
Explore, understand, and appreciate the fascinating landscape of thoughts, feelings, behavior, and everything in between that defines our shared humanity in our "Psychology" section.

Psychology, as a field, is vast, profound, and intensely personal in nature. It's all about the inner universe within each of us, a universe that shapes our perceptions, guides our actions, and colors our lives. Here in our "Psychology" section, we journey into this captivating internal cosmos, dissecting and discussing various topics that touch our everyday lives.

Ever wondered why you react the way you do in certain situations, or why your emotions fluctuate the way they do? Perhaps you've pondered the mysteries of attraction and what draws people together. Or maybe you've questioned the psychological implications of your everyday habits and routines. Our "Psychology" section delves into these questions and more, offering insights into the human psyche that are intriguing and relevant to our daily experiences.

In this section, we also explore relationship dynamics and social interactions, providing a deeper understanding of the invisible ties that bind us to others. We decode conflicts, examine attraction elements, and celebrate the complexities of human connections.

But psychology isn't just about exploration; it's also about application. That's why our "Psychology" section includes practical, actionable insights you can apply to your life. From psychological tricks and mind hacks to strategies for enhancing mental well-being, we believe in empowering our readers with knowledge that can make a real difference.

Furthermore, we appreciate that psychology isn't an isolated field. It intersects with various other areas of life and society, providing a unique lens through which to view the world. Whether it's the psychology of color influencing our fashion choices or the fascinating link between pet owners and their furry companions, we delve into these diverse intersections, offering you a richer, more holistic understanding of psychology.

Our "Psychology" section, through engaging and accessible content, aims to bring the benefits of psychological understanding to everyone. It's about making the science of the mind not just comprehensible but also enjoyable and beneficial to navigate. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and insight with us. After all, the better we understand ourselves, the better equipped we are to navigate the world around us.

Remember, the mind is like an iceberg; there is always more beneath the surface. Dive in with us, and let's explore together. This is your invitation to delve into the captivating world of "Psychology".

Recent Stories of Psychology

How 14 Emotions Speak Through Physical Sensations

How 14 Emotions Speak Through Physical Sensations
2 months ago

When Finnish scientists set out to unravel the mysteries of human emotions, they embarked on a journey that transcended cultural boundaries. Their quest led them to a remarkable discovery: emotions aren’t confined to facial expressions alone. Instead, they resonate throughout our entire being, echoing in the depths of our bodies, regardless of where we call home.

Why We Develop Fewer Crushes as We Age (and Why That’s Great!)

Why We Develop Fewer Crushes as We Age (and Why That’s Great!)
3 months ago

Ah, the thrill of the crush. Butterflies erupt in your stomach, the world seems brighter, and suddenly that stranger across the room becomes the center of your universe. But for many, these fleeting infatuations become less frequent as we age. Is it simply a case of fading enthusiasm, or is there something more at play?

90+ Anniversary Quotes for Family, Friends, and Loved Ones

90+ Anniversary Quotes for Family, Friends, and Loved Ones
3 months ago

Anniversaries mark special milestones in our lives, whether it’s celebrating another year of love, friendship, or family bonds. They are occasions filled with joy, reflection, and appreciation for the people who make our lives extraordinary. And what better way to express those sentiments than with heartfelt quotes? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of anniversary quotes, offering inspiration for every relationship in your life — from family members to cherished friends and beloved partners.

95+ Thankful Quotes to Show Gratitude Towards Anything

95+ Thankful Quotes to Show Gratitude Towards Anything
3 months ago

Expressing gratitude is a powerful way to cultivate positivity in our lives. Whether it’s acknowledging the kindness of others or appreciating the little joys we encounter daily, thankful quotes serve as reminders of the abundance surrounding us. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of expressing gratitude and present a curated collection of 95+ quotes to inspire and uplift.

15+ Heartfelt Grief Quotes That Heal the Soul

15+ Heartfelt Grief Quotes That Heal the Soul
4 months ago

Grief, an inescapable part of the human experience, is a journey filled with profound emotions: sadness, anger, emptiness, and longing. While time ultimately heals all wounds, navigating the initial stages of grief can feel overwhelming and isolating. In these moments, seeking solace in comforting words can offer a sense of understanding and shared experience. This article curates 15+ sincere grief quotes from renowned authors, poets, and wise souls, each offering a unique perspective on loss and the path to healing.

