Queen Victoria

8 Curious Facts About the Victorian Era That Made Us Appreciate the Current Times

8 Curious Facts About the Victorian Era That Made Us Appreciate the Current Times
8 months ago

The Victorian era, the reign of Queen Victoria (from 1837 to 1901), was the time that brought changes in fashion, mentality and everyday habits. But some rules and beliefs of that period seem so outdated that we are glad we don’t have to follow them now. We have listed the most exotic ones, and the ones that have taken our breath away. And there’s a bonus at the end of this article where you’ll find out what creatures Victorians kept as pets at home.

10+ Hairstyles of the Past That Might Make You Gasp in Surprise

10+ Hairstyles of the Past That Might Make You Gasp in Surprise
Girls stuff
year ago

The art of hairdressing has been known since antiquity, and the people of Ancient Egypt knew how to cut hair and make lotions for it. Women’s intricate hairstyles appeared a few thousands of years ago, and some of them still excite the minds of modern fashionistas. Here are the most bizarre hairstyles of the past that might make you gasp in surprise.

She Lived 122 Years but Some Say She Was Younger

She Lived 122 Years but Some Say She Was Younger
year ago

It’s 1875. There are 38 states in the US. Queen Victoria rules the UK. The Eiffel Tower won’t be built for another 12 years. The Empire State Building — not for another 50! The average life expectancy for a 19th-century female is about 45 years. One woman, born this year, will nearly triple that. Her name is Jeanne Louise Calment...

Insects in Your Makeup || The Shocking History of Lipstick

Insects in Your Makeup || The Shocking History of Lipstick
year ago

Marilyn Monroe once said, “Put on some red lipstick and live a little!” She was very much aware of the empowering effects that lipsticks have on people. But have you ever stopped and wondered what makes a little tube of color this confidence-boosting and power-inducing? And how did it come into existence? The story of lipstick is a fascinating and even shocking one! So, let’s jump back in time to take a closer look at its evolution!

10 Remarkable Accessories That the Royals Passed Down to the Next Generations

10 Remarkable Accessories That the Royals Passed Down to the Next Generations
2 years ago

Royals have been passing down and lending out their impressive jewelry from generation to generation for centuries. Although sometimes, those pieces get modified to match current styles or to suit the royal’s current tastes. Without a doubt, it’s interesting to watch these precious stones be styled by different royals for different periods of time.

15 Stories Behind the Royal Family Tiaras

15 Stories Behind the Royal Family Tiaras
2 years ago

Tiaras are jeweled, ornamental crowns traditionally worn by women to represent rank, status, and style. They have been worn by famous noble families throughout history, such as Napoleon and his wife, the Empress Joséphine Bonaparte, the British royal family, and the House of Savoy.

10 Times Lipstick Was More Than Just Makeup

10 Times Lipstick Was More Than Just Makeup
2 years ago

If you relate lipstick to modern history, you may be missing several thousands of years. The first instance of lipstick in recorded history is during the reign of Queen Puabi of Ancient Ur, circa 2450 BCE when she used a lip stain made of white lead and crushed red rocks. It wasn’t very healthy but, then again, fashion rarely is. Such is the power of a good lip shade that causes sales of premium lipsticks to remain high, even during times of recession. It’s called the Lipstick Effect.

16 Details of Life in the 19th Century That Would Shock Modern People

16 Details of Life in the 19th Century That Would Shock Modern People
2 years ago

The Victorian epoch named after Queen Victoria who ruled Great Britain from 1837 to 1901 is known for its high morals and strict rules, the breaking of which was condemned. Historians believe that the residents of the United Kingdom really changed for the better by the end of the 19th century. For example, they became kinder to animals, mentally ill people, and criminals.

10 Facts Few People Know About Queen Elizabeth II’s Crown

10 Facts Few People Know About Queen Elizabeth II’s Crown
3 years ago

The British family jewels bring together beauty, luxury, and, above all else, history. Among them, the Imperial State Crown stands out, as it was used for the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. It is made of precious stones, pearls, metals, and a velvet cape. This accessory is passed down from monarch to monarch, but over time, it has gone through great changes and left behind curious facts.

