Mariana V.
Mariana has been working on Bright Side since 2019. She's a full-time writer who covers personal stories and celebrity news. Mariana has a background in advertising and marketing. She has a cat named Igor, but She loves all fluffy animals. Mariana likes hanging out with friends, watching TV shows (Friends being her all-time favorite), and reading.

The Top 10 Most Attractive Men in the UK According to Ordinary People

The Top 10 Most Attractive Men in the UK According to Ordinary People
2 hours ago

From actors and musicians to sports stars and even lesser-known public figures, this list celebrates the diverse appeal of British men through the eyes of the public. Get ready to discover who has captured the hearts and admiration of the nation with their charm, charisma, and undeniable good looks.

My Boyfriend Refuses to Wash His Butt, So I Had to Take Extreme Measures

My Boyfriend Refuses to Wash His Butt, So I Had to Take Extreme Measures
3 hours ago

When you’re in a relationship, there are certain unspoken expectations about personal hygiene. You expect your partner to shower regularly, brush their teeth, and, yes, wash all parts of their body. Unfortunately, not all expectations are met. And that’s exactly what happened in today’s story. Buckle up, because this journey is anything but ordinary.

A Woman Refuses to Wear a Bra to Work, and Colleagues Are Judging Her

A Woman Refuses to Wear a Bra to Work, and Colleagues Are Judging Her
day ago

In the workplace, sometimes dress code and personal comfort can get mixed. And in today’s narrative, a woman is being confronted for choosing her comfort. Her choice is a statement that provoked varied reactions from her colleagues, raising questions about freedom of expression, gender norms, and workplace culture.