
My MIL Didn’t Like My Soup So I Poured It on Her Head

My MIL Didn’t Like My Soup So I Poured It on Her Head
Family & kids
9 months ago

In-laws are like lottery tickets — you never know whether you’ll get good or bad ones. The luck wasn’t on our reader’s side because her in-laws still remember her husband’s ex-wife. At some point, our reader was so sick of constant comparison that she decided to pour soup over her MIL’s head.

Ten delicious thick soups you can make yourself

Ten delicious thick soups you can make yourself
2 years ago

You don’t have to learn how to cook a foreign delicacy in order to diversify your daily menu. A more simple approach is to learn how to make some thick soup. There are dozens of variations here and there’s bound to be one which suits everyone’s tastes.

What If the Biggest Bug to Ever Exist Came Back

What If the Biggest Bug to Ever Exist Came Back
year ago

So, you’re at a restaurant having lunch when suddenly you hear people screaming. You look out the window and see everyone running away from something. You keep eating your meal. But ripples start forming in your soup, and they get wider and wider. Car alarms are ringing, and glass is shattering. The ground is rumbling. The TV loses signal. Wait — no TV? You drop your spoon and get outside. You see some large dark figures crawling around and heading towards you. Your heart is pounding. Your legs are shaking. Yet, you’re standing still and don’t try to run away like the others.

Why Some Foods Go Boom in the Microwave

Why Some Foods Go Boom in the Microwave
year ago

Lightning is never a triangle, straight line, or circle. It always has a zigzag shape. Lightning is an electric current, and it always takes the path of least resistance. Air is uneven and irregular, containing dust particles, gases, and other substances. Lightning just seeks the best way through.

8 Recommended Cookbooks on Amazon That’ll Help You Say Goodbye to Boring Recipes

8 Recommended Cookbooks on Amazon That’ll Help You Say Goodbye to Boring Recipes
year ago

The earliest known written recipes have been found as long ago as 1730 B.C. So even back then, people were saving great recipes to create (and recreate) the perfect meal. Cooking techniques have changed significantly throughout the years, but recipe books will always be useful. They increase your ability to make and save recipes, making cooking more enjoyable for everyone. Here are 8 cookbooks that will help you add a bit of spice to your kitchen routine.

Give Your Sponges a Rest After the Dirty Work With This Holder From Amazon

Give Your Sponges a Rest After the Dirty Work With This Holder From Amazon
2 years ago

Americans spend more than 4 years of their lives in the kitchen, or more than 400 hours a year. This is a lot! But why not turn this time into a fun pastime? Daily chores will no longer be boring if you jazz up your kitchen with creative accessories. And who wouldn’t welcome a cute sponge just like Sponge Bob with his bed into their home?Make sure to look for the bonus adorable kitchenware at the end of this article. We bet you’ll wanna buy them all.

7 Things Hot and Cold Foods Can Do to Your Body

7 Things Hot and Cold Foods Can Do to Your Body
year ago

Ice cream is much sweeter when cold, while ham is more savory when eaten warm. However, the difference in taste is only one aspect of the hot and cold debate. That’s why we decided to dig deeper and find other facts about how hot and cold food affects our bodies. And you can find out all about them if you stick around — we promise you’ll find a few surprises.

14 Puzzles That Can Challenge Your Intelligence

14 Puzzles That Can Challenge Your Intelligence
3 years ago

Brain teasers aren’t only satisfying, but they also have the ability to rewire our brains if practiced often enough. And this probably explains the phrase “use or lose it,” which only proves how our brains need continual workouts. By keeping our minds stimulated, we keep them strong and healthy.

20+ Customs and Traditions From Different Countries That’ve Shocked Foreigners

20+ Customs and Traditions From Different Countries That’ve Shocked Foreigners
3 years ago

Sometimes it seems to us that the differences between countries have become almost invisible due to globalization. We buy the same gadgets, use the same brands, buy products in the same-chain supermarkets, etc. Nevertheless, if we dive into the details, we will find out that the residents of each country have customs and traditions that only they can understand.

14 Times When Even Psychologists Failed to Understand Children’s Logic

14 Times When Even Psychologists Failed to Understand Children’s Logic
3 years ago

Psychological tests can be very puzzling, even for adults. But children seem to be able to find a solution in any situation, even though their solutions can also be very confusing. Maybe they draw eerily dark pictures, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re depressed. Sometimes they’re just really developed for their age, and they can scare even a licensed professional.

17 Childhood Mischiefs That Even an Angel Could Hardly Withstand

17 Childhood Mischiefs That Even an Angel Could Hardly Withstand
Family & kids
3 years ago

The lives of parents are full of unpredictable events and surprises. You never know what little thing can cause a child’s tantrum or what they can do during 5 minutes of silence. Moms and dads have to put their patience to the test every day while their kids’ mischievous ways can drive even the most balanced parents crazy.

15+ People Admit to the Cheap Meals They Are Always Ready to Eat

15+ People Admit to the Cheap Meals They Are Always Ready to Eat
3 years ago

You probably remember some delicious yet simple meals from your childhood. We loved those meals but it wasn’t until we grew up that we realized that our parents made them for us because they didn’t have a lot of money. So, internet users decided to remember the favorite cheap, but yummy meals that were served in their families.

10+ Foods Scraps You Can Actually Eat

10+ Foods Scraps You Can Actually Eat
4 years ago

Food waste is a worldwide problem with more than one-third of available food going uneaten. The good news is that there are several scraps that can be saved to use for delicious and nutritional solutions. Most people don’t know, but eggshells can be transformed into calcium powder, watermelon rinds can be pickled and cauliflower leaves can become a delicious soup, just to name a few examples.

70+ Restaurants Around the World That Give You Free Food

70+ Restaurants Around the World That Give You Free Food
5 years ago

If seeing an XXL burger makes you scream, “Challenge accepted!” and your birthday is nothing without a freebie sundae, keep scrolling. Get ready to fill your Instagram feed with delicious free dishes from all around the world. There are plenty of places ready to serve you free stuff.

What People With Different Occupations Eat for Lunch All Over the World

What People With Different Occupations Eat for Lunch All Over the World
year ago

Lunch menus reveal a lot about a person. Some people get to enjoy caviar and wine, while others have a bottle of Coca-Cola with bananas and sweets. For example, a ballet dancer consumes 2 times more calories than an average man, Finnish military officers can’t imagine a lunch break without a glass of milk, and mountain climbers can’t live without instant noodles.

11 Tips for Those Who Hate to Throw Out Redundant Food

11 Tips for Those Who Hate to Throw Out Redundant Food
2 years ago

Open your fridge and see what you have in there. There is a chance you’ll find withering vegetables, milk of dubious freshness, or seemingly empty sauce packages. You might be tempted to throw them all out, but before you do, consider saving your food and turning the leftovers into a delicious meal.

The 80 Most Amazing Creative Inventions and Concept Designs

The 80 Most Amazing Creative Inventions and Concept Designs
year ago

Out of thousands of ideas realized and presented on various design-related websites, there are few worth really paying attention to. A unique design is not only about one great idea, but it’s also about the way you realize the idea in real life. Another important thing about new concepts and inventions is that they are made by people for people. That is why every designer’s creation must fit perfectly into our life to become an inseparable part of it.

23 tricks which top chefs use in the kitchen

23 tricks which top chefs use in the kitchen
2 years ago

Everyone who loves to spend a lot of time in the kitchen knows a whole load of little secrets which can help turn an ordinary dish into something exquisite. And as for professional chefs — well, they know more tricks than there are fish in the sea. We discovered a few of their best ones which could also help to make you a hit in the kitchen.