120+ Inspiring Gratitude Quotes to Add More Meaning to Everyday Things

120+ Inspiring Gratitude Quotes to Add More Meaning to Everyday Things
4 months ago

Gratitude is a powerful tool that can transform our outlook on life, bringing more joy and fulfillment into our everyday experiences. Whether it’s appreciating the beauty of nature, the kindness of a stranger, or the love of family and friends, expressing gratitude can profoundly impact our well—being. To help you cultivate a spirit of thankfulness, here are 120+ inspiring gratitude quotes that remind us to cherish the simple pleasures and find meaning in even the smallest moments.

80+ Depression Quotes to Help You Through Tough Times

80+ Depression Quotes to Help You Through Tough Times
4 months ago

Depression can feel like a heavy cloak, obscuring the sunshine and casting shadows on even the brightest moments. But within the darkness, there are embers of hope waiting to be rekindled. These 80+ depression quotes, carefully chosen from diverse voices, offer solace, strength, and reminders that you are not alone in this journey.

60 Short Quotes That Will Open Your Eyes to New Ideas

60 Short Quotes That Will Open Your Eyes to New Ideas
4 months ago

Words have the power to inspire, motivate, and provoke new thoughts. Sometimes, a simple short quote can encapsulate an entire idea in just a few words, making you pause and reflect. In this collection of short quotes, we bring you a wide range of thoughts and perspectives that will open your eyes to new ideas and viewpoints.These Maxims are like nuggets of wisdom, carrying profound messages in their brevity. They can have a profound impact on your mindset and help you gain new insights. Let’s explore these quotes and see how they can expand your horizons.

How Can Your Sleeping Position Affect You and Your Health

How Can Your Sleeping Position Affect You and Your Health
5 months ago

When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, your preferred sleeping position might play a more significant role than you think. Even small changes can affect your mood and the day ahead. Plus, experts say it can reveal aspects of your personality as well.

My Husband Told Me That My Clothes Are Too Revealing for His Mom

My Husband Told Me That My Clothes Are Too Revealing for His Mom
5 months ago

It’s not uncommon for young people to clash with their parents over their appearance. However, what if it’s your in-laws who aren’t happy with your appearance? Should you change to fit their expectations or stay true to yourself? This is the dilemma shared by one of our readers, and today we’re exploring this topic further.

10+ Simple Ways to Read People’s Body Language

10+ Simple Ways to Read People’s Body Language
6 months ago

Sometimes, even the smallest things we do with our body parts can send an important message to the people around us. Even though we don’t do them consciously, some gestures can honestly describe how we feel inside and say a lot about us. Understanding body language can be helpful in various situations, so it’s important to know what these things mean.

I’m a Psychiatrist and Here’re the Clues on How to Spot a Psychopath in Your Surrounding

I’m a Psychiatrist and Here’re the Clues on How to Spot a Psychopath in Your Surrounding
8 months ago

We all probably wondered at least several times in our life on how to spot a wrong person with bad intentions. A psychiatrist has listed some things that may be valuable knowledge in a fascinating video on YouTube. Dr Sohom Das, 44, owns a channel where he covers a range of mental health and safety-related topics. This time he impressed his audience with some tips on how to actually spot a psychopath and stay safe from ill-intended people.

Trending stories of Psychology

Men And Women — We Are So Different

Men And Women — We Are So Different
2 years ago

Bright Side took the liberty to draw funny and honest comics about the differences between men and women. And yes, we’ve got our peculiarities, but remember, the main thing is that even though we’re different, we just can’t live without one another.

11 Harsh Truths Almost All of Us Tend to Neglect

11 Harsh Truths Almost All of Us Tend to Neglect
2 years ago

Childhood, a time when we’re taken care of as fragile and vulnerable people is quite different than adulthood. As adults, we begin to follow a new set of rules and understand over time that we’re interesting to ourselves only. There’s no one to push us toward success, give us their shoulder to cry on, or praise us when we’ve done something good. And ultimately, there are always going to be people who are smarter, better, and more attractive than us.

