
12 Eerie Memories That Still Make People Twitch in Fear

12 Eerie Memories That Still Make People Twitch in Fear
3 months ago

Certain unsettling experiences in our lives linger, leaving a lasting impact on our emotions and outlook. They mold our character and influence our perspective on the world. Despite the difficulty or pain associated with these memories, they contribute to our resilience, fortify our inner strength, and impart enduring lessons that shape our journey indefinitely.

10 Illustrations Showing How Creative People See the World

10 Illustrations Showing How Creative People See the World
10 months ago

Nothing is better in life than having a powerful imagination. People who are lucky enough to have this gift can always think outside the box, whatever the situation, and as such can see the world in all its complexity and wonder. We at Bright Side value creativity above all, and we would like to show you just some of the ways in which inventive people see the world around them.

I Caught My Husband Cheating on Me After Investigating What He Ordered for Breakfast

I Caught My Husband Cheating on Me After Investigating What He Ordered for Breakfast
month ago

A woman, 38, has sent us a letter where she told us her truly detective story. She became suspicious that her husband was cheating on her, but she couldn’t confront him because she didn’t have any proof of it. But suddenly, a genius idea came to woman’s mind, and she switched on a real detective mode. Let’s see, how the witty lady found out the truth only by looking at the photo of food that her husband ordered for his breakfast.

Who Are The Most Beautiful Women in the World According to Science

Who Are The Most Beautiful Women in the World According to Science
year ago

Even though we agree that ’’beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’’ there are scientific measures by which we can calculate the amount of facial attractiveness. The formula is known as the golden ratio of beauty, which dates back to Ancient Greece. Fast forward to our current times, where this equation is still heavily used by facial cosmetic surgeons. One of them, Dr. Julian De Silva, has decided to compile a list of the 10 most beautiful women in the world, sharing exactly how close they came to the ancient Greeks’ idea of perfection.

The Most Beautiful Girl in the World Has Grown Older. Here’s What She Looks Like Today

The Most Beautiful Girl in the World Has Grown Older. Here’s What She Looks Like Today
11 months ago

Beauty is a concept that varies widely across the globe, shaped by cultural, societal, and personal perspectives. Yet, there are moments when beauty transcends these boundaries, moments when we can collectively appreciate and marvel at the undeniable allure of certain features, such as the enchanting depths of mesmerizing blue eyes. This universal appreciation for beauty extends even to the youngest members of our global community — children.In the year 2017, the world was introduced to a young girl who would become synonymous with beauty itself. Anastasiya Knyazeva, with her strikingly beautiful deep blue eyes, flowing chestnut-brown hair, and an angelic countenance that seemed plucked from the realms of fantasy, captivated hearts around the world. Her natural charisma was an additional layer of her appeal, drawing countless admirers into her orbit. It was this magnetic charm that led to her being bestowed with the prestigious title of “the most beautiful girl in the world,” a distinction that instantly drew comparisons to established icons like Irina Shayk.But Anastasiya’s journey was far from ordinary. Her presence there marked a watershed moment, making her the youngest model ever to achieve such a feat. With a devoted following on Instagram numbering 1.1 million, Anastasiya continued to capture the collective imagination, her beauty and charm transcending borders and cultures, uniting admirers from all corners of the world.It is with this backdrop of extraordinary talent and allure that we, as storytellers, found ourselves drawn to Anastasiya’s narrative. Her journey epitomizes the power of diverse forms of beauty, a testament to the boundless potential that individuals possess when they chase their dreams with unwavering determination. In our increasingly interconnected world, where the definition of beauty continues to evolve, we take immense pleasure in sharing the narratives of talented individuals like Anastasiya.

