That Changed His Life

9 Books Elon Musk Recommends That Changed His Life
4 months ago

One of the coolest things about Elon Musk is how he inspires us to dream big once more. Musk, you know, is the super successful guy behind Tesla and SpaceX, with a brain that’s always buzzing. When people wonder how he became a rocket-building wizard, his answer is simple: “I read books.”And not just read, mind you. Musk told Esquire that he gobbles them up. He even invites us into his personal library and shares some of his favorite reads.

A Woman Bought a New Pair of Veneers and Her Confused Reaction Went Viral

A Woman Bought a New Pair of Veneers and Her Confused Reaction Went Viral
4 months ago

Dental aesthetics is a significant concern for people worldwide, with many individuals seeking ways to enhance their smiles. Unfortunately, this pursuit has led to the rise of numerous products and services of dubious quality in the market. One such example involves Lauren Hartley, who fell victim to an exciting online promotion, only to discover the harsh reality of her dental veneers.

My Daughter Teased a Girl With Cancer, and Here’s My Punishment for Her That Shook the Internet

My Daughter Teased a Girl With Cancer, and Here’s My Punishment for Her That Shook the Internet
Family & kids
5 months ago

We all may want to believe our kids are perfect, but the stark truth is that none of them are. Even if parents do their jobs perfectly, childhood still remains a steep learning curve. Both parts make mistakes they’ll look back and regret. And this is what actually happened to our today’s hero, a dad, who chose a quite severe punishment for his daughter after she was being extremely rude.

Who Is the Most Famous Person in the World? Ranked

Who Is the Most Famous Person in the World? Ranked
5 months ago

In a world captivated by the allure of celebrity, the quest to identify who holds the title of the most famous person becomes an intriguing pursuit. The global stage is populated with individuals whose influence transcends borders, encompassing fields ranging from entertainment to sports and technology. As we navigate the landscape of fame, the question lingers: who is the most famous person in the world? This inquiry delves into public recognition, societal impact, and the ever-evolving metrics defining contemporary notoriety. Exploring the dynamics of fame unveils various figures who have left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness.

Drama Edition: The 30 Best TV Shows of All Time, Ranked

Drama Edition: The 30 Best TV Shows of All Time, Ranked
5 months ago

If you’re a fan of TV dramas, you won’t want to miss Bright Side’s ranking of the 30 best TV shows of all time. This list includes some of the most iconic and groundbreaking shows in television history, from Stranger Things to Breaking Bad. Check it out and see if your favorite show cut!

Robin Williams’ Daughter Speaks Out Against AI Recreating Her Dad

Robin Williams’ Daughter Speaks Out Against AI Recreating Her Dad
7 months ago

Zelda Williams passionately criticized the “disturbing” use of technology to replicate her late father, Robin Williams, and raised concerns about artificial intelligence in the entertainment industry. In an Instagram Story statement, she emphasized her personal involvement in the Screen Actors Guild’s (SAG) battle against AI.

At 88, Sophia Loren Feels Young and Follows Five Life Lessons

At 88, Sophia Loren Feels Young and Follows Five Life Lessons
10 months ago

Sophia Loren, a true icon of the silver screen, has captivated audiences worldwide with her remarkable talent and timeless beauty. As a five-time Golden Globe-winning actress, she has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. Even at the age of 88, Loren continues to exude a youthful spirit and energy that transcends time.

NASA Can Receive Signals From Voyager 2 Again

NASA Can Receive Signals From Voyager 2 Again
11 months ago

On August 20, 1977, the most ambitious space mission took off from Earth. The main goal of Voyager 2 was to study the outer Solar System up close. It became possible because of a rare alignment of planets. Voyager 2 was supposed to study all the gas giants of the Solar System: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Astronomers also hoped it would be able to find and explore the edge of the Solar System. Since Voyager 2 was built for interstellar travel, the probe was equipped with a large, 12-ft-wide antenna. It allowed the spaceship to send the data it gathered back to Earth. During its journey, the space probe discovered a 14th moon of Jupiter. Voyager 2 was the only spaceship to study all four giant planets from up close. It was the first human-made object to fly past Uranus, where it found two new rings and ten new moons. Voyager 2 also flew by Neptune and noticed its “Great Dark Spot.” That’s a colossal spinning storm in the planet’s Southern Hemisphere. The storm is the size of Earth and moves at a speed of 1,500 miles per hour! These winds are the strongest ever recorded on any planet of the Solar System.

11 Mysterious Discoveries in Places They Shouldn’t Be

11 Mysterious Discoveries in Places They Shouldn’t Be
11 months ago

In the northeast of Thailand, a family of enormous stone whales swims through the forest. These aren’t real whales, of course, they’re actually a part of a 75-million-year-old rock formation. A long time ago, this part of Thailand was just a desert. The movements of the earth’s crust pushed sandstone up to create these fascinating mountains.

How Fast Can You Travel and Stay Alive?