8 Ways of Dealing With People Who Try to Put You Down

8 Ways of Dealing With People Who Try to Put You Down
3 years ago

Some people, consciously or subconsciously, often have attitudes that can be hurtful to others. These can range from derogatory gestures and constant criticism to ironic comments, name-calling, and disapproval. These are all forms of behavior that don’t really have a positive impact on our well-being. However, while we can’t prevent others from acting this way, the way we react when these things happen can make a difference.

15 Examples of Double Standards We’re All Fed Up With

15 Examples of Double Standards We’re All Fed Up With
3 years ago

In society, we may often notice that the same actions can be assessed differently. Certain behavior is acceptable for one group of people or a certain person and is frowned upon for others. In some cases, it’s men who are discriminated against, and in other instances, it’s women that are judged. The actions of people who differ in age or the way they look can also be interpreted subjectively.

10 Things No Mother Should Ever Apologize For

10 Things No Mother Should Ever Apologize For
2 years ago

New moms often have to face the challenge of breastfeeding their kid in public while hoping no one will make any comments about it. Unfortunately, many people find it outrageous, and as a mom, you might feel the need to apologize for it. But this isn’t something you should apologize for, because it’s something natural and harmless, and it’s only done for the good of your baby.

8 Ways to Heal From Toxic Parents

8 Ways to Heal From Toxic Parents
3 years ago

Your life may turn into a prison if your parents constantly say you’re not good enough. This affects one’s adult life greatly, leaving you without self-confidence, opinions, and a critical voice inside you. Healing doesn’t come in a strike of willpower, but with the right advice, it may turn into a journey you need and can endure.

10 Examples of Double Standards Many People Still Go Along With

10 Examples of Double Standards Many People Still Go Along With
11 months ago

Double standards mean applying the same rule or situation differently to one group of people than to another. Perhaps the most wide-spread double standards can be seen in gender-related matters but are also there in every other sphere of our lives. The most surprising thing is that oftentimes we ourselves apply those standards to the people surrounding us and don’t even notice it.

11 Stereotypes That Should Have Stayed in the Past, But Still Hurt Us Today

11 Stereotypes That Should Have Stayed in the Past, But Still Hurt Us Today
3 years ago

There is no place for outdated stereotypes in the 21st century, but they continue to hold their strong positions. And there are those who can get hurt by sharp sayings heard from others. The bravest people find the strength to not pay attention to such little things and can relate to the following phrases and principles, which should actually be left in the past, with humor.

10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Children’s Lives Without Realizing It

10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Children’s Lives Without Realizing It
2 years ago

Psychologists and child behavior specialists can help us tell the difference between ungrateful children from those who have been victims of a toxic influence. For example, clinical psychologists Seth Meyers and Preston Ni explain how the actions of the parents can ruin the lives of their children. On the other hand, raising children is very difficult and no one has the right to be judgemental when it comes to someone’s particular parenting style. But there’s a very fine line between mistakes that parents make and the inappropriate behavior of toxic parents. This article can help determine and handle toxic situations that are harmful to our health.

10+ Phrases That Reveal People Who Had a Not-So-Simple Childhood

10+ Phrases That Reveal People Who Had a Not-So-Simple Childhood
2 years ago

The demand for the services of psychotherapists keeps growing every year. Alas, not each person is lucky enough to be born with parents who resemble the characters of a book about a happy family. Sometimes mothers and fathers criticize and mock their children, ignore them, or compare them with other siblings.

8 Parenting Tips That Could Keep Your Children From Becoming Narcissists

8 Parenting Tips That Could Keep Your Children From Becoming Narcissists
2 years ago

Recognizing a narcissistic person can be easy since they usually give us the signs for this. But what happens if we suddenly start noticing these signs in our children? Could parents be the main people responsible for raising new generations of potential narcissists? According to a study, it’s in one’s upbringing that we can find the origin of a person’s narcissism.

