10+ Examples of Devastatingly Powerful Social Advertising From 2016

8 months ago

Social advertising often highlights issues that most of us prefer to keep silent about. This is why it’s so incredibly important.

We at Bright Side believe a single poster can often be more convincing than any number of words. Here are some examples to prove this to you.

Give blood. Replenish someone’s life.

A project promoting organ transplants in China.

Child labor. If you don’t speak up, it doesn’t stop.

The longer a child with autism goes without help, the harder they are to reach.

On the importance of making the city accessible for disabled people.

A project aimed at raising awareness about loneliness among the elderly.

A poster for the UN’s World Food Program.

This is how the environment lives: trying to survive.

A reminder that deforestation causes real suffering.

It’s not fur. It’s someone’s mother.

Pokemon are real. Save them all.

Preview photo credit adofdamonth, Box Comunicacao


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I couldnt understand this one

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