Family & kids

From the joyous chaos of playtime to the heartwarming moments of familial love, the "Family & Kids" section invites you to explore the many facets of family life. It's a space dedicated to sharing stories, advice, and insights about familial bonds that make life meaningful and fulfilling.

Here you can find a variety of topics, each shedding light on the complex and beautiful dynamics of family life. You'll read stories that highlight parenting trials and triumphs, offering perspectives from different walks of life and diverse family structures. Here, we celebrate the unconventional and embrace the unique, recognizing that every family has its own story to tell.

In the "Family & Kids" section, we believe in the importance of lifelong learning. You'll find thought-provoking articles that challenge common misconceptions and encourage open discussion about topics that matter. From understanding the benefits of sleeping in separate beds to navigating the complexities of sibling relationships, we aim to provide you with a fresh look at family dynamics.

Safety and well-being are paramount to us. We share tips and insights from experts that can help ensure your loved ones' safety. Whether it's a swimming instructor warning about the dangers of a seemingly harmless habit or a story highlighting the importance of DNA testing, our articles are designed to inform and educate.

As we explore the world of parenting, we also delve into the joys and challenges of raising children. From celebrity parenting styles to the awe-inspiring resilience of parents searching for their lost child, our articles encapsulate the breadth of experiences that shape the journey of parenthood.

In the spirit of inclusivity, we also shine a light on controversial topics that spark important conversations about parenting decisions. We believe in creating a platform for open dialogue, where everyone can share their views and learn from others.

Overall, the "Family & Kids" section is a celebration of family life in all its forms. It's a space where you can immerse yourself in stories that inspire, educate, and provoke thought. No matter what your family looks like, we hope that our content will resonate with you, offering a deeper understanding of the dynamics that make family life both challenging and rewarding.

Join us as we explore the intricate tapestry of family life, diving into stories that capture the essence of love, resilience, and the undeniable bond that ties us together.

Recent Stories of Family & kids

I Demand My 19 Y.O. Stepdaughter to Babysit — My House Is Not a Free Hotel

I Demand My 19 Y.O. Stepdaughter to Babysit — My House Is Not a Free Hotel
18 hours ago

Finding harmony in blended families can be a challenge, especially when unexpected issues arise. Becky, a mother of a two-year-old, asked her 19-year-old stepdaughter to babysit while she worked, but the stepdaughter refused. Frustrated, Becky demanded her stepdaughter contribute to the household by paying rent. This disagreement spiraled into an unforeseen conflict, leaving Becky feeling devastated and at a loss for what to do. She reached out for advice, hoping to navigate this difficult situation.

Why I Stopped Giving My Child Pocket Money, and Never Regretted It

Why I Stopped Giving My Child Pocket Money, and Never Regretted It
day ago

At school, I was almost the only child who got pocket money from the parents. I could keep track of my expenses, treat my friends with goodies or even to save up for presents for my loved ones. Therefore, when my son went to the first grade, I decided, without thinking much, that I will give him pocket money so he could buy all sorts of things. However, this didn’t go really well at first.

I Blew Up at My Mother-in-Law After She Tried to Take Over My Home

I Blew Up at My Mother-in-Law After She Tried to Take Over My Home
day ago

After five years of marriage, one woman faces a major problem — her mother-in-law. From the very beginning, her MIL made it clear she didn’t approve, using passive-aggressive remarks and even outright sabotage. Despite trying to keep the peace, tensions finally reached a boiling point when a recent incident pushed her too far. Discover what happened when she decided that enough was enough.

My MIL Embarrassed Me in Public, and I Got My Payback

My MIL Embarrassed Me in Public, and I Got My Payback
2 days ago

Being humiliated in public is a nightmare for most of us. And if your mother-in-law is the one responsible for your embarrassment, the situation can become even more complicated. Would you seek revenge, or would you choose to remain silent to keep the peace in the family? One of our readers reached out to us with her story about standing her ground, but now she’s unsure whether she made the right choice.