Best of the Week of Psychology

7 Psychological Effects That Influence Millions of People

7 Psychological Effects That Influence Millions of People
year ago

The human brain can act really weird sometimes! It makes us behave irrationally, believe in total nonsense, and can even change our memories. However, every decision we make is made for a reason. So what exactly is it that determines the choices you make?

10 Witty Responses to Rude Comments That Can Make an Impression

10 Witty Responses to Rude Comments That Can Make an Impression
2 years ago

Almost all of us have experienced rude remarks, backhanded compliments, offensive jokes, and even overt insults. These situations leave us feeling uncomfortable and wondering which response is right. The good news is there are many ways to stand up for yourself without coming off as offensive or aggressive, and without letting their words get under your skin.

8 Psychological Reasons Why Someone Looks More Attractive to Us

8 Psychological Reasons Why Someone Looks More Attractive to Us
4 years ago

We tend to think that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But, as a study suggests, this isn’t necessarily true. In fact, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Standards of attractiveness are, indeed, broadly shared, however, our personal preferences play quite a big role too.

8 Ways to Deal With Difficult People Everyone Should Know About

8 Ways to Deal With Difficult People Everyone Should Know About
3 years ago

There are 7 basic personality traits of difficult people. They include grandiosity, aggressiveness, callousness, suspiciousness, manipulation, risk-taking, and domineering. And while there’s nothing we can do to make these people more easygoing, we can help ourselves by being prepared for the next time we face an argument with this kind of person.

Monthly Top Picks of Psychology

9 Psychological Questions That Will Help You Read Anyone

9 Psychological Questions That Will Help You Read Anyone
5 years ago

“Deep discussions” have become really popular recently. Basically, this is something like a one-on-one philosophical conversation between friends. But nowadays, deep discussions have become a totally new way of communication that helps people get to know each other better.

14 Facial Features and Personality Traits That Everybody Loves

14 Facial Features and Personality Traits That Everybody Loves
10 months ago

The department of Physical Sciences at the University of Kent carried out a research project which identified the most attractive facial features for men and women. Bright Side considered this topic to be very curious and decided to compare them with the 6 most attractive personality traits. Because we know that real beauty is on the inside.

Why Toddlers Hit Themselves in the Head, and What You Can Do to Stop It

Why Toddlers Hit Themselves in the Head, and What You Can Do to Stop It
2 years ago

Parents have various concerns about the development of their children, one of the most common ones is their well-being. Watching them purposely banging their head and harming themselves certainly leave parents frustrated and extremely worried, not knowing what to do to help their toddlers. Luckily, in the majority of cases, it’s not a sign of a problem, it’s just a way they use to express themselves.

8 Behavior Patterns That Make a Person an Easy Target for a Criminal

8 Behavior Patterns That Make a Person an Easy Target for a Criminal
2 years ago

A criminal needs just 7 seconds to choose their potential victim. During this period of time, they assess the person walking in their direction and all of the possible risks. Not every person will become a victim. Let’s figure out what the difference is between people criminals prefer to stay away from and those who become their target.

Psychologists Explain 6 Common Things We Can’t Do in Our Dreams

Psychologists Explain 6 Common Things We Can’t Do in Our Dreams
3 years ago

We still don’t fully understand the purpose of our dreams, but that doesn’t stop our brains from creating beautiful yet weird concepts in alternative worlds that leave us stunned in the morning. But for some reason, certain ordinary objects and actions seem to never appear in our dreams, while flying elephants, battles with aliens, or riding motorcycles might be part of our normal dream repertoire. However, things like smartphones, mirrors, and food are rare guests in our dreams.

My Mother-in-Law Expects to Be Paid for Spending Time With Her Grandchild

My Mother-in-Law Expects to Be Paid for Spending Time With Her Grandchild
2 years ago

20% of daughters-in-law found that their relationship with their mothers-in-law changed for the worse after giving birth. Becoming parents is a challenge in and of itself and some of us have no choice but to return to work as soon as possible. One Bright Side reader experienced some tension in her life after her MIL asked for payment in exchange for babysitting her grandchild.