Family & kids

From the joyous chaos of playtime to the heartwarming moments of familial love, the "Family & Kids" section invites you to explore the many facets of family life. It's a space dedicated to sharing stories, advice, and insights about familial bonds that make life meaningful and fulfilling.

Here you can find a variety of topics, each shedding light on the complex and beautiful dynamics of family life. You'll read stories that highlight parenting trials and triumphs, offering perspectives from different walks of life and diverse family structures. Here, we celebrate the unconventional and embrace the unique, recognizing that every family has its own story to tell.

In the "Family & Kids" section, we believe in the importance of lifelong learning. You'll find thought-provoking articles that challenge common misconceptions and encourage open discussion about topics that matter. From understanding the benefits of sleeping in separate beds to navigating the complexities of sibling relationships, we aim to provide you with a fresh look at family dynamics.

Safety and well-being are paramount to us. We share tips and insights from experts that can help ensure your loved ones' safety. Whether it's a swimming instructor warning about the dangers of a seemingly harmless habit or a story highlighting the importance of DNA testing, our articles are designed to inform and educate.

As we explore the world of parenting, we also delve into the joys and challenges of raising children. From celebrity parenting styles to the awe-inspiring resilience of parents searching for their lost child, our articles encapsulate the breadth of experiences that shape the journey of parenthood.

In the spirit of inclusivity, we also shine a light on controversial topics that spark important conversations about parenting decisions. We believe in creating a platform for open dialogue, where everyone can share their views and learn from others.

Overall, the "Family & Kids" section is a celebration of family life in all its forms. It's a space where you can immerse yourself in stories that inspire, educate, and provoke thought. No matter what your family looks like, we hope that our content will resonate with you, offering a deeper understanding of the dynamics that make family life both challenging and rewarding.

Join us as we explore the intricate tapestry of family life, diving into stories that capture the essence of love, resilience, and the undeniable bond that ties us together.

Recent Stories of Family & kids

I Will NOT Pay a Dime After Being Invited to an All-Inclusive Trip

I Will NOT Pay a Dime After Being Invited to an All-Inclusive Trip
8 hours ago

Financial matters frequently cause friction within families, as Dan learned during a family vacation that was meant to be joyful and festive. Initially assured that all costs would be covered, he was subsequently asked to help pay for a birthday present. This unforeseen demand soured the trip, leading Dan to turn to us for guidance.

I Refused to Put Up With My In-Laws Just Because We Owe Them

I Refused to Put Up With My In-Laws Just Because We Owe Them
2 days ago

Once we get married and have our own home, we value our privacy and peace of mind. However, Cynthia, a young newlywed, is often dealing with unannounced visits from her in-laws. Her husband insists she tolerate it and be respectful because his parents helped them buy the house. Cynthia, now at her wit’s end, shared her full story with us.

I Refuse to Let My Husband’s Daughter Live With Us Unless She Follows My Rules

I Refuse to Let My Husband’s Daughter Live With Us Unless She Follows My Rules
3 days ago

Emily never wanted to live in the same house with her husband’s teenage daughter. However, when the daughter asked to move in, Emily felt she couldn’t simply say no. She agreed but made it clear that her stepdaughter would need to respect her rules. Emily didn’t expect her request to lead to family drama and conflict, so she turned to Bright Side seeking advice.

My Son’s Money Should Go to Our Family, Not His In-Laws

My Son’s Money Should Go to Our Family, Not His In-Laws
4 days ago

Family disagreements over finances can be particularly intense and emotional. May feels strongly that her son should prioritize funding his sister’s medical treatments over covering his in-laws’ rent. After expressing her concerns, the situation took an unexpected and heart-wrenching turn. May reached out to share her challenging experience with us.

I Overheard a Conversation Between My Mom and My Mother-in-Law, Now I Want to Ditch Them Both From My Life Forever

I Overheard a Conversation Between My Mom and My Mother-in-Law, Now I Want to Ditch Them Both From My Life Forever
4 days ago

Sometimes, we may have an illusion that we know everything about our close family members. But a mere accident may reveal such nasty secrets about our dearest ones that it may ruin even the happiest relationships. Our today’s protagonist has been living with a belief that both her mom and her MIL wish her only the best, but she accidentally revealed that the two women united against her and thought they had a right to make life decisions instead of her. Now the woman recovered from her initial shock and here’s her full story.

I Objected at My Mom’s Wedding and Brought the Day to a Screeching Halt

I Objected at My Mom’s Wedding and Brought the Day to a Screeching Halt
5 days ago

Ever wondered what would happen if someone actually objected at a wedding, just like in the movies? Well, one of our readers did it—at her own mother's wedding, no less. What followed was a day she'll never forget, for all the wrong reasons.Before you dive into this tale of family drama, be warned: sometimes those movie moments are best left on the silver screen. Here's how one daughter brought her mom's big day to chaos and learned a hard lesson about real-life consequences.

