Girls stuff

We are proud to present the "Girls Stuff" section, a hub dedicated to the diverse interests of modern women. In order to keep up with its dynamic nature, this platform hosts a variety of articles on topics such as beauty, fashion, personal development, and self-expression.

Explore a wealth of practical and effective beauty tips and hacks. Here, you can learn to revamp your makeup routine, discover superior alternatives to dated beauty products, or master under-eye concealer application. The focus is not only on outer beauty but also holistic wellness, encouraging care for your skin, hair, and overall wellbeing.

For fashion enthusiasts, this section is a treasure trove of inspiration. From indispensable summer styling tips to intricate details that elevate an outfit, there's something for everyone. These fashion tips are designed to help sculpt your ideal silhouette and boost your confidence, irrespective of body type.

Beyond beauty and fashion, this section also tackles societal norms and stereotypes. It champions diversity, promoting body positivity, and reinforcing that beauty transcends clothing or shoe size. Here, stories of resilient women challenging stereotypes and championing self-love and acceptance are shared and celebrated.

Moreover, the section serves as a beacon of inspiration and motivation. It spotlights celebrities who have embraced pregnancy radiantly, renowned women proving beauty isn't tied to shoe size, and individuals proudly showcasing their meaningful jewelry. These narratives remind us of our unique identities and diverse stories.

Stay informed about the latest beauty trends in this space, whether it's the revival of the '70s retro style or the audacious flair of the '90s. You'll find all the latest beauty news and fading fads within your reach.

In essence, this section celebrates womanhood's multifaceted nature. It's a space to be authentic, express individuality, and honor unique beauty. Whether you're looking for beauty tips, fashion guidance, or a spark of inspiration, you'll find it all in this vibrant section.

Recent Stories of Girls stuff

The Unexpected Reason Why Men Are Afraid of Menstrual Periods, Although It’s Normal

The Unexpected Reason Why Men Are Afraid of Menstrual Periods, Although It’s Normal
2 days ago

The topic of menstruation often remains shrouded in mystery and discomfort. Despite its natural and essential role in women’s health, the periods can evoke fear and unease among men, largely due to misconceptions and lack of education. This fear is not only rooted in a misunderstanding of the biological process, but also in the cultural stigmas that have persisted for generations.

18 Women Who Became Completely Unrecognizable After Transformation Shows

18 Women Who Became Completely Unrecognizable After Transformation Shows
6 days ago

Often, even a small change in appearance can significantly boost your self-esteem. We believe all women are beautiful; sometimes, they just need a bit of help to see it themselves. Here are 18 women from transformation shows who found more confidence with a little makeup and a new hairstyle.

10 Cool Summer Pedicure Ideas That Would Make You Want to Flaunt Your Feet

10 Cool Summer Pedicure Ideas That Would Make You Want to Flaunt Your Feet
week ago

In summer, we tend to wear open shoes, sit on the terrace at a cafe, and go to the beach. And a pedicure is a great addition to a summer look. But some people don't know what color to choose to paint their toenails. And we've got some cool ideas for pedicures. And in the bonus section, you'll find a pedicure design that is not recommended to be used under any circumstances, even if it's on trend.

9 Clothing Items That Are Best to Avoid When Wearing Jeans

9 Clothing Items That Are Best to Avoid When Wearing Jeans
2 weeks ago

Jeans are an essential part of a modern wardrobe. It might seem that you can combine your favorite pair of jeans with any T-shirt or blouse, and immediately look cool. But to look really stylish, it’s worth considering a few things at once. For example, there are ensembles that are best to avoid.

13 Women Shared Their "Unhygienic" Makeup Practices They Swear By

13 Women Shared Their "Unhygienic" Makeup Practices They Swear By
3 weeks ago

When it comes to beauty routines, everyone has their own unique methods and secrets for looking fabulous. While hygiene is a top priority for many, some women have embraced unconventional makeup practices that might raise a few eyebrows. From skipping brush cleanings to using expired products, these practices might not follow the usual rules, but they work wonders for those who swear by them.

10 Women Who Started Discovering Skin Care and Now Can’t Stop Radiating Joy

10 Women Who Started Discovering Skin Care and Now Can’t Stop Radiating Joy
month ago

Our heroines understand the direct impact of skin condition on mood and confidence. They’ve discovered effective skincare routines, now reveling in their reflections. Some altered lifestyles, others opted for beauty treatments like injections or skincare products. While they boast about their results, we advise consulting a dermatologist before trying unfamiliar products on your skin.

