
What Are Our Favorite Bones Cast Doing Right Now

What Are Our Favorite Bones Cast Doing Right Now
9 months ago

For nearly 12 years, the Jeffersonian’s forensics team and FBI agents have been solving dark secrets and unsolved cases on the small TV screen in the Bones series. Even though the cases were the main idea behind the series, the relationships that the characters developed over time won the fans. The Forensic Anthropologist and the special FBI agent stood by their side in sickness and health, in extreme challenges and happy situations during the series, but what are the Bones cast doing now? Let’s see.

8 People Who Shared Unforgettable Childhood Memories

8 People Who Shared Unforgettable Childhood Memories
month ago

Childhood memories can be full of mysteries that defy explanation, leaving us unsettled by strange occurrences we can't quite comprehend. Whether it's encounters with unfamiliar people or eerie sensations of the paranormal, these moments often stay with us as we grow up, sparking curiosity about their origins. Thankfully, many find online communities where they can share their experiences without fear of judgment.

Shannen Doherty Reveals a List of People She DOES NOT Want at Her Funeral Amid Cancer Battle

Shannen Doherty Reveals a List of People She DOES NOT Want at Her Funeral Amid Cancer Battle
8 months ago

The 52-year-old actress is currently contending with stage four breast cancer that has metastasized to her bones. In a recent heart-to-heart on the “Let’s Be Clear” podcast, Shannen Doherty opened up about life, death, and the humor she finds in facing her fears. In a wide-ranging conversation about death and funeral planning, she detailed who she doesn’t want to attend her funeral and explained why she’s so strict in her decision.

12 Actresses Who Hid Their Pregnancies During Filming So Well, No One Could Even Guess It

12 Actresses Who Hid Their Pregnancies During Filming So Well, No One Could Even Guess It
year ago

Producing a film demands a significant amount of time. Similarly, engaging in a television series spanning numerous seasons and episodes can extend over a decade or more. Meanwhile, life continues, leading actors to form marital bonds or become parents during this duration. Nonetheless, revealing pregnancy to peers and superiors on the set remains a considerable source of anxiety for female performers. This apprehension arises from the potential mismatch with the storyline, placing the artist in jeopardy of relinquishing her role.

We Don’t Know What’s Hiding in 95% of the Ocean

We Don’t Know What’s Hiding in 95% of the Ocean
year ago

Oceans cover over 70% of the Earth’s surface, so it comes as no surprise that about 50% of the U.S. territory is underwater. We’ve explored only 5% of oceans. 12 people walked on the Moon, but there were only four manned descents to the Mariana Trench, the deepest location on Earth. Pressure is the crucial challenge of going deep into the ocean. At bigger depths, temperatures are extremely low, visibility is zero, and the pressure is so intense it’s harder to send people to the bottom of the ocean than to send them into space.You can’t see it, but the pressure of the air pushing down on your body in deeper parts is so big it feels like more than one hundred adult elephants or 50 jumbo jets are standing on your head. The pressure is 1,000 times bigger than on the land. Meanwhile, in space, when we pass through the Earth’s atmosphere, the pressure drops to zero. We’re mapping the planets, but it turns out to be easier than mapping the ocean floor. NASA uses radio waves when exploring space, but this method can’t be used for the ocean, since the trillions and trillions of gallons of water get in the way.

Why Cats and Dogs Can’t Eat Chocolate or Other Foods

Why Cats and Dogs Can’t Eat Chocolate or Other Foods
year ago

Your cat lady friend has asked you to cat-sit her loves while she’s away for the weekend. You arrive at the house and open the fridge to feed them something healthy like chicken. You notice a bar of chocolate and decide to give it to them as a treat. Wow! That’s a siren! Your friend calls you and yells at you. Turns out she has an alarm system that goes off when there’s any danger to her kitties. You should never ever feed them chocolate!

Why We Stop Growing at One Point

Why We Stop Growing at One Point
year ago

Our genes made of DNA tell a lot about our eye color, nose, face, body shape, and height. We inherit genes from our parents, and they start doing all the work from the moment we’re a single cell, but at some point, they tell our body: “Okay, time to stop growing now.”