How Fast Can You Travel and Stay Alive?
11 months ago

Ok, place those goggles over your eyes, strap in, and don’t forget to hold on tight! We’re going to see how fast we can really go! Long legs on a tall, yet muscular frame... not exactly the norm when compared to the shorter builds of short distance runners. But the fastest man alive makes it look easy to move that fast! So far, the fastest anyone has run is just over 27 miles per hour, a speed reached briefly by sprinter Usain Bolt at the halfway point of his world record 100-meter dash! And humans can go even faster! The top speed we could reach may come down to how quickly the muscles in our body can move. Our muscles should be able to reach speeds as fast as 40 mph, the reason we can’t do it is that we’re in the air for too long! Our limbs can only take a certain amount of force when they strike the ground. That’s why on skates you’re able to outpace a runner, gliding allows for more traction! What’d make us run a lot faster is simple...ish! Longer legs, REALLY wide hips, or extra legs... like an insect! I’d give running on all fours a try, it would be fun at least.

A Chinese Device With Moving Lips Lets You Kiss Your Loved Ones Anywhere

A Chinese Device With Moving Lips Lets You Kiss Your Loved Ones Anywhere
11 months ago

Opinions on this unique device are divided, with some finding it unsettling while others appreciate its cuteness and usefulness. Regardless, there’s growing enthusiasm for the latest creation by Chinese tech innovators—a device that enables virtual kissing with your loved ones, no matter the geographical distance. Explore the capabilities of this remarkable invention, and perhaps you’ll be the next to exclaim, “I’m sold!”

A Woman Marries a Virtual Husband Who Is Powered by AI and Claims to Be PREGNANT With His Child

A Woman Marries a Virtual Husband Who Is Powered by AI and Claims to Be PREGNANT With His Child

In a world where concerns about artificial intelligence run rampant, a remarkable story unfolds in New York, where the wonders of technology have brought love into one woman’s life. Rosanna Ramos, a lively and petite 36-year-old resident of the Bronx, embarked on a unique journey this year by ’marrying’ Eren Kartal, albeit in a virtual realm. This extraordinary connection was forged through her creation of Eren on an online AI companion platform back in 2022.

We Used AI to Imagine These 15+ Celebrities in Famous Paintings

We Used AI to Imagine These 15+ Celebrities in Famous Paintings
year ago

Through the power of artificial intelligence and according to a study, AI will change our lives for the better. Using it, we can assemble iconic masterpieces and beloved celebrities that breathe new life into the canvas. Our imagination knows no limits, and with technology, it can become a reality easily.

12 Modern Inventions That Can Truly Reshape Our Society

12 Modern Inventions That Can Truly Reshape Our Society
year ago

It’s common for people to reminisce about the past, recalling how things seemed better in the good old days when life appeared simpler and more idyllic. While nostalgia has its charm, we mustn’t overlook the wonders of the present. We reside in a time of remarkable technological advancements that benefit both humanity and the environment, paving the way for a brighter future.

Weird Life May Be Hiding in Cosmic “Computational Zones”

Weird Life May Be Hiding in Cosmic “Computational Zones”
7 months ago

A team of intrepid scientists have devised an audacious plan to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Their secret weapon? Computation — the very heartbeat of living systems! But what’s that, and how will “computational zones” help us to find extraterrestrial life? Let’s find out.

Why Traffic Jams Sometimes Form for No Reason

Why Traffic Jams Sometimes Form for No Reason
7 months ago

Road trips are fun, but sometimes you find yourself stuck on the road for hours! There seems to be no reason. It’s like a traffic jam coming out of nowhere to spoil your journey. Let’s find out more about these miles-long car queues.You might ask, “How bad could it be? The road will eventually be open.” Some of the worst traffic jams might answer this question on my behalf. In American History, traffic jams can be traced back to the 60s. In 1969, the music & arts Festival was held in New York. Way more people commuted to the festival than the festival organizers had expected. In the end, cars got stuck for 8 hours on the New York State Thruway.

5 Ways to Time Travel (Even If It’s Just to the Future)

5 Ways to Time Travel (Even If It’s Just to the Future)
7 months ago

Okay so you’ve seen the movies and read the books on time travel. Most of them tell stories about entering some futuristic boxes — and in the blink of an eye, you’re in some different epoch. For now, this is just sci-fi. But there are ways to make time travel possible — at least theoretically. We just don’t have the technology figured out yet.For starters, time travel to the future could be achieved by traveling at high speeds. But not just “getting a ticket on the super highway” kind of speed. This is based on Einstein’s theory of special relativity. It explains that time slows down for objects that move at really high speeds. And the good news is scientists have already tested this theory, and it looks promising. They did it with the help of two identical clocks. One was placed on a jet, and one stayed on the ground.

Newly Discovered Planet Is Surprisingly Similar to Earth

Newly Discovered Planet Is Surprisingly Similar to Earth
7 months ago

You’re on a spaceship flying through outer space at a speed of 180,000 miles per second. This is almost the speed of light. Make yourself comfortable, because the voyage is gonna be long. It will last a little more than 90 years. It’s better to use a cryo capsule to not get bored. In short, you need to fly for almost a century at the speed of light to get to a mysterious exoplanet that scientists have recently discovered.

