I Can’t Believe What My Ex-Husband Asked Our Daughter to Do

Family & kids
month ago

Imagine the shock and concern you’d feel if your child came to you upset because something important to them had been taken away. That’s exactly what Sonia experienced when she learned that her 7-year-old daughter had been moved to a different bedroom at her dad’s house. Sonia felt like her world was turned upside down, and she was desperate to protect her daughter from any harm. So, she reached out to us for guidance.

Really.. this is life lucky she has a room somekids have no room . Just because you dont agree does not make you right. he is not mistreating her but you are making a mountain out of a ants hill. stop it


Acknowledge that your daughter is hurt and you understand why. Tell her your sorry her dad didn't talk to her about it. You might want to try therapy for her to understand all that's going on it's confusing at 7. You can't make her dad change all you can do is help her. Hoping everything works out well.


Hey Sonia! Thanks for reaching out to us. We understand that this is a tough situation for you, but we’re here to help. We’ve put together some advice that we hope will be useful for you as you deal with this challenge.

Support Taylor and let her express herself.

Create a supportive atmosphere where Taylor feels comfortable sharing her feelings. Encourage her to talk openly with her dad and stepmom about how she’s feeling about the changes in her living arrangements.

Remind her that her thoughts and emotions matter, and she has the right to be heard when decisions are made about where she stays. By showing Taylor that her feelings are valid and that she has a say in what happens, we can help her feel more confident and respected in her family situation.

Consider scheduling sessions with a family therapist.

You might want to propose the idea of family therapy sessions to help everyone in the blended family better understand and deal with their emotions. A therapist can guide discussions about boundaries, expectations, and conflicts, which can lead to greater empathy and understanding among family members. These sessions can also offer Taylor a safe place to talk about her feelings with the help of a professional.

Look into legal options to address the situation.

Considering the delicate nature of Taylor’s situation, it could be helpful to seek advice from a family lawyer. They can offer insights into your legal rights. This includes whether any changes made by her father and stepmother adhere to custody agreements or parental rights.

Legal assistance may become essential to safeguard Taylor’s well-being and ensure her stability. By consulting a lawyer, you can take steps to protect Taylor’s best interests and uphold her sense of security during this challenging time.

Make the best of what you’ve got.

If things are going to remain as they are, don’t let it get you down. Instead, focus on helping Taylor adjust to the change. Get involved in decorating her new room together and consider buying some new furniture or items she’s been wanting. This way, you can turn this challenging situation into a positive experience by creating happy memories together and enjoying each other’s company.

Dealing with the intricacies of a blended family can be really tough sometimes. Sandra, who is a mom, was really upset when she found out that her husband didn’t want her daughter to come to his birthday party just because his own daughter from a previous relationship would be there too. If you want to know more about what happened, you can check out Sandra’s story.

Preview photo credit Skyler Ewing / Pexels


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Why should the big room go to a young child visiting on weekends, and the permenant resident teenager be in a small room? Yes, OPs daughter is upset, but that doesn't mean Dad is wrong - he has to balance the needs of his stepdaughter and biological daughter. Let her vent and be upset, but remind her that she's not an only child anymore, and has to share her Dad's house with her stepsister now. Also, point out that she has two rooms- one at each house. Suggest redecorating the new room to make it 'hers' but don't encourage her to be a spoilt brat.


Talk to a lawyer because her child has been moved to a different bedroom whe she visits her father? You have to be kidding. Of all the ridiculous suggestions...


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