Alarm clock

10 Genious Products to Upgrade Your Workplace

10 Genious Products to Upgrade Your Workplace
year ago

Whether you’re seeking solutions to organize your work process, boost your productivity, improve time management, infuse new life into your daily routine, or simply add a touch of flair to your workspace, we’ve got you covered. Here is our handpicked selection of ingenious products guaranteed to refresh your working or learning routine.

Everyday Items That Changed Dramatically Over Time

Everyday Items That Changed Dramatically Over Time
year ago

Wanna play a game? Can you count how many technical gadgets you use during your day? Don’t forget to count your router, lint remover, and every light bulb... Well? 5? 7? Maybe 15? Studies claim that the average household in the USA currently owns around 25 electronic devices. In 2019, this number was more than half lower! The modern speed of life makes it easy to forget that our everyday essentials have history. Let’s do some time travel to refresh our memory. Chances are you’ll never take your toilet paper for granted again.

10 Unusual Jobs That Don’t Exist Anymore

10 Unusual Jobs That Don’t Exist Anymore
year ago

We live in a world where most of the things we want are just one click away. From products to services, we can access everything on the web. What about the jobs we want to have — will they be replaced by AI soon? Experts say about 300 million of them will be. Change is the only constant in our lives and when it comes to jobs, we felt inspired to go back to the old times and see what were the most interesting occupations that have vanished or just turned into a nice read in a history book.

If You Spot a Phone Charger in Your Hotel Room, Get Out Immediately

If You Spot a Phone Charger in Your Hotel Room, Get Out Immediately

They’re watching you when you’re in the bedroom and when you’re in the bathroom. No, I’m not talking about your three-year-old kids. Uh, uh. One of the last things you think about when going on vacation is if the room you’re staying in has hidden cameras planted all over the place. For starters, look in the most obvious spots in your hotel room to see if you can find any hidden cameras.

Days on Earth Have Been Getting Longer Since 2020

Days on Earth Have Been Getting Longer Since 2020
year ago

“Time” is the most frequently used noun in the English language. That’s how unique this everyday concept is. Of course, time has always existed, but the idea of keeping track of it did not. So, what is time? Physicists say it’s the progression of events from the past into the future. It also only moves in one direction. At least for now, we can only move forward in time, but not backward. Hypothetically, technology could one day allow us to send a human into the future — if we managed to move close to the speed of light. But would that also allow us to travel to the past and return back to the present? Scientists don’t think so. Interstellar travel at the speed of light might be possible in the future, but it would be a one-way-ticket voyage exclusively to the future.

Buy These 13 Products to Live Like You’re From the Future

Buy These 13 Products to Live Like You’re From the Future
2 years ago

When we talk about the future, Japan comes to our minds. For example, they have emergency toilets in hotel elevators. And also, in their beauty salon, the stylists cover their clients’ faces with a napkin when washing their hair, so they don’t ruin their makeup and to help them relax. Let’s take a step toward the future with the products below!

Best Trick to Fall Asleep Fast When You Wake Up at Night

Best Trick to Fall Asleep Fast When You Wake Up at Night
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

Ah, you go to bed early to get more sleep and wake up tomorrow morning refreshed and full of energy. Everything goes well, you fall asleep quickly, and... your body wakes you up at 3 am. You try to go back to sleep, but you can’t. Well, here’s something to help you.

The 8 Best-Selling Amazon Speakers That Deserve to Be in Your Home

The 8 Best-Selling Amazon Speakers That Deserve to Be in Your Home
2 years ago

Sometimes we get a song stuck in our heads and that we hear over and over again. This situation actually has a name, it’s called having an “earworm.” And when you have an earworm and want to get rid of it, you should listen to that specific song from beginning to end. Maybe you could even sing it out loud while listening.We believe that music is best when played through a single, high-quality speaker. And in order to save you the trouble of searching the internet, we found the best-selling speakers on Amazon.

The 8 Best Sports Watches of 2022

The 8 Best Sports Watches of 2022
2 years ago

It turns out that smart wearables really do motivate us and help us get healthier. People who use trackers are way more active than those who don’t: on average, they take 2,000 more steps every day. A fantasy of science fiction back in the day, modern sporting watches can replace tons of other functions — from heart monitors and sleep trackers to GPS navigators and voice assistance while fitting your wrist.The toughest task is to choose the one you need, and this is where we come in with our list of the best watches for sports. We’ve also prepared a bonus for those who have kids and want to make sure they’re safe. Read till the end!

