Yulia Z.
Yuliia has been working at Bright Side for four years already. She loves writing about people who make our world a better place, and she truly believes that each person deserves some fame for their good deeds. Yuliia loves to spend quality time with her family when she's not busy with work. She's been happily married to her first love, whom she met back in 1999, and her main motto in life is: Love and kindness will save the planet.

I Overheard a Conversation Between My Mom and My Mother-in-Law, Now I Want to Ditch Them Both From My Life Forever

I Overheard a Conversation Between My Mom and My Mother-in-Law, Now I Want to Ditch Them Both From My Life Forever
Family & kids
4 days ago

Sometimes, we may have an illusion that we know everything about our close family members. But a mere accident may reveal such nasty secrets about our dearest ones that it may ruin even the happiest relationships. Our today’s protagonist has been living with a belief that both her mom and her MIL wish her only the best, but she accidentally revealed that the two women united against her and thought they had a right to make life decisions instead of her. Now the woman recovered from her initial shock and here’s her full story.

My Husband’s Female Friend Is Living With Us and She Made Me Regret My Hospitality

My Husband’s Female Friend Is Living With Us and She Made Me Regret My Hospitality
5 days ago

For many couples it’s a normal thing when one or both of the spouses have friends of opposite gender. For our today’s protagonist, however, the presence of her husband’s female friend in their house has become a real challenge. The act of hospitality cost her and her husband their smooth relationship and has put her happy marriage at big risk. The frustrated woman shared her story with us, and she asked our readers for some advice about her absolutely crazy family situation.

My Husband’s Ex Wife Is Turning My Life Into a Nightmare, I’m Stressed and Mad

My Husband’s Ex Wife Is Turning My Life Into a Nightmare, I’m Stressed and Mad

The topic of ex-wives and ex-husbands may become a painful one in a new relationship. Some people just can't let their ex-spouses go, and the new partners feel extreme stress and frustration because of it. Our today's protagonist is a woman who faced a very difficult situation in her marriage, and she is seeking people's advice on how to act in this tough conflict of interests. Her husband's ex seems to be willing to constantly appear on their horizon, and she's doing everything and anything to make the life of the couple unbearable. The desperate woman wrote us a letter and shared more details about this intricate family case.

I Found My Husband’s Secret Stash and Revealed His Dark and Nasty Secret

I Found My Husband’s Secret Stash and Revealed His Dark and Nasty Secret

In a marriage that has lasted for 17 years, the spouses seem to know each other so well that they often start to think and speak alike. Our today’s protagonist, a woman named Abby, was sure that her long-term marriage was absolutely transparent and honest, up until one day when she accidentally found a seemingly innocent thing in her husband’s room. But upon a closer look, the poor wife discovered a secret that her dishonest husband had been keeping from her during many years. And the truth that was revealed in the end made Abby shiver.

I Cheated on My Wife and Confessed — Her Reaction Utterly Confused Me

I Cheated on My Wife and Confessed — Her Reaction Utterly Confused Me

Our reader, a 36-year-old man named Sean, has sent us a very emotionally charged letter. He shared his story, where his infidelity has become a start of a huge drama with an unexpected ending. The man was deeply shocked when he confessed to his wife about his affair with his client. He expected any reaction, but not the one that his wife actually demonstrated. Now, the man is desperate about how things turned against him and is asking our readers for advice on how to proceed with his family life.

I’m a Single Mom and I Need Money, My Mother Refused to Babysit My Kids While I Work Full-Time

I’m a Single Mom and I Need Money, My Mother Refused to Babysit My Kids While I Work Full-Time
2 weeks ago

Divorce is an awful experience, and there are cases when it just cannot be avoided. For today’s protagonist, divorce was a necessary step for saving herself and her kids. A woman, named Meghan, wrote us a letter where she poured her soul out and complained that she had to work hard to support her kids after divorce, and she expected her parents to lend her a hand. But her mother suddenly switched off a supportive mode and became resentful about babysitting her daughter’s kids. Now, a desperate woman is asking our readers for help and advice about how she might proceed with her tough family situation and get it solved in a way that doesn’t hurt anyone.

