How Anne Hathaway Felt Misunderstood After “The Princess Diaries”

10 months ago

Even though she’s a red-carpet icon, Anne Hathaway didn’t always feel comfortable under the spotlights. The 40-year-old opened up about feeling misunderstood at the start of her career and explained how she is finally able to express her true self through her bold fashion choices.

Anne entered a new fashion era.

Jeffrey Mayer / Avalon/Photoshot/East News

The Hollywood Reporter recently published its annual list of the most influential celebrity stylists of 2023, which recognizes fashion professionals and the celebrities they collaborate with. Erin Walsh, who is Hathaway’s stylist, was included on the list.

Hathaway took the opportunity to praise Erin and open up about her interesting journey through fashion.

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The actress who is having a ’’fashion renaissance’’ admitted that her style was not well understood at the beginning of her career. She then went on to credit Walsh for having a positive impact on her fashion identity, noting ’’Erin sees my idiosyncrasies as a strength.’’

She didn’t really feel glamorous as a Princess.

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In fact, Anne was only 19 when she rose to worldwide fame thanks to the acclaimed 2001 movie, The Princess Diaries.

Her character, Mia Thermopolis, wore a combination of fancy ball gowns and relaxed, everyday outfits, and Anne frequently adopted a similar fashion sense off-screen.

But Anne recently shared that Mia’s style didn’t really match her personality. She explained, ’’Maybe there was initial confusion with me because I was introduced to the world as a teenaged princess.’’

She added, ’’But I never actually connected to things that are ’sweet’ and ’pretty.’’’

She’s becoming a style icon.

Piovanotto Marco/ABACA/Abaca/East News

Today, Hathaway, who admitted that she ’’loves the right risk,’’ is opting for more daring outfits on the red carpet, including leopard prints, mega-high heels, and even cutout dresses during her pregnancy.

Her stylist describes Anne’s look as ’’incidentally fabulous.’’ The fashion expert explained, ’’She always looks out-of-this-world cool, fashionable, and fun, but it’s also quite effortless.’’

And the actress seems more fulfilled than ever with this new direction, noting, ’’I’ve never had this much fun — and it’s supposed to be fun, right?’’

We can’t get enough of Anne Hathaway, and as we learn new things about her, we find her all the more fascinating.

Preview photo credit Album Online/East News, Panther Media GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo


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