I Kicked My Stepmom Out of My Dad’s House for My Wedding

I Kicked My Stepmom Out of My Dad’s House for My Wedding
2 days ago

We envision our wedding as the happiest and most memorable day of our lives, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. For her special day, Louisa requested that her stepmom stay away to prevent any tensions with her mom. The stepmom, feeling hurt—especially since the ceremony was set to take place in Louisa’s dad's house—was taken aback by the request. Tensions quickly escalated, resulting in a disastrous wedding day. Devastated by the turn of events, Louisa reached out to us for advice.

I Forbade My Fiancé to Make Reels/Shorts With Our 2-Year-Old Kid, Here’s Why

I Forbade My Fiancé to Make Reels/Shorts With Our 2-Year-Old Kid, Here’s Why
2 days ago

There’s probably a constant battle between those who prefer to keep as much anonymous in social networks as they can, and those whose lives are like on the palm of a hand, visible to everyone on the Internet. Our today’s heroine is a woman, who’s experiencing this battle with her own husband, who wants to post videos with their daughter on his social media. But the woman prefers not to reveal her kid’s identity and is really anxious about such videos. She took to Reddit to ask for people’s advice and told her full story that made people comment vigorously on the subject.

10 Times We Realized We Wouldn't Trade Our Parents for the World

10 Times We Realized We Wouldn't Trade Our Parents for the World
3 days ago

Our parents dedicated their hard work, emotional energy, and countless sacrifices to raise us to the best of their ability. Although they may not possess the extraordinary powers of the heroes in our beloved comic books, their immense kindness, unconditional love, and unwavering support truly make them everyday superheroes. Today, we want to highlight some of the most touching things parents did to keep their kids safe and happy.

My Husband Skipped Our Baby’s Birth — He Had "More Important" Plans

My Husband Skipped Our Baby’s Birth — He Had "More Important" Plans
3 days ago

The birth of a child is one of the most significant moments in a couple's life, but Teresa was heartbroken when her husband chose to spend the day with his son instead of being present for the birth of their baby. This decision set off a chain of unfortunate events, leaving her unsure of how to move forward. Now, she's seeking advice on how to navigate the challenges ahead.

I Fought to Get My Sister’s Inheritance — She Lives in Luxury While I’m a Poor Widow

I Fought to Get My Sister’s Inheritance — She Lives in Luxury While I’m a Poor Widow
3 days ago

Disputes over inheritances frequently result in family conflicts and enduring rifts. This was the case for Bree, who believed she was entitled to her sister’s portion of the funds due to her greater need. However, her sister declined her request, leading to unexpected developments that took Bree by surprise. She decided to share her experience and sought guidance on how to navigate the situation.

My Mother-in-Law Is Using Dirty Tricks to Make Me Leave Her Home

My Mother-in-Law Is Using Dirty Tricks to Make Me Leave Her Home
4 days ago

Conflicts between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law can easily arise, particularly when they live under the same roof. Finding a way to maintain respect while asserting personal boundaries is crucial for family harmony. Recently, a woman faced significant emotional strain due to a challenging situation with her mother-in-law, making it difficult for her to handle the growing tension while maintaining her own sense of independence. Seeking support, she reached out to Bright Side for advice.

Trending stories of Family & kids

I Was Worried That My Sister Is in Love With My Wife, and Accidentally Discovered a Mind-Stirring Truth

I Was Worried That My Sister Is in Love With My Wife, and Accidentally Discovered a Mind-Stirring Truth
7 months ago

A man, 34, has recently written a letter to our editorial and told his story that could be a vivid example of how things in life may take a 180° turn. The man shared how he was suspicious about his sister and his wife having a romance, and he had a lot of evidence for thinking so. But one day, he found out a real truth about their relationship, and it was far from what he initially expected.

I Am Scared of My Mother-In-Law After a Recent Family Dinner With Her

I Am Scared of My Mother-In-Law After a Recent Family Dinner With Her
5 months ago

While talking about their mothers-in-law, some people choose the nicest words and expressions and show only the positive emotions. But there’re people, who call their MILs “monster-in-law”, and there’s a reason for it. This happened to our today’s heroine, a woman, 33, who used to have the most optimistic expectations about her further relationship with her husband’s mom. But her illusions crashed after she went for dinner with her MIL.