My MIL Offered Me $80k To Leave My Husband — I Made Her Regret About It

My MIL Offered Me $80k To Leave My Husband — I Made Her Regret About It
6 days ago

Navigating family relationships can be difficult, especially when it involves in-laws. Many couples struggle with stress and conflict due to parents who are overly involved. Achieving a balanced approach is essential when one partner feels torn between their spouse and their controlling parents.

I Refuse to Be My MIL’s Servant Just Because I Live Under Her Roof

I Refuse to Be My MIL’s Servant Just Because I Live Under Her Roof
6 days ago

Being newlyweds is challenging, particularly when an infant resides with your in-laws. Nineteen-year-old Rain finds herself in this exact predicament, frequently butting heads with her mother-in-law regarding household regulations. Rain feels overwhelmed, and the situation deteriorates further when she finally voices her concerns. Seeking guidance, she turned to us for support.

Trending stories of Family & kids

My Husband Ordered Me to Stop Breastfeeding Our Baby Because of My Sister-in-Law

My Husband Ordered Me to Stop Breastfeeding Our Baby Because of My Sister-in-Law
3 months ago

Parenting comes with its share of challenges, particularly when external influences impact the decisions you make. Recently, a woman found herself in a disagreement with her husband due to her sister-in-law’s interference with her parenting choices. This clash between personal autonomy and familial expectations led her to reach out to Bright Side for advice on navigating this delicate situation and finding a solution.

15+ Moments When Children Showed Us Who’s the Boss

15+ Moments When Children Showed Us Who’s the Boss
year ago

Children’s ingenuity is truly enviable. Sometimes, they do or say something really weird, but it can sound or look so funny that even a stern adult will crack up with laughter. We discovered an internet thread where parents shared anecdotes about their children. And we found these stories so hilarious that we really wanted to share them with you.

My Granddaughter Kicked Me Out Because I Had No Money Left, I Taught Her a Lesson She Will Never Forget

My Granddaughter Kicked Me Out Because I Had No Money Left, I Taught Her a Lesson She Will Never Forget
month ago

A woman, 65, has penned an emotional letter to our editorial and shared her story that made a huge stir among us. She shared how she raised her grandkids as her own kids after their parents died in a bad accident. The woman went through a lot and gave these children the best of lives, only to discover later that her granddaughter want to get rid of her because she had no money left. But the loving grandma didn't want to swallow this bitter pill and decided to teach her a lesson that they'll probably remember for the rest of their lives.

10 People Who Discovered a Family Mystery That Rocked Their World

10 People Who Discovered a Family Mystery That Rocked Their World
2 months ago

Every family likely harbors its own secrets, some guarded for decades, or even centuries. Eventually, most secrets come to light, and the revelations can be so astonishing that they divide a person’s life into distinct ’before’ and ’after’ chapters. Below, 10 people share shocking discoveries from their family histories, perhaps prompting you to seek out hidden truths within your own.

20 Bright Siders Share Stories That Prove Children Live to Tell the Truth to Anyone They Meet

20 Bright Siders Share Stories That Prove Children Live to Tell the Truth to Anyone They Meet
year ago

There is not the slightest doubt that we were all children once, but there is a big difference between that and remembering those early years. Precisely for that reason, it is not uncommon to feel the blush rise to our cheeks and white smoke come out of our ears every time one of our beloved children comes up with a witty comeback. We continue walking while we draw a nervous smile on our face, trying to hide the embarrassment of the situation.

I Can’t Believe What My Ex-Husband Asked Our Daughter to Do

I Can’t Believe What My Ex-Husband Asked Our Daughter to Do
3 months ago

Imagine the shock and concern you’d feel if your child came to you upset because something important to them had been taken away. That’s exactly what Sonia experienced when she learned that her 7-year-old daughter had been moved to a different bedroom at her dad’s house. Sonia felt like her world was turned upside down, and she was desperate to protect her daughter from any harm. So, she reached out to us for guidance.

I Refused to Let a Family Tragedy Ruin My Wedding Day

I Refused to Let a Family Tragedy Ruin My Wedding Day
month ago

Family is meant to provide unwavering support during our toughest times, but life can throw us into incredibly difficult situations. Just as Leah’s wedding approached, tragedy struck: her sister’s husband and son tragically passed away just days before the ceremony. In the midst of this heartache, Leah’s sister insisted she cancel the wedding, but she stood her ground.However, what followed was a heartbreaking turn of events. Leah shared her story with us.

10 People Who Unveiled a Family Mystery That Redefined Reality

10 People Who Unveiled a Family Mystery That Redefined Reality
2 months ago

In every household, there are probably concealed truths, some kept hidden for generations. Over time, these hidden facts tend to surface, often causing profound revelations that reshape one’s life. In this compilation, 10 people recount startling mysteries from their family’s past that have turned their world upside down.

