15+ Pics That Are Warmer Than the Summer Sun

3 years ago

Seeing your baby smile for the first time, graduating at 50, or adopting a pet after years of wishing to have one — life is full of little moments that make us happy. Sometimes people decide to share their best moments with everyone online, and they can make our day, feeling as pleasant as a warm summer breeze.

We know that happiness shared is happiness doubled, and all of us at Bright Side wanted to spread some joy with you.

1. “My childhood doctor’s office has a mini door installed for younger patients.”

2. “My son’s reaction when he first saw his girlfriend come down the stairs to go to the senior prom”

3. “My girlfriend managed to snap a picture of our baby girl striking a pose.”

4. “50 and finally got my master’s. I’m super stoked...”

5. “A friend of mine sent me this photo of her trying to read.”

6. “That time I became a mother in Antarctica”

7. “Meet Clara and Oliver! Clara just adopted Oliver from a local rescue. She said he sleeps with her every night!”

8. “Walk away, human. This is a family matter.”

9. “45 minutes before go-time and during — Mother Nature had perfect timing.”

10. “When you try and take a nice Mother’s Day picture but your dog makes her best derp ever!”

11. “I’ve been harvesting fresh food in London using my backyard for the past 7 years!”

12. “My 96-year-old grandmother recently started watching The Simpsons. She drew these.”

13. “My cat is a very proud mom.”

14. “Mere seconds after she said yes”

15. “The birthday boy with his new kitten: ’This is the happiest day of my life!’”

16. “My mom had this owl decoy in her garden and my daughter fell in love with it, so she sent it home with us. My daughter named her Lisa.”

17. “A year and a half-ish after I was adopted — this is my mom and me.”

18. Sir Patrick Stewart with a 1-week-old puppy

Which picture made you feel all cozy inside? Do you have a picture that can lift your mood anytime? Share it with us so we can make the world just a bit happier together!

Preview photo credit rmks8285 / Reddit


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