You Have More Than 5 Senses + Other Unbelievable Body Facts

You Have More Than 5 Senses + Other Unbelievable Body Facts
year ago

Most people are sure that humans only have 5 senses. But that’s not entirely true. Taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing aren’t the only ones we have. Scientists claim that people have between 9 and 20 senses in total. These include: thermoception — the sense of warmth; equilibrioception — the sense of balance. There’s also the sense of time — although not everyone seems to have that last one. We used to think there were just eight different blood types. But in reality, there are over 30 known blood group systems. Here on the Bright Side, our favorite blood group is B Positive. Get it?

Why We Evolved to Have Such Tender Feet

Why We Evolved to Have Such Tender Feet
11 months ago

If you’ve ever hit your toe on a corner and felt that sharp pain, you know what I mean by “why we have such delicate feet.” Our feet are super sensitive. They’re covered with this special hairless skin full of nerve endings. That’s why it hurts so bad when we get a foot injury.Yet, they aren’t as delicate as we think. It’s incredible how our feet are put together. They consist of twenty-six bones, thirty-three joints, and over a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These are working together like a machine to let us move around.

This Thing Reveals the Inner World of Pyramids

This Thing Reveals the Inner World of Pyramids
11 months ago

X-rays are a type of invisible radiation that can pass through our bodies and objects. They’re very important in the field of medicine because they allow doctors to see inside our bodies without having to perform surgery. Now, let’s dive into how X-rays work! They are a kind of electromagnetic radiation, just like light or radio waves. However, they have much higher energy than light, which makes them able to go through objects that light cannot. Imagine you have a powerful flashlight. If you try to shine it through a wall, the light won’t go through because the wall is too thick. But these rays have enough energy to go through walls and even our bodies!

If You See This Burrow, Don’t Come Any Closer

If You See This Burrow, Don’t Come Any Closer
11 months ago

In the heart of a dense forest, a person embarks on a forest hike, delving into the hidden depths of nature’s playground. But this isn’t your ordinary stroll through the trees. It takes a turn toward an eerie and spine-chilling discovery. Our protagonist, with a twinkle of curiosity in his eyes, discovers a burrow hiding in the shadows. Curiosity outweighs fear, and our explorer comes up closer. It’s not some random burrow — this one belongs to a fox. So, what if it’s the wrong move, and they should just run away?

29 Myths Even Your Parents Thought Were True

29 Myths Even Your Parents Thought Were True
11 months ago

Hi! Do chameleons only change colors for camouflage? No. They can actually change colors to reflect their mood. So, males turn a bright color to show their dominance, and they become darker when they get aggressive. Chameleons also change colors to adapt to different temperatures. A cold chameleon will turn dark to absorb more heat, while a smoking-hot chameleon will turn itself pale to reflect the sun’s rays.

Secret Room Inside the Rock Where Ancient People Lived

Secret Room Inside the Rock Where Ancient People Lived
year ago

“A comfortable abode with a gorgeous view of the Mediterranean Sea will serve as a perfect rain shelter” — this is what a real estate advertisement might have looked like for Neanderthals 100,000 years ago. Welcome to weird and wonderful caves you could live in — or not. Of course, back then, neither real estate and advertising had been invented yet, never mind the fact that Neanderthals couldn’t build houses and often lived in caves. Yet, one of those caves looks an awful lot like a residential building. It’s situated inside a high limestone cape called the Rock of Gibraltar. If the Neanderthals had had an economy, the caves inside this rock would have cost a bundle.

25 Proofs Your Body Does Really Weird Things

25 Proofs Your Body Does Really Weird Things
year ago

Nobody really knows why we need the appendix, but it’s always at the back of the book. Wait, wrong appendix. Some researchers claim the human appendix helped our ancestors process the tree bark and whatever they were eating at that time. As we have a much more balanced diet now, the appendix can disappear from our bodies without any consequences.

How Heavy of a Weight Can Birds Lift?

How Heavy of a Weight Can Birds Lift?
year ago

One of the strongest birds on our planet is the harpy eagle. It’s an apex predator, and you can find it in the tropical regions of Central and South America. In terms of their lifting capabilities, they’ve been recorded to tackle up to 40 lbs!