Best of the Week of Family & kids

8 Signs You Grew Up in a Toxic Family

8 Signs You Grew Up in a Toxic Family
4 years ago

Tantrums, anxiety, hiding real emotions, and low self-esteem — sadly, some parents manage to pass down all of these negative qualities to their kids. Their egoism and indifference toward their children’s feelings make a huge impact on them in their childhood. As a result, kids start to criticize themselves, feel helpless, and have problems in their social lives.

11 Illustrations Showing That Moms Definitely Use Magic

11 Illustrations Showing That Moms Definitely Use Magic
4 years ago

Magic does exist and we see it every day. These magicians are our moms – those special people who create the most magnificent of miracles for us every single day. They must have a secret or some tricks up their sleeves because if not – then how could they possibly do it?

I Kicked My MIL Out on Mother’s Day, Because It's MY HOLIDAY

I Kicked My MIL Out on Mother’s Day, Because It's MY HOLIDAY
2 months ago

Mother’s Day, a special day meant to honor and appreciate mothers, can sometimes turn into a battleground of mixed feelings and misunderstandings. From family disagreements to unmet expectations, this day designed to celebrate moms can sometimes bring unexpected drama, just like what happened in the story of our reader, Lily.

12 Things Our Moms Did That Prove They’re Real Heroines

12 Things Our Moms Did That Prove They’re Real Heroines
4 years ago

There are more than 2 billion moms in the world. And all of them have one thing in common — well, 2 things: they love their kids and they all are heroines. They sacrifice everything for us and we couldn’t be more thankful for this.

I Came Across an Unfamiliar Phone Recording Me as I Was Changing in My Closet

I Came Across an Unfamiliar Phone Recording Me as I Was Changing in My Closet
2 months ago

The invasion of privacy goes beyond breaching personal boundaries; it can shatter trust and even trigger intense fear. Recently, a wife encountered a similar scenario when she stumbled upon an intruder’s phone in her closet. Overwhelmed with panic, she hurried to her husband for support, only to be met with an insensitive response. Seeking guidance, she reached out to Bright Side by crafting a heartfelt letter, seeking advice on how to navigate this challenging situation.

12 Situations Where Parents Hurt Their Children and Don’t Even Realize It

12 Situations Where Parents Hurt Their Children and Don’t Even Realize It
2 years ago

Nowadays, there are so many different recommendations about how to raise children correctly and they are often quite controversial. But doctors and psychologists continue to conduct new experiments, analyze the results, and then make new lists of recommendations. In the beginning, these tips may sound strange, but when you learn more about the details, they turn out to be quite useful.

Monthly Top Picks of Family & kids

I Refused to Make Separate Meals for My Stepdaughter — Now Everyone’s Against Me

I Refused to Make Separate Meals for My Stepdaughter — Now Everyone’s Against Me
3 months ago

All families have their disagreements, and when it comes to blended families, these issues can be even more challenging. Rebecca found herself in an unpleasant situation where her stepdaughter’s mother wanted her to prepare separate dishes to accommodate the child’s vegan diet. Rebecca refused to comply, and things took a turn for the worse. She shared her story with us.

What Might Happen If You Start Giving Your Baby Solid Food Instead of Purées

What Might Happen If You Start Giving Your Baby Solid Food Instead of Purées
2 years ago

Baby-led weaning (BLW) is an approach that encourages introducing solid food to babies by letting them feed themselves, starting around 6 months of age. Instead of giving babies purées, you offer them a safe version of the family meal, which they can pick up and eat at their own pace. This approach offers a variety of benefits, such as encouraging healthier eating behaviors and developing fine motor skills. Plus, it can be more enjoyable for babies and for parents too.

A Heavily Tattooed Dad Faces Struggles as People Think He Is a Horrible Father

A Heavily Tattooed Dad Faces Struggles as People Think He Is a Horrible Father
10 months ago

While self-expression through body art can be beautiful, sometimes challenging norms can invite criticism from those around us. 51-year-old Richard Huff, who calls himself an “ink addict” and has over 240 tattoos, opened up about being constantly called a bad parent and a “monster” by online trolls for being covered in tattoos.

10 Things Parents Should Let Go of in Order to Raise a Mature Child

10 Things Parents Should Let Go of in Order to Raise a Mature Child
4 years ago

There are different areas of maturity: emotional, physical, moral, social, and intellectual. They are all really important in children’s lives in order for them to become independent and responsible people who have their own opinions and who are ready to help others. And you can help your child to develop all these qualities and prepare them for adulthood.

Why We Shouldn’t Teach Our Toddlers to Share

Why We Shouldn’t Teach Our Toddlers to Share
3 years ago

“Sharing is caring” — that’s what we’re taught and that`s what we want our children to understand. Sometimes, though, it’s hard to get your kid to share their toy with other kids and not throw a tantrum. The thing is, it’s important to take the age of your child into account and put off teaching them to share until they’re older.