I’m Selling My House to Get Rid of My Stepchildren

I’m Selling My House to Get Rid of My Stepchildren
3 months ago

Blending households with stepchildren can bring unique challenges that test the limits of patience, love, and personal space. For one man in particular, the pressure became so intense that drastic measures seemed like the only solution.

20 Pictures That Capture the Adventures Almost Every Mom Has to Deal With Every Day

20 Pictures That Capture the Adventures Almost Every Mom Has to Deal With Every Day
3 years ago

Motherhood is an experience like no other. Having a baby can fill us with a lifetime of beautiful moments that we will treasure for the rest of our lives. And with the birth of a child, our priorities may change. We may now look at life as a completely different adventure, full of happiness, but also, with a lot of frustration caused by the tantrums of our little ones. But in spite of these things, we will always love them, and we still enjoy their company no matter what.

7 Things Parents Do That Unintentionally Push Kids Away

7 Things Parents Do That Unintentionally Push Kids Away
3 years ago

Sometimes, even a simple question, like “How was your day?” can make your kid not want to be around you or spend time with you. That’s why parents, from time to time, should step into their kids’ shoes and see what they actually need from them.

I Banned My SIL From Seeing My Baby After She Made a Creepy Joke That Raised Red Flags

I Banned My SIL From Seeing My Baby After She Made a Creepy Joke That Raised Red Flags
7 months ago

We can never be sure what we’re marrying into family-wise. This makes one’s in-laws a kind of lottery. While some of us are lucky to get a second set of parents or siblings, others end up having new family members who would go so far as to try to steal their baby. That’s exactly what happened to one woman who took to Reddit and told a mind-boggling story of her relationship with her SIL, which grew to an unhealthy shade after the woman gave birth to her baby son.

16 Times Kids Surprised Us With Their Responses

16 Times Kids Surprised Us With Their Responses
2 years ago

Being a parent does bring a unique mixture of feelings to a person’s life. From pride to fear, parenthood is a never-ending roller coaster of diverse emotions, especially when parenting a toddler or a child going to primary school. In that case, you’re probably familiar with hearing random ideas and unexpected thoughts coming from your child’s creative mind.

15 People Who Found Out Their Family Was Hiding Something From Them

15 People Who Found Out Their Family Was Hiding Something From Them
9 months ago

Most families likely have their own long-held secrets, spanning decades or even centuries. However, eventually, all hidden truths tend to come to light. Today, the growing interest in tracing family histories and the occasional stroke of luck can accelerate this unveiling process. The people in our compilation have discovered fascinating stories that have greatly changed how they see the world.

Best of the Week of Family & kids

My Husband and MIL Treated Me Like a Free Maid, I Taught Them an Epic Lesson They’ll Never Forget

My Husband and MIL Treated Me Like a Free Maid, I Taught Them an Epic Lesson They’ll Never Forget
2 months ago

Sometimes, relationships between women and their in-laws (especially, mothers-in-law) may resemble a volcano that's going to erupt and throw out tons of hot lava. And our today's heroine has experienced such an explosive relationship in her own family. When her MIL moved in with her and her husband, the woman's life turned into a complete hell. Her beloved spouse didn't even want to protect her from a humiliating behavior of his mother. The desperate woman once lost her patience and taught her MIL and husband a lesson that was bitter for both of them. Here's the woman's story which she shared with us in her letter.

I Will Not Tolerate Humiliation Just Because I’m Not Rich

I Will Not Tolerate Humiliation Just Because I’m Not Rich
2 months ago

Money issues frequently create strain in relationships, particularly when there’s a significant disparity in the financial standing of the partners. This was the case for Darren shortly after his marriage. As a young man with considerably less wealth than his wife’s family, he found himself in a challenging and, to him, deeply embarrassing situation, leading to a strong emotional response. Darren reached out to us seeking guidance.

