15 Photos Proving Kindness Is the Ultimate Superpower

3 years ago

Life is all about ups and downs, and sometimes it’s hard to stay on the positive side. But once you start noticing or even doing little good deeds, your perspective of the world changes. Like a reunion of friends from kindergarten after a long separation, a young man feeding an abandoned kitten from a baby bottle on the subway, or a little girl collecting donations for a shelter with her paintings. Life is full of goodness!

Here at Bright Side we compiled a list of 15 heartwarming pictures that will totally restore your faith in kindness.

1. Hadn’t seen each other since daycare closed, so their parents arranged a playdate.

2. Dad sleeps downstairs on the sofa bed with his elderly dog to keep him company since the dog can’t get up the stairs anymore.

3. “My 8-year-old daughter has been growing her hair for 2 years to donate it to a charity that makes wigs for cancer kids who cannot afford them. Today was the day she had it cut.”

4. “I met this kid at an orphanage in Tanzania and told him I’d pay for his school to become a doctor if he studied well. He just got into medical school. I’m as proud as a mother hen.”

5. “My friend is eating a burger with prosthetic hands that I designed and built for him!”

6. “Someone in the apartment across from mine is about to get proposed to!”

7. This man who is feeding a stray kitten on the subway

8. “I was homeless for 3 years. Monday, I began my career as the coordinator of a homeless shelter.”

9. “My 19-year-old son with autism loves walking to the post office, so I put a request on Facebook. Now he’s received over 3,200 letters and packages with kind words from over 24 countries.”

10. My 8-year-old is painting pet portraits to raise money for an animal shelter.

11. My father said he started leaving food out like I do, I visited him today and saw this.

12. 12 years ago I was homeless. Today I’m a homeowner.

13. Stressed out? Ben is here to help!

14. “People have been leaving these packages of socks, hats, scarfs, and gloves around my city.”

15. Bought something for our dog, but he died before it got here. Not only did they refund us the money, they also found a florist in our area and sent us flowers in the color of his fur.

What has happened in your life that restored your faith in humanity? We’d be happy to see your comments and pics in the section below!

Preview photo credit throwitintheair22 / reddit


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this little boy from who is about to become a doctor made me smile. Bless those people who give others chances!


nothing makes me more happy to see how people take care of little helpless animals. This reminds me that the world has hope 💕


This is so kind! Even though the last one almost made me cry I think the article was really sweet!


I was homeless for a few months. 1 night a man came up to and gave me money for a hotel room. While still homeless, anotheran gave me money to get a feed and thanked me for taking his money. then another man on the bus gave me some money for food. and then u have my bestie that jist loves me for me

3 years ago
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