Where Is the Missing Capstone of the Great Pyramid?

Where Is the Missing Capstone of the Great Pyramid?
7 months ago

Imagine working seven days a week on a large-scale construction site. You, along with thousands of others, carry millions of stone blocks and put them on top of each other according to a complex system. You work without modern construction equipment. You have no air conditioning or constant access to water. It’s so hot outside that you can fry eggs on the road. You’ve been building the pyramid for decades. And now, when it’s finally done, you enjoy the result of the colossal work of thousands of people. You’re looking at a giant cultural monument of global value that will freeze in time and amaze people for tens of thousands of years.

The Scariest Space Discovery in History || The Great Filter Theory

The Scariest Space Discovery in History || The Great Filter Theory
8 months ago

It’s hard not to wonder if there’s another form of life out there in the Universe when you look at the night sky. There’s this thing called Fermi Paradox. It basically says this: if civilizations that might live somewhere out there in the Universe are so common, why haven’t we found any signs of them? We’ve looked really hard, but we haven’t stumbled over any proof there are other forms of life somewhere in space. And we suspect there could be many civilizations because scientists have calculated there are possibly billions of habitable planets in our galaxy alone. So it would seem reasonable to assume that some of these planets could have developed intelligent life, possibly even civilizations that are more advanced than ours. So, Fermi Paradox basically asks, “Where’s the party? How come we weren’t invited?” And one of the potential answers to why we haven’t found any other form of life in the Universe is something called the Great Filter theory.

Astronomers Get in Contact With 50-Year-Old Spacecraft

Astronomers Get in Contact With 50-Year-Old Spacecraft
7 months ago

On August 20, 1977, the most ambitious space mission took off from Earth. The main goal of Voyager 2 was to study the outer Solar System up close. It became possible because of a rare alignment of planets. Voyager 2 was supposed to study all the gas giants of the Solar System: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Astronomers also hoped it would be able to find and explore the edge of the Solar System. Since Voyager 2 was built for interstellar travel, the probe was equipped with a large, 12-ft-wide antenna. It allowed the spaceship to send the data it gathered back to Earth.

We Can’t Imagine Our Lives Without These 10 Devices That Are Currently on Sale

We Can’t Imagine Our Lives Without These 10 Devices That Are Currently on Sale
year ago

In today’s world, technology has become an integral part of our lives. From smartphones to laptops, we rely heavily on various devices to carry out our daily tasks efficiently. In fact, some of these devices have become so ingrained in our routines that we can’t imagine living without them. With advancements in technology, new devices are constantly being introduced, and it can be overwhelming to keep up with all the latest gadgets on the market. In this article, we’ll be discussing the top 10 devices that are currently on sale and have become essential in our day-to-day lives. So, let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of tech!

How She Had Her Son Potty Trained at 6 Months, Plus Other Parenting Tips From Supermodel Gisele Bündchen

How She Had Her Son Potty Trained at 6 Months, Plus Other Parenting Tips From Supermodel Gisele Bündchen

Like some other celebrity moms, Gisele Bündchen has a more unusual approach to parenting. On the other hand, the results of her less conventional methods speak for themselves, and she has many tips and tricks up her sleeve that new parents can make good use of. Her all-natural parenting style helped her raise her son Benjamin and daughter Vivian into well-adjusted tweens and helped her overcome some common struggles moms often face.

7 Things Moms Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Doing

7 Things Moms Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Doing

Motherhood is rewarding, but it comes with challenges, including the feeling of guilt that accompanies many decisions. However, there are things moms shouldn’t feel bad about doing. This article explores common areas where moms feel guilty and provides a perspective to let go of these unnecessary feelings.

If You Want to Feel Like You’re Living in 2023, These 7 Innovative Items Will Bring You There

If You Want to Feel Like You’re Living in 2023, These 7 Innovative Items Will Bring You There
year ago

With the rapid advancement of technology and innovation, it can sometimes feel like we’re living in a science fiction movie. From artificial intelligence to virtual reality, the possibilities are endless, and it’s hard to keep up with all the exciting new developments. To transport yourself to the year 2023 and experience the latest and greatest technology has to offer, sit back, and get ready to be amazed by what the future holds.

10+ Ways Our Bodies Will Be Different in 100 Years

10+ Ways Our Bodies Will Be Different in 100 Years
8 months ago

On average, Earth’s waters rise by 14 hundredths of an inch each year, and sometimes I feel like, you know, getting some floaties. So we can’t help but wonder what if we end up living underwater? We now have evidence that humans could adapt to that. The Bajau — a group of people living in South-East Asia — have evolved to have enlarged spleens. The spleen is the organ that stores oxygen-rich red blood cells. When these cells are released into the bloodstream, they enable divers to hold their breath underwater for longer periods of time. This allows the Bajau people to free dive to depths of up to 230 feet!