“That’s Disgusting,” a Mom Gets Online Hate for Making a Family Picnic at Her Husband’s Grave

Family & kids
8 months ago

People handle grief differently, and we all have our own way of dealing with it. The Rosenthal family, for instance, has come up with a pretty quirky but surprisingly uplifting way to remember their lost husband and father. However, when they started sharing their moments at his grave online, it caused quite a stir among internet users, and not everyone was on board with it.

13 years have passed since their loved family man passed away.

The story of Robin Rosenthal and her family is a testament to the enduring power of love and memory, even in the face of profound loss. In 2010, the Rosenthal family was struck by tragedy when they lost their beloved husband and father, Mark Rosenthal. The weight of his absence was felt keenly in their home in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, as they navigated life without the head of their household.

Thirteen years may have passed since Mark’s untimely departure, but his presence in the lives of Robin, Sam, and Emma remains palpable. The Rosenthal family has chosen not to let the darkness of grief define their journey. Instead, they’ve found solace and healing by celebrating Mark’s memory, keeping the flame of his spirit alive in their hearts.

Preserving his memory through humor and sharing online contents.

The pain of losing a loved one never truly disappears, but Robin has shown remarkable strength and resilience in ensuring that her children continue to cherish their father’s legacy. This dedication to preserving his memory has taken on various forms. One of the most touching and innovative ways they’ve chosen to honor Mark is by sharing their experiences online, where they document their visits to his graveside.

These online videos not only allow the Rosenthal family to pay tribute to Mark but also offer a window into the healing process for others who may be coping with similar loss. They show that grieving doesn’t have a set timeline, and it’s entirely possible to find hope and connection even in the most trying of circumstances.

Not everyone was happy about these videos; in fact, some people were pretty harsh in their criticism of the family.

When the Rosenthal family began sharing videos of their lighthearted moments and jokes at Mark’s memorial, they found themselves on the receiving end of online hate. Once they gained internet fame, the Rosenthals faced a mix of reactions. Some folks thought their way of grieving was disrespectful and kind of creepy. On the flip side, many appreciated their upbeat spirit and humor, given the tough circumstances.

These differing reactions highlight the complex nature of mourning in the digital age, where personal expressions of loss can spark both criticism and admiration from a diverse online audience. Some users wrote, “That’s disgusting,” or, “Disrespectful”, or even, “This is not funny!”.

Indeed, there were those who understood the underlying reasons behind the Rosenthal family’s behavior and recognized how humor served as a coping mechanism for them amidst their grief, and someone commented, saying, “I’m absolutely doing this when my dad passes, he would think this is HILARIOUS. We’ve both always coped with humor.”

The Rosenthal family’s narrative serves as a poignant reminder that even though death is undoubtedly marked by sadness and tragedy, the love we harbor for our departed loved ones can transcend the constraints of time and space. This is beautifully exemplified by the enduring affection of this daughter, who continues to cherish her father deeply, even though he has passed away.


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