The Sahara Is Growing and Eating Green Lands Slowly

You find yourself in Africa. Land of unique wildlife, home to a great variety of cultures and languages, and, first and foremost, host to the world’s largest hot desert: the Sahara.
You find yourself in Africa. Land of unique wildlife, home to a great variety of cultures and languages, and, first and foremost, host to the world’s largest hot desert: the Sahara.
Okay check this out: each human foot contains 72,000 nerve endings and 26 bones that help us to stand upright and walk. It also has 250,000 sweat glands that can produce up to half a pint of sweat every day!
Using old white T-shirts for cleaning might seem like an odd idea, but it’s actually very handy. Because, first of all, white clothes will immediately show dirt during cleaning, and secondly, they are the easiest to wash—just pour bleach on them. The products listed below will also help you transform your space and enjoy your home sweet home.
Even though cooking for one can be challenging, the best meals more often only call for a few simple ingredients and little effort. Thus, if you think you’re hopeless at cooking, try drawing inspiration from some recipes for one person that even our favorite celebrities have tried and nailed.
It seems like nature always has its own plan and patterns, but only at first glance. Some things can become very unpredictable and unconventional. Even the shape of a simple pepper can surprise you and make you laugh.
Sometimes, even a huge bunch of culinary knowledge can’t protect you from making disappointing mistakes. The thing is, we often act according to our habits and don’t question our methods, believing that it is simply impossible to do better. Due to this, our pancakes are like rubber, our rice is too sticky, and our ground meat turns out dry and tough.
Many of us like to cook. We look for unusual recipes and try to recreate them. However, when we go to a restaurant and compare our homemade dishes with those made by professionals, we realize that our dishes surely are missing something.
When it comes time to make choices at the supermarket, some people may have the belief that the most expensive products are the best, but this is not always the case. Sometimes, you can optimize your budget by choosing inexpensive products that have the same quality as the more expensive ones. One alternative you can try is a private label of a large chain, which can offer the same products at lower prices since they don’t make significant investments in certain commercialization, distribution, marketing, and advertising processes.
New times bring new values and behavioral norms to people. For example, the ways to show good manners continue to change and reflect the features of the epoch in which they arise. For example, in medieval France, people would wipe their hands on the tablecloth and drink soup straight from the bowl. Today these gestures would hardly be perceived as a sign of good manners.
Whenever we drop by a store and see a discount on some products, we instantly want to buy them. However, some things should not be bought even with a big discount, because it’s doubtful whether or not they are even good for us, while we realize that the money we saved on the deal is actually insignificant.
Experts believe that the feet are very connected to the rest of your body, with 72,000 nerve endings in each foot corresponding to different areas. As we age, the circulation in our feet is not as good as it once was and we may need some help keeping them cozy. A simple way to do this is by using pepper. When we eat hot chili peppers, it warms our entire body, including our feet. Here at Bright Side we found this trick very useful during cold winter nights, and would like to share it with you.
Nature never stops finding ways to tickle our minds. And we’re so grateful for that because not a single day ever feels boring. Seeing a pepper go through all 3 stages of ripeness at once or finding out that lemons float and limes sink are just small things that prove how amazing Mother Nature is.
A sweet watermelon has a brown stem and you will find fresh chicken by checking its packaging date. Even if you think that your shopping bag is full of fresh products, maybe you haven’t used all your senses to choose the best ones. Touching the right part of a melon or checking the downside shape of a bell pepper can make a difference in how our dishes taste. Here at Bright Side, we’ve collected 12 healthy foods and prepared a guide full of tricks on how to choose items for the freshest menu.
Scents and emotions are deeply connected with each other. The right perfume helps to boost confidence and enhances the mood. Moreover, it will help you to leave an unforgettable image of yourself that people will remember for a long time. It’s an inalienable part of your style and your personal mark. Even legendary Coco Chanel said: “No elegance is possible without perfume. It is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory.”
Getting the perfect flat stomach is not just about hitting the gym and exercising, the food that you eat matters too. Often the foods recommended for weight loss are bland and uninteresting to the palate. And after a few days, you eventually go back to eating your regular meals, which is certainly detrimental for your flat-tummy aspirations.
Lunch menus reveal a lot about a person. Some people get to enjoy caviar and wine, while others have a bottle of Coca-Cola with bananas and sweets. For example, a ballet dancer consumes 2 times more calories than an average man, Finnish military officers can’t imagine a lunch break without a glass of milk, and mountain climbers can’t live without instant noodles.
You don’t have to take tons of pills to be healthy. All you really need to do is fill your blender with delicious ingredients, and you’ll get exactly what you need every day.
If you’re looking for a natural way to lose those extra pounds or simply to detox your body, we at Bright Side have a solution. These miracle drinks are not only doctor recommended but also very tasty. They boost your metabolism and, as a result, your body burns more fat and gets toned more easily.
Do you know how to make simple but delicious and flavorful dishes for dinner? Try making these recipes for wok noodles with different ingredients.
Want a wonderful dinner without getting stuck four hours in the kitchen? You can always make something brilliant with some potatoes. Some say that simply boiling, baking or frying them with butter and herbs is enough. Sure, it’s certainly tasty, but we decided to look deeper and discovered a far more delicious and mouth-watering variety of ways that you can cook potatoes.
Pasta and pizza are the most popular dishes worldwide, and they both came to us from sunny Italy. The traditional cuisine of this truly unique country is so varied and amazing that it would be impossible to encompass in a single article.
All over the world, people make celebratory meals for Christmas and New Year’s Day that are generally considered to be the best and most delicious in their national culinary tradition. Their reputation has often been proved over generations, with each and every one of them falling in love with their own particular delicacies.
Sandwiches are probably the easiest snack you can make: you can eat them anywhere and at any time; they’ll work for breakfast just as much as they work for lunch or supper; you can make them in a minute at home and take them to work.