10 Best Charging Stations for iPhone, Apple Docking Chargers

10 Best Charging Stations for iPhone, Apple Docking Chargers
2 years ago

With all the devices that we use daily, cables are one of the main problems because no matter how we try to organize them, they still look messy. However, with most wireless charging docks you’ll be able to charge multiple devices, and this means fewer cables and less cluttered spaces in your home.There were so many different types of wireless chargers, but we at Bright Side picked the most practical and coolest we could find on Amazon. So, we have the 10 best iPhone charging stands for you.

9 Habits That Could Be Doing Us More Harm Than Good

9 Habits That Could Be Doing Us More Harm Than Good
2 years ago

Common belief suggests that it takes 21 days of consistently doing something before it becomes a habit, but experts say there’s no fixed timeline that would make a behavior automatic. It could take any time between 18 and 254 days, depending on how easy or difficult the new routine is. But sometimes, there are harmful habits that we need to kick out of our system right away. And the faster we shift into better practices, the better our quality of life would be.

What Happens to Your Body When You Keep Hitting the Snooze Button

What Happens to Your Body When You Keep Hitting the Snooze Button
3 years ago

We spend 3.5 months of our lives hitting the snooze button. And although doing so once in a while won’t really affect you, snoozing regularly can do much more than cause you to sleep worse at night. Turns out, sneaking in more sleep after your alarm goes off might affect your weight, your skin, and even your reproductive health.

17 Witty Comeback Stories That Prove Good Will Always Triumph Over Evil

17 Witty Comeback Stories That Prove Good Will Always Triumph Over Evil
3 years ago

There is a saying, according to which, revenge is a dish best served cold. But something else happens when that small act of revenge is directed at people who manage to exhaust the patience of others with their abusive behavior. In these cases, getting even proves to be very sweet. In a Reddit thread, users share stories of how they settle scores to keep the scales of evil and righteousness evenly balanced.

9 Things That You’d Better Not Keep in the Bedroom, According to Experts

9 Things That You’d Better Not Keep in the Bedroom, According to Experts
3 years ago

Some people enter their bedroom only when it’s time to sleep, but others do most of their daily activities inside this room. They eat while sitting on their bed or run on the treadmill right next to it. However, while they may feel comfortable and cozy here, keeping all these things in this room can be harmful in ways they would never even imagine.

15+ Things From the Past That Were Made to Last for Ages

15+ Things From the Past That Were Made to Last for Ages
4 years ago

Vintage things fascinate many of us, and it’s twice as enjoyable when they can still be used to the fullest. As the people featured in our article prove, those of us who are good at thrift-hunting or curious enough to learn what’s stored in their own attics can wear a 6-decade-old dress, watch a show on a TV from the 1980s, or wake up to the ring of an alarm clock from the first half of the twentieth century.

18 Really Cheap Things That Can Take Your Life to a Whole New Level of Comfort

18 Really Cheap Things That Can Take Your Life to a Whole New Level of Comfort
4 years ago

You don’t have to spend thousands or millions of dollars to make your life more comfortable. It often happens that really useful things cost very little money. Reddit users know about this very well and they decided to share their experiences and talk about the things and devices that brought their lives to a whole new level of comfort.

25 Interior Ideas That Anyone Would Dream to Have in Their Home

25 Interior Ideas That Anyone Would Dream to Have in Their Home
5 years ago

As you probably know, it’s not just the beautiful and functional furniture that makes a home cozy, but also some other details of the interior. You would probably agree that it is much more pleasant to live in a house where you can sleep on a giant bean bag, wake up to an alarm that uses the smell of freshly brewed coffee, and look into a mirror that is a portal to a different world.

15+ Inventions That Are All We Need for a Perfect Life

15+ Inventions That Are All We Need for a Perfect Life
5 years ago

We’ve stumbled upon some amazingly simple, but effective inventions, that will make our lives that much easier! From cup-holding umbrellas, to suitcase scooters, to coffee-making alarm clocks, these inventions definitely have our seal of approval! And we hope you will find them useful as well!

19 Simple Psychological Tricks That Actually Work

19 Simple Psychological Tricks That Actually Work
6 years ago

There are a lot of psychological tricks and neuro-linguistic programming tips and there are millions of books and articles written about them. Many of these tricks really help professionals manipulate people and avoid being tricked by others. But are there tips that non-professionals can use on a daily basis?

9 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long

9 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long
6 years ago

If you care about your health but don’t want to deprive yourself of life’s pleasures, then we have good news: there is a scientifically proven way out! Our world’s cleverest minds have found unordinary yet pleasant habits that can help a person stay both healthy and happy. They may even help you have a longer life!