Susan Sarandon, 76, Shares Secret to Aging Gracefully

10 months ago

Susan Sarandon stole the spotlight at a recent gala dinner for looking extraordinarily fit and gorgeous. The veteran actress wore a black plunging long-sleeved gown, appearing to look much younger than her age and leaving fans admiring her beauty.

Her latest photos have left people stunned.

The 76-year-old actress posted some snaps to her Instagram from Pomellato’s new high jewelry collection, “Ode to Milan,” in Paris. She had her hair slightly curled and modeled some pieces of jewelry from the collection that complimented her look perfectly.

Fans flooded her comment section to note how wonderful she looked for her age; one even called her “the sexiest woman alive.” Celebrities joined in too. “Well, hello gorgeous!” commented Michelle Pfeiffer, while Alicia Silverstone said, “U are stunning!!!🔥”.

She reveals how she approaches cosmetics and procedures.

Mary Evans/AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot/East News, © susansarandon / Instagram

Susan believes that as you age, less is more for beauty products. She avoids colored eyeshadow and advises finding your style. She has not considered plastic surgery or Botox; she needs her face to move. However, she believes everyone should do what makes them feel good about themselves.

Sarandon favors regular dermabrasion treatments to remove skin cells and keep her face looking young and fresh. She admitted to having liposuction once, “I had something sucked out about 10 or 12 years ago [points to her eye area]. The only thing I have a problem with is when suddenly people have gigantic lips that never had gigantic lips. I’m a little nervous about anything really huge.”

She adds, “It makes me uncomfortable to see really large breast and butt implants; I don’t quite understand what it’s like to live with that. It would be like sitting in your purse all the time!”

She also credits her mom’s genes and her own healthy habits.

Mary Evans/Allstar/Graham Whitby Boot/East News

The actress believes staying engaged, curious, and having fun are essential for maintaining beauty. She also advises against smoking and suggests staying hydrated and avoiding extreme behaviors. She also thanks the “good genes” her mother passed on to her.

She keeps it all simple.

Susan Sarandon stays active by walking, biking, and using the treadmill for 30 minutes. She was a vegetarian but now eats a limited amount of red meat and has reduced carbs. She takes supplements for bone health, arthritis, and overall well-being.

She reveals that after menopause, her metabolism changed, causing her to gain more weight around her belly. “A lot of people I knew were on hormone replacement therapy...but I never went down that road.”

Susan inspires people to feel comfortable in their skin and not worry about what people say. And she lives by this motto, as some people criticize her for wearing daring clothes, but she is too busy being fabulous to pay attention to them.

Preview photo credit Mary Evans/AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot/East News, susansarandon / germanlarkin / Instagram


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