I Kicked My MIL Out on Mother’s Day, Because It's MY HOLIDAY

I Kicked My MIL Out on Mother’s Day, Because It's MY HOLIDAY
5 months ago

Mother’s Day, a special day meant to honor and appreciate mothers, can sometimes turn into a battleground of mixed feelings and misunderstandings. From family disagreements to unmet expectations, this day designed to celebrate moms can sometimes bring unexpected drama, just like what happened in the story of our reader, Lily.

My Granddaughter Kicked Me Out Because I Had No Money Left, I Taught Her a Lesson She Will Never Forget

My Granddaughter Kicked Me Out Because I Had No Money Left, I Taught Her a Lesson She Will Never Forget
4 months ago

A woman, 65, has penned an emotional letter to our editorial and shared her story that made a huge stir among us. She shared how she raised her grandkids as her own kids after their parents died in a bad accident. The woman went through a lot and gave these children the best of lives, only to discover later that her granddaughter want to get rid of her because she had no money left. But the loving grandma didn't want to swallow this bitter pill and decided to teach her a lesson that they'll probably remember for the rest of their lives.

My In-Laws Begged Me to Get Back to Their Son, but I Told Them the Embarrassing Truth About Him

My In-Laws Begged Me to Get Back to Their Son, but I Told Them the Embarrassing Truth About Him
4 months ago

A woman, 35, can’t believe that her husband wants her to come back to him after a painful split that she went through. And he didn’t even come to ask her, but the visit was paid by his parents. Our protagonist appeared to be on the crossroads, when she had to make a painful decision and tell the unsuspecting parents about what kind of a person they had brought up. The woman wrote us a letter where she poured her heart out and asked our readers for a piece of advice regarding the difficult situation she appeared to be in.

My Husband Refuses to Get a Nice Graduation Gift for My Daughter

My Husband Refuses to Get a Nice Graduation Gift for My Daughter
4 months ago

When it comes to finances, some blended families encounter challenges or may struggle to treat all children equally. For instance, Lindsay desired her daughter to receive the same treatment as her stepdaughter, leading her to consider purchasing an expensive graduation gift. However, her husband disagreed, stating that it was his money, and suggested she opt for something less costly. Lindsay felt disheartened and reached out to us for guidance.

Monthly Top Picks of Family & kids

15 Pics Proving That Kids Have Their Own Rules in This World

15 Pics Proving That Kids Have Their Own Rules in This World
2 years ago

The frontal cortex is the part of the brain responsible for cognitive skills, and as we mature, that part of the brain becomes more “rational,” allowing us to make better value judgments and decisions. However, kids’ brains are a whole other ball game, bubbling with crazy ideas and perpetuating the youngsters to push the limits of what adults consider normal and logical. Bright Side wants to present you with 15 pictures that prove kids live in a parallel world where the rules are governed only by the limits of their imaginations and their incomprehensible levels of energy.

My Teenage Daughter Got Pregnant, and I Refuse to Raise the Baby

My Teenage Daughter Got Pregnant, and I Refuse to Raise the Baby
8 months ago

It is common to hear stories of parents leaving their children in the care of grandparents for various reasons. That’s why grandparents play an active role in the upbringing and education of their grandchildren. But they are not always willing to raise a child again, as in the case of our next story.

10 Comics That Show We Have a Long Way to Go to Catch Up With Our Moms

10 Comics That Show We Have a Long Way to Go to Catch Up With Our Moms
3 years ago

Usually, when our moms are at our homes it seems like things are a lot different. Calmer mornings with a nice breakfast on the table, homemade cakes, and even our plants are starting to come to life. It’s like they are using magic. That’s why for most of us it seems like we can never catch up with them, but what we can do is have a good laugh about the contrast between us.

17 Signs That Can Help You Understand Your Baby Better

17 Signs That Can Help You Understand Your Baby Better
2 years ago

When a baby is really young, their parents tend to have a bunch of fears about their little one’s well-being and health. They try to guess exactly what their baby wants and what it is that might be causing them discomfort. But how do you understand babies without using words? Experts outline 3 main methods that can help babies communicate with adults.