Matthew McConaughey’s Son Is Finally Allowed to Join Instagram and His First Post Is So Wholesome

Family & kids
10 months ago

Matthew McConaughey’s son finally has his mom and dad’s blessing to have an Instagram account. The teenager, who just celebrated his birthday, shared a fantastic post as an introduction to the social media platform. While he is very happy, his mom, Camila, admitted that she’s feeling nervous.

They have a moving message for their son.

Right before Levi joined Instagram and TikTok, his parents, Matthew and Camila, made an Instagram video to talk about their gift for their oldest son’s 15th birthday and also to share their worries.

The 53-year-old actor addressed his son, saying, ’’Happy birthday Levi Alves McConaughey. Can you believe it? Fifteen years young.’’ McConaughey then added, ’’Hey, buddy, your mom is a little nervous today. One of the gifts we’re giving you, yes, we are allowing you today to join the social media universe.’’

The couple openly acknowledged that they had engaged in prolonged discussions since Levi was 12 regarding the appropriate time for him to have an account.

In the video, 41-year-old Camila explained, ’’All his friends have had it for a long time. We’ve been holding up.’’ Her husband added, ’’He knows who he is, and he knows where he’s going. I think he can handle it. He’s got a great story to tell and share.’’

Matthew described Levi as a ’’very cool and respectful young man’’ and asked people online to treat him the same. The pair then concluded their clip by saying in unison, ’’Happy birthday, go check him out.’’

Levi promptly seized the opportunity, and merely an hour later, he replied to his parents’ social media post with a comment: ’’Mamma and Papai thank you!’’

Levi is already thriving.

The young man has already amassed more than 200k followers on his newly opened account.

For his very first post, the 15-year-old shared a captivating video montage showcasing his diverse range of interests. The montage featured moments of Levi engaging in activities such as surfing, cliff diving, skiing, participating in volunteer work, and cherishing quality time with his friends and family. He simply captioned it, ’’Happy to be here.’’

We wish Levi a wonderful journey on social media platforms. As for his parents, Matthew and Camila, they are often regarded as one of Hollywood’s coolest couples, and here is why.


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