I Want to Run Away From My Fiancée After My Future In-Laws Accidentally Shared Their Nasty Family Secret

I Want to Run Away From My Fiancée After My Future In-Laws Accidentally Shared Their Nasty Family Secret
2 weeks ago

Melissa, a 33-year-old woman, has recently penned us a letter that sounded like a real and loud cry for help. The woman is engaged with the love of her life, and she’s so happy in her relationship, but there’s a thing that significantly spoiled her life. Melissa has recently had an explicit conversation with her future mother-in-law, who shared some details about her son’s past, which the future bride just cannot come to terms with. The woman shared her story with us and she wants some really good advice from our readers because she doesn’t know what to do about the unwanted truth that has been opened up to her.

I Abandoned My Wife When She Was at Her Lowest, Now Karma Hit Me So Hard That I Need Help

I Abandoned My Wife When She Was at Her Lowest, Now Karma Hit Me So Hard That I Need Help
3 weeks ago

When we’re giving our wedding vows, we expect our spouses to be with us at different times of our lives. When a spouse is willing to share only the happiest moments with us and leaves us in times of need and uncertainty, we can’t be in awe of such an attitude. Our today’s protagonist is a man, whose behavior towards his wife wouldn’t make any woman happy. He broke up with her and left her to struggle alone when she was going through the toughest times in her life. But the woman was strong enough to turn her pain into her triumph and now the man is desperate about it, seeking advice amidst the judgment that he’s getting from people at the moment.

My Husband’s Ex-Wife Is Pregnant and I’m Mad, Because It Brings a Bunch of Problems For Us

My Husband’s Ex-Wife Is Pregnant and I’m Mad, Because It Brings a Bunch of Problems For Us
3 weeks ago

The topic of ex-wives and ex-husbands in a new relationship may at times become a very painful one. Especially when there’s a constant presence of an ex-partner in a newly created family. Our today’s protagonist is a 34-year-old woman, who experienced even a tougher situation in her own life and marriage. The woman found out that her husband’s ex-wife is 4 months pregnant and she thinks it’s a huge problem that can potentially destroy the serenity of her marriage and bring severe consequences to her happy life with her husband. The desperate woman wrote us a letter and explained why she was so mad about the pregnancy news of her husband’s ex and why she believed this was the beginning of a big conflict in her own family.

I Found My Husband’s University Photo Album and Made a Bone-Chilling Discovery About Him

I Found My Husband’s University Photo Album and Made a Bone-Chilling Discovery About Him
3 weeks ago

Theresa, our 37-year-old reader, has faced a shocking situation in her happy and stable family. The woman’s world has been shattered after she discovered her husband’s double life which she had no idea about during 15 years of marriage. The trigger for this painful revelation was an ordinary high-school photo album that Theresa found in her husband’s belongings. Now, the woman wishes she had never even touched this album, but it’s too late and now the desperate wife and mom doesn’t know what to do with the truth that has been opened to her.

My Wife Refuses to Buy Stuff for My Kids From Previous Marriage, I’m Mad at Her

My Wife Refuses to Buy Stuff for My Kids From Previous Marriage, I’m Mad at Her
3 weeks ago

Our reader, Frank, 38, is furious because of his wife’s behavior towards his kids from his previous marriage. The man thinks that his spouse is discriminating against his sons by not letting him spoil them, and at the same time, the woman spends a big deal of her earnings on her daughter, whom she also has from her previous relationship. Frank wrote us a letter and we could feel the whirlwind of emotions that took over him because of this dramatic situation in his peaceful family. He asked our readers for their opinions and advice and here’s his full story.

None of My Best Friends Invited Me to Their Weddings, Now I’m Getting Married, and Their Behavior Is Killing Me

None of My Best Friends Invited Me to Their Weddings, Now I’m Getting Married, and Their Behavior Is Killing Me
3 weeks ago

Having a best friend is sometimes even more meaningful than having a sibling. Friends are people, who are supposed to share not only the most triumphant moments of our lives, but also to be with us at our lowest. Our today's protagonist didn't see much of respect and attention from her best friends, and none of them ever wanted to share special moments of their lives with her. But everything changed when the woman became engaged herself, as she discovered the ugliest faces of people who neglected her, but expected to be treated with respect in return.