9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science

9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science
Girls stuff
10 months ago

The quest for beauty has always been a topic of fascination, often subject to changing trends and individual perceptions. While the concept of beauty remains subjective, an intriguing formula rooted in the golden ratio has ignited discussions about the proportions of the human body and their perceived attractiveness. In a world where celebrities often set the standards for beauty, it’s no wonder that people are curious about who possesses the “most perfect” bodies according to this unique approach.The golden ratio, often referred to as the divine proportion, has captivated artists, architects, and mathematicians for centuries. Its presence in nature and art lends an air of mystique to the concept. Applied to the human body, this ratio translates into specific proportions that are said to be aesthetically pleasing. But is it possible to distill the complexity of human beauty into a formula?Enter the list of “9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science.” This intriguing compilation has captured attention, sparking both curiosity and controversy. The concept that science could quantify and rank beauty seems paradoxical, yet it taps into our innate desire to understand and quantify the world around us. Through the lens of the golden ratio, these women’s bodies are evaluated and compared, inviting discussions on whether such an approach can truly encapsulate the allure of human beauty.However, it’s important to remember that beauty transcends numbers. Every individual possesses a unique charm that defies standardized calculations. The diversity of human bodies, cultures, and preferences makes it clear that no single formula can encompass the essence of beauty in all its forms. What the “9 Famous Women” list does accomplish, though, is to fuel conversations about the influence of media, societal ideals, and our perceptions of attractiveness.In a world that’s increasingly valuing inclusivity and redefining beauty standards, the golden ratio’s role in determining beauty might appear antiquated. The charm of imperfection, the allure of individuality, and the celebration of diverse bodies all contribute to a richer understanding of beauty. While the formula might hint at certain proportions that humans have historically admired, it’s the stories, personalities, and achievements of these women that truly make them inspirational. The idea of identifying the “most perfect” bodies through a scientific formula is captivating, but it’s important to remember that beauty encompasses more than just proportions. The list of “9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science” highlights the interplay between mathematics and aesthetics, but it’s the uniqueness and individuality of each person that truly defines beauty in all its splendid forms.

I Fell in Love With My Neighbor, but After Babysitting His Kids I’m Full of Doubts

I Fell in Love With My Neighbor, but After Babysitting His Kids I’m Full of Doubts
3 months ago

A woman, 35, wrote us a very emotional letter about her problem, which is falling in love with her married neighbor, and she asked us to publish it in order to get advice from our readers. She said, «I obviously can’t talk about this with any of my friends or my parents, so I think your page is a good place to talk about this, because I need advice so badly. I know you all will probably judge me, but at least try to understand my side. Thanks.»

My Husband Ordered Me to Stop Breastfeeding Our Baby Because of My Sister-in-Law

My Husband Ordered Me to Stop Breastfeeding Our Baby Because of My Sister-in-Law
Family & kids
3 months ago

Parenting comes with its share of challenges, particularly when external influences impact the decisions you make. Recently, a woman found herself in a disagreement with her husband due to her sister-in-law’s interference with her parenting choices. This clash between personal autonomy and familial expectations led her to reach out to Bright Side for advice on navigating this delicate situation and finding a solution.

15+ Moments When Children Showed Us Who’s the Boss

15+ Moments When Children Showed Us Who’s the Boss

Children’s ingenuity is truly enviable. Sometimes, they do or say something really weird, but it can sound or look so funny that even a stern adult will crack up with laughter. We discovered an internet thread where parents shared anecdotes about their children. And we found these stories so hilarious that we really wanted to share them with you.

Men And Women — We Are So Different

Men And Women — We Are So Different
2 years ago

Bright Side took the liberty to draw funny and honest comics about the differences between men and women. And yes, we’ve got our peculiarities, but remember, the main thing is that even though we’re different, we just can’t live without one another.

17 Tweets That Will Make Your Stomach Jiggle With Laughter

17 Tweets That Will Make Your Stomach Jiggle With Laughter
2 years ago

As of May 2022, around 10,033 tweets are posted on Twitter every second. The number is huge, and it shows just how much people like to share their thoughts with other users. It’s the best way to talk about something and have multiple people reply within seconds. And luckily, this is where we can find some of the most entertaining stories.

My Granddaughter Kicked Me Out Because I Had No Money Left, I Taught Her a Lesson She Will Never Forget

My Granddaughter Kicked Me Out Because I Had No Money Left, I Taught Her a Lesson She Will Never Forget
Family & kids
month ago

A woman, 65, has penned an emotional letter to our editorial and shared her story that made a huge stir among us. She shared how she raised her grandkids as her own kids after their parents died in a bad accident. The woman went through a lot and gave these children the best of lives, only to discover later that her granddaughter want to get rid of her because she had no money left. But the loving grandma didn't want to swallow this bitter pill and decided to teach her a lesson that they'll probably remember for the rest of their lives.