20+ Beach Photos That Prove Women Have Always Been Fond of Daring Swimsuits

20+ Beach Photos That Prove Women Have Always Been Fond of Daring Swimsuits
month ago

Most of us remember our grandmothers as women of age, wearing modest dresses and scolding their granddaughters for too revealing outfits. But once grandmothers were young too, and they used to rock racy swimsuits on the shores of rivers, lakes and oceans, flaunt their chiseled legs and wasp waist. And it's a real pleasure to look at these vintage photos.

14 Women Whose Patience Deserves a Monument

14 Women Whose Patience Deserves a Monument
month ago

Wonder women do exist: they are all around us. These are ordinary women who have patience and strength to withstand their irresponsible husbands or unhelpful friends, and many other things.

11 Pics That Show the Harsh Reality of Following Modern Beauty Standards

11 Pics That Show the Harsh Reality of Following Modern Beauty Standards
month ago

The enduring adage “beauty is pain” has become deeply ingrained in the collective psyche, perpetuated through generations as a timeless axiom. Women, in particular, have shouldered the burden of this belief. The rituals of waxing, plucking, threading, and myriad other grooming practices are often perceived as essential rites of passage on the journey to beauty. The discomfort, and at times outright agony, associated with these procedures is frequently viewed as a badge of honor, emblematic of a steadfast commitment to achieving an idealized image.

Trending stories of Girls stuff

9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science

9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science
10 months ago

The quest for beauty has always been a topic of fascination, often subject to changing trends and individual perceptions. While the concept of beauty remains subjective, an intriguing formula rooted in the golden ratio has ignited discussions about the proportions of the human body and their perceived attractiveness. In a world where celebrities often set the standards for beauty, it’s no wonder that people are curious about who possesses the “most perfect” bodies according to this unique approach.The golden ratio, often referred to as the divine proportion, has captivated artists, architects, and mathematicians for centuries. Its presence in nature and art lends an air of mystique to the concept. Applied to the human body, this ratio translates into specific proportions that are said to be aesthetically pleasing. But is it possible to distill the complexity of human beauty into a formula?Enter the list of “9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science.” This intriguing compilation has captured attention, sparking both curiosity and controversy. The concept that science could quantify and rank beauty seems paradoxical, yet it taps into our innate desire to understand and quantify the world around us. Through the lens of the golden ratio, these women’s bodies are evaluated and compared, inviting discussions on whether such an approach can truly encapsulate the allure of human beauty.However, it’s important to remember that beauty transcends numbers. Every individual possesses a unique charm that defies standardized calculations. The diversity of human bodies, cultures, and preferences makes it clear that no single formula can encompass the essence of beauty in all its forms. What the “9 Famous Women” list does accomplish, though, is to fuel conversations about the influence of media, societal ideals, and our perceptions of attractiveness.In a world that’s increasingly valuing inclusivity and redefining beauty standards, the golden ratio’s role in determining beauty might appear antiquated. The charm of imperfection, the allure of individuality, and the celebration of diverse bodies all contribute to a richer understanding of beauty. While the formula might hint at certain proportions that humans have historically admired, it’s the stories, personalities, and achievements of these women that truly make them inspirational. The idea of identifying the “most perfect” bodies through a scientific formula is captivating, but it’s important to remember that beauty encompasses more than just proportions. The list of “9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science” highlights the interplay between mathematics and aesthetics, but it’s the uniqueness and individuality of each person that truly defines beauty in all its splendid forms.

16 Brave Girls Agreed to Compare Makeup Done by Them and by a Professional, and the Results Might Surprise You

16 Brave Girls Agreed to Compare Makeup Done by Them and by a Professional, and the Results Might Surprise You
11 months ago

Nail artist Julia Ismailova is not the only one who actually implements the “wow” effect when it comes to the following transformations. The main feature of her “reboots” is to show the heroine “before” — with the makeup she does by herself daily and “after” — with the look created by her, the expert. The girls share their ideas and based on that, the artist corrects their makeup. This means that the results always incorporate input from the heroines and not just Julia’s personal vision.