If You Wondered Why Your Body Does That, Now You Know

If You Wondered Why Your Body Does That, Now You Know
year ago

In 10 years from now, you’ll be a completely different person! Well, at least your skeleton will be. To reach its adult size, your skeleton went through a process called modeling, which means the development of growth and formation. Turns out it regenerates completely once every 10 years or so! This entire process ensures you always have healthy bone cells, that can support you and provide calcium to your body.

Put an Onion in Your Sock Before Bed, Wake Up to This!

Put an Onion in Your Sock Before Bed, Wake Up to This!

Friday night after work, you decide to drive over to your grandma’s for the weekend. She cooks you a delicious dinner and listens to all your stories. You mention the office AC must have given you a slight cold — you coughed a couple of times. Grandma says nothing and just nods and smiles like she’s up to something. You go to bed and fall asleep like a baby. The next morning, you wake up with onions in your socks and a tennis ball tied to your back! Grandmaaaa! What’s all that supposed to mean?

Put Garlic Under Your Pillow 1 Night, See If It Works for You

Put Garlic Under Your Pillow 1 Night, See If It Works for You

You know, garlic might not smell like roses because of the sulfur-containing compounds it has, but the odor won’t bother you before long since you’ll get used to it. As a benefit, that smell will have a calming effect, helping you sleep safe and sound. It’s even better if you eat it! Garlic contains vitamin B1 that is responsible for producing melatonin, a sleep hormone.

30+ Odd Things Happening Right Inside You

30+ Odd Things Happening Right Inside You
year ago

The distance between your outstretched arms is your height. You renew your skeleton every 10 years. [time to renew!] You lose around 100 hairs every day, and that’s totally normal. Humans are the only creatures who sleep on their backs for a long time. Koalas, like humans, have their own unique fingerprints. In a lifetime, the average person will walk the equivalent of 3 times around the world. A person can have from 250 to over 1,000 hairs in each eyebrow. Your eyebrows also have a lifespan: about 4 months for all the hairs to fall out and be replaced by new [!] ones. Thanks goodness. Your eyes are the only organ that doesn’t grow with age.

Why It’s So Rare to Be Left-Handed

Why It’s So Rare to Be Left-Handed
year ago

Our ancestors were tough. Tough! They had to fight huge wild animals to survive, and meanwhile, they were hiding in caves, eating forest fruit, socializing, catching animals, and discovering new things, like fire. But even with a tight schedule like this, they had some time left for hobbies and artistic things.

A Person to Live 1000 Years Is Already Born

A Person to Live 1000 Years Is Already Born
year ago

Hey there, Bright Siders. My name is Tom, and today I welcome you to have a peak into the future. Let’s imagine it’s your Birthday, and the entire family is here to celebrate. It’s a nice group of 562 people. Perfect — it takes a village to put down 1,000 candles. You cooked that 40 layer cake and built that house yourself. With the new average life expectancy, you have enough time to master any hobby in the world.

Can You Drink Rainwater + 20 Cool Body Facts

Can You Drink Rainwater + 20 Cool Body Facts
year ago

Hey, can you speak up? I just ate an entire pizza! That’s because after eating a hearty meal, our hearing tends to be a bit less sharp. During digestion, most of our bloodstream is directed toward the stomach, which takes away a bit from all the other organs. So next time you want to go listen to your favorite band at a live concert, make sure to eat a lighter meal to keep your ears pitch perfect.

You Are Not Doomed to Age Like Your Parents, Here’s Why

You Are Not Doomed to Age Like Your Parents, Here’s Why
year ago

Imagine being born old and getting younger for the rest of your life. Well, we’ve seen this movie before, haven’t we? Benjamin Button taught us some valuable lessons. As we get older, our body changes. Our habits, our likes and dislikes, our emotional intelligence, all of this changes with time. But what exactly is aging? And how come every living being on the planet is subject to it?

7 Mind-Blowing Facts About Unborn Babies Not Many People Know

7 Mind-Blowing Facts About Unborn Babies Not Many People Know
Family & kids
2 years ago

Babies don’t become full humans only after they are born, but they are already formed while they are inside their mothers’ wombs. For example, in a recent study, fetuses were monitored while they were in their mothers’ bellies. Their responses to certain foods were photographed, and they even smiled when they liked certain foods and frowned when they disliked something. This means that they have