15+ Photos That Redefined the Concept of Perfect Timing

2 years ago

Creating optical illusions without using Photoshop at all is a great skill. And many photographers, artists, and designers really do it using nothing but iron cables, mirrors, acrobatics, and scaffolding. They make viewers look at the same picture from different points, trying to figure out how it all was done, what magic hides at first glance, and why our brain still tricks us no matter how long we look at the picture.

We at Bright Side have found some hilarious photos that prove success is always a matter of some luck and timing.

1. Half-man, half-woman?

2. “Got these well-timed shots from our road trip.”

3. “Walked downstairs and did a double-take.”

4. “This is not my dog’s nose.”

5. “Giant cat”

6. “Headed somewhere...”

7. “The kittens I’m adopting looking like a 2-headed cat”

8. “Long arm hug”

9. “The street sign in the sky”

10. “Hi, there!”

11. “Perfectly aligned reflection”

12. “My dog’s legs”

13. “A portal to another dimension”

14. “Long boy”

15. “Reversed leg”

16. “Legs for days”

17. “My levitating kid on the ice rink”

Have you experienced this kind of magic before? Are you a timing magician yourself? Do you have some bewildering photos in your portfolio? Please share them with us.


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