16 Examples of Good Manners That Show You Are Dealing With a True Lady

16 Examples of Good Manners That Show You Are Dealing With a True Lady
3 years ago

In the Middle Ages, it was the wives of British lords who had the title of “ladies.” In today’s world, this word has a broader meaning. A lady in the current world is a woman who can behave decently in any situation, whether it’s a meeting with an old friend or in an elite society. People turn around when she passes and look at her with awe, and even the most avid of cynics and skeptics can’t help but compliment her. Of course, true ladies have little secrets that help them always stay on top. Ultimately, a lady is a woman who commands and gives respect, within reason.

9 Etiquette Rules That Any Modern Lady Needs to Know

9 Etiquette Rules That Any Modern Lady Needs to Know
4 years ago

In the past, there were strict rules of etiquette that people were supposed to follow. But in modern society, these lines have been blurred, and the rules of behavior have been changed. But still, there are some details that can reveal a true lady.

7 Haircuts That’ll Flatter Your Face Shape and Emphasize Your Unique Facial Features

7 Haircuts That’ll Flatter Your Face Shape and Emphasize Your Unique Facial Features
year ago

Small eyes are considered to be attractive, round faces give us a youthful look, and people with big ears are adorable, just look at Anne Hathaway! There are so many unique features out there that give us our own special charm. Some people, however, want to fix these things anyway. That’s their choice, but we hope they keep in mind that they can actually do it without surgery. All they need to do is change their hairstyle.

10 Beauty Standards Women Don’t Care About Anymore

10 Beauty Standards Women Don’t Care About Anymore
year ago

Every era had its own culture, fashion, and, of course, beauty standards. In the 2000s, for example, Kate Moss’s body was considered a benchmark: extremely skinny, flat stomach, no curves. Nowadays, fashionistas, on the contrary, are trying to make their bodies curvier. But many women have got sick and tired of others telling them what they should look like. So, we decided to find out what beauty standards bother women around the world the most.

Best of the Week of Girls stuff

15 Cartoons About the Controversial Nature of Girls

15 Cartoons About the Controversial Nature of Girls
10 months ago

Lisa is a charming troublemaker and a very nice girl. She is also a classic example of the controversial nature of women. She lives with her boyfriend and raccoon. She loves avocado, and she likes looking for trouble together with her friend. Bright Side has drawn cartoons about the difficulties this girl has to face. Real girls will easily recognize themselves in her.

8 Common Hairstyle Mistakes That Can Make You Look Older

8 Common Hairstyle Mistakes That Can Make You Look Older
4 years ago

When it comes to their image, hairstyles are important to many women. Well-groomed hair can enhance features of the face and smooth out its flaws, while an incorrectly chosen haircut or hair color can spoil even the brightest appearance and can highlight unwanted features.

Women Are Wearing “Unapproachable Makeup” as a Way of Deterring Men

Women Are Wearing “Unapproachable Makeup” as a Way of Deterring Men
10 months ago

Young ladies have found a gorgeous way to ward off unwanted attention from men. They transform their faces using “unapproachable makeup”. The hashtag #UnapproachableMakeup has collected 91.3 million views on TikTok. Thousands of women are showing off their very bold makeup looks as hack to “put off men”.

Monthly Top Picks of Girls stuff

What Clothes Women Need to Choose for 5 Non-Standard Leg Shapes

What Clothes Women Need to Choose for 5 Non-Standard Leg Shapes
4 years ago

Trends are tempting and some of us may be seduced by them even if they don’t fit us. Leggings, kitten heels, and babydoll dresses can even spoil your figure and show your legs from a less attractive side. But most trends can still be followed if we just listen to these simple tips.

10 Little Things That Can Make Us Look Older

10 Little Things That Can Make Us Look Older
year ago

Sometimes just a single small detail can make you look older than you really are. And perhaps very few people really want that. Considering this, we decided to figure out what things can make us look older and how to avoid this.

14 Women Who Know Firsthand Makeup Is a Tricky Thing to Deal With

14 Women Who Know Firsthand Makeup Is a Tricky Thing to Deal With
7 months ago

You can always use makeup to cover up an unsightly pimple or to emphasize the beauty of your eyes. However, every woman knows that it’s not that simple. Sometimes makeup can become a reason of problems that are mentioned neither in ads nor in cosmetic shops. The heroines of our article showed that something can go wrong at any moment.