15 Stories From Housekeepers That Truly Stunned Us

15 Stories From Housekeepers That Truly Stunned Us
7 months ago

Tired of being bossed around by their employers, many people are now choosing whom to work for and are doing odd jobs here and there. Such is the case of some hourly maids. Yet, they still can’t escape working for shameless people. This proves that a thorough cleanup is the least laborious part of their job. Fortunately, with a little ingenuity, most of them have managed to get out of uncomfortable situations.

12 People Share True Events That Marked Them Forever

12 People Share True Events That Marked Them Forever
2 weeks ago

Some moments in our lives imprint themselves deeply on our emotions, shaping our identities and perspectives, especially when they occur during childhood. The narratives shared here have profoundly influenced these people, resonating long after they first occurred. They are also sure to evoke a strong response in you as well.

What Happened to Jennifer Aniston's Face, According to a Doctor

What Happened to Jennifer Aniston's Face, According to a Doctor
3 weeks ago

Since rising to fame in the mid-1990s, Jennifer Aniston has been adored for her acting prowess and iconic sense of style. Recently, there has been speculation about whether the 55-year-old actress has undergone more cosmetic procedures, as some fans have noticed she looks somewhat different nowadays.

19 Pictures That Prove Tidying Up a Space Can Make a World of Difference

19 Pictures That Prove Tidying Up a Space Can Make a World of Difference
3 years ago

Not cleaning on a regular basis can turn us into very lazy people. If we let the dirt accumulate and our stuff clutter everywhere, our house can deteriorate. In fact, some people even start to get used to seeing the rooms looking dull and colorless. That’s why, when we finally decide to deep clean and organize things, our house goes from being a sad and dusty environment to a colorful and shiny place. And there’s hardly anything more important than having a joyful space to spend your time in.

18 People Who Dared to Get Plastic Surgery and Hit the Jackpot

18 People Who Dared to Get Plastic Surgery and Hit the Jackpot
2 years ago

All people are beautiful in their own way. This simple truth is known to everyone, but sometimes we lack a little confidence to feel good and enjoy our reflection in the mirror. And this is normal too. The heroes of our article decided to tweak their appearance with the help of surgeons, and they were really happy with the results.

10 People Who Discovered a Family Mystery That Rocked Their World

10 People Who Discovered a Family Mystery That Rocked Their World
Family & kids
2 months ago

Every family likely harbors its own secrets, some guarded for decades, or even centuries. Eventually, most secrets come to light, and the revelations can be so astonishing that they divide a person’s life into distinct ’before’ and ’after’ chapters. Below, 10 people share shocking discoveries from their family histories, perhaps prompting you to seek out hidden truths within your own.

19 Famous Women Who Have Changed Beyond Recognition Since the 2000s

19 Famous Women Who Have Changed Beyond Recognition Since the 2000s
2 years ago

It’s hard to believe, but more than 20 years have passed since the year 2000. The aughts were a bright era in terms of fashion and style, especially for celebrities. And now, when looking at their photos from that period, we want to recall the fashion trends of the 2000s, and how celebrities tried to emphasize their uniqueness.

16 Famous Men Who Were Ridiculously Hot in Their Youth

16 Famous Men Who Were Ridiculously Hot in Their Youth
year ago

Time is a powerful thing. Sometimes it flies so fast that we completely forget that our favorite actors were once young. And this is very sad because many of them were so handsome in their youth that we can’t take our eyes off them. If you still don’t believe us, check out our compilation.

20 Bright Siders Share Stories That Prove Children Live to Tell the Truth to Anyone They Meet

20 Bright Siders Share Stories That Prove Children Live to Tell the Truth to Anyone They Meet

There is not the slightest doubt that we were all children once, but there is a big difference between that and remembering those early years. Precisely for that reason, it is not uncommon to feel the blush rise to our cheeks and white smoke come out of our ears every time one of our beloved children comes up with a witty comeback. We continue walking while we draw a nervous smile on our face, trying to hide the embarrassment of the situation.