12 Times We Noticed When Costume Designers Messed Up

12 Times We Noticed When Costume Designers Messed Up
3 years ago

Oftentimes historical movies show us outfits that have nothing to do with the epoch they claim to be portraying. But it’s not because of the negligence of artists. In most cases, the creators do it intentionally to make the flick more expressive. Apart from corresponding to the epoch, the garments have to highlight the actors’ assets, fit into the overall concept of the movie, and be understandable to the modern viewer. If the crew manages to check all of these boxes, the flick is bound to succeed.

20+ Official Photos of British Royalty That Show Their Long Journey Through History

20+ Official Photos of British Royalty That Show Their Long Journey Through History
3 years ago

The history of the British royal family spans hundreds of years and thousands of events. For that same reason, they’ve attracted a lot of attention from both people in the U.K. and the media. When an event takes place, it is regularly immortalized with a royal-endorsed family portrait. We were barely able to contain our curiosity, so we’re exploring the evolution of the many kings, consorts, and princes that make up this clan.

14 Movies That Definitely Lacked a Good Costume Consultant

14 Movies That Definitely Lacked a Good Costume Consultant
4 years ago

Historic films are not easy to make. You have to take a lot of little details into account along with writing an accurate script. To recreate the era perfectly, serious projects hire consultants that make sure that the film is historically accurate. The filmed material is then verified several times.

19 Movie Wedding Dresses That Will Live on Forever in Fashion History

19 Movie Wedding Dresses That Will Live on Forever in Fashion History
4 years ago

When we watch a romantic film or TV series, we, as viewers, expect the main characters to fall in love with each other and get married. And there are also some movies where the vows taken at the altar are just the beginning of the story. Either way, watching wedding scenes on screen is always more interesting if the costume designers did their jobs right.

15 Jewels That Lady Di Once Wore, and Where You Can Find Them Today

15 Jewels That Lady Di Once Wore, and Where You Can Find Them Today
4 years ago

Princess Diana of Wales was a woman who captured British media’s attention more than once. Her activities as a member of The Royal Family and her humanitarian work were always in the spotlight, and her appearance was never overlooked. Beautiful jewelry was the perfect match for her style that shook the world forever because it truly conveyed her personality. The way she wore necklaces, bracelets, and accessories was elegant and modest at the same time. Today, parts of her fine jewelry and gemstone collection have become true luxury items, and they’re timeless symbols that still speak to many of us.

10 Weird Facts About the World That’ll Baffle You

10 Weird Facts About the World That’ll Baffle You
2 years ago

Why do female deer respond when they hear a human baby crying? Why do we sometimes forget where we were going and what we intended to do? Why does Pharaoh Ramesses II need a passport? Who used to steal Queen Victoria’s lingerie? There are so many questions! The good news is that we have answers to all of them!

20+ Rules All Royal Family Members Need to Follow From Birth

20+ Rules All Royal Family Members Need to Follow From Birth
year ago

Every family has traditions that it follows. They may seem funny and weird to outsiders, but they hold deep meaning for the family. It is even more interesting when it comes to royal families because their traditions have a centuries-old history. Bright Side has collected interesting rituals that have been followed by the British royal family for many years.

10 Dog Breeds That You May Not See Around So Often

10 Dog Breeds That You May Not See Around So Often
2 years ago

There are over 340 dog breeds known throughout the world. Dogs come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, and according to the American Kennel Club, labradors, bulldogs, poodles, and dachshunds are the norm on US streets. But what about those breeds that you don’t get to see every day? There are several unique paws out there that can leave you scratching your head, wondering what exact breed they are.

10 Crazy Beauty Standards of The Past You’ll Hardly Believe Existed

10 Crazy Beauty Standards of The Past You’ll Hardly Believe Existed
year ago

Over the course of time, the image of female beauty changes. And the famous words "beauty demands sacrifice" once had a literal meaning. It’s shocking what women did to seem attractive. Bright Side collected 10 pieces of evidence to show that the ideal is a relative and highly changeable concept, so it’s better to be careful about fashion trends.