Kinanty P.
Kinanty hopped on board with Bright Side in 2022. While she enjoys writing about all sorts of stuff, her passion lies in telling the stories of everyday heroes. She believes every individual possesses a unique and remarkable story that deserves to be shared with the world. Away from work, you’ll find her immersed in self-improvement books, gazing at the ocean, writing postcards to her penpals, or googling super random things late at night.

I Discovered My Husband’s Secret After Finding Random Tampons in Our Bathroom

I Discovered My Husband’s Secret After Finding Random Tampons in Our Bathroom
2 weeks ago

A woman, 35, was blissfully married to her husband and had no reason to suspect him of infidelity. However, she started noticing tampons that weren't hers in their bathroom. Things got stranger when blood stains started appearing periodically on the bathroom floor. Confronting her husband yielded no answers as he claimed he had no idea what happened. Determined to uncover the truth, she pursued the mystery to its surprising end.

Schwarzenegger’s Secret Son Reveals the «Main Reason» Why He’s Still Not Taking His Dad’s Famous Surname

Schwarzenegger’s Secret Son Reveals the «Main Reason» Why He’s Still Not Taking His Dad’s Famous Surname
Family & kids
2 months ago

Joseph Baena grew up in California, much like any other ordinary kid. Little did he know, a surprise lay in wait—a truth that would reshape his world at the tender age of 13: His father was revealed to be none other than the iconic movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Over a decade has passed since Joseph discovered this truth, yet he remains steadfast in his decision to retain his mother’s maiden name, and there’s a profound reason behind it.

15 Side-by-Side Photos Showing the Contrast Between Perfection vs Reality

15 Side-by-Side Photos Showing the Contrast Between Perfection vs Reality
2 months ago

Just like us, celebrities love flaunting their flawless selves on social media. While it’s entirely normal, let’s be honest: who wants to show off their less-than-perfect moments to millions? It’s all good until we feel pressured to look impeccable 24/7 like them. That’s why we’re peeling back the curtain, comparing the Instagram version to the raw photos of these celebrities.

14 Photos That Play Tricks on Reality

14 Photos That Play Tricks on Reality
3 months ago

In a flash, the mundane can morph into the extraordinary. By simply paying attention, you can uncover hidden marvels waiting to be found. Hang tight as we share the surprising encounters of 14 people who found themselves in moments of captivating confusion.

12 Celebrities Whose Shoe Choices Scream, “Comfort Is for the Weak!”

12 Celebrities Whose Shoe Choices Scream, “Comfort Is for the Weak!”
3 months ago

Looking at the sleek and stunning Hollywood stars on the red carpet, it’s easy to overlook their discomfort, especially when one of their biggest sacrifices often involves enduring uncomfortable shoes. Whether too snug, too loose, or simply not the right fit, ill-fitting heels can swiftly turn glamour into a nightmare. Nevertheless, we admire these women for maintaining their poise with a big smile.

10+ Facts They Forgot to Mention in School Books

10+ Facts They Forgot to Mention in School Books
4 months ago

What crowns the pyramids of Egypt? How does Iceland create its unique “volcano bread”? Where can you witness the world’s rarest phenomenon? The pursuit of these answers not only energizes us but also sparks dreams, making us feel like pioneers. Our natural curiosity pushes us to explore the mysteries of ourselves and the fascinating world around us.

I Kicked My Mom Out of My Wedding Because She Was Being Rude

I Kicked My Mom Out of My Wedding Because She Was Being Rude
Family & kids
4 months ago

Weddings aren’t always joyous for some parents. Our reader reached out and shared her story about her divorced parents who reconciled for their daughter’s sake on this special occasion. However, things turned unexpectedly when our reader’s mom couldn’t shake off some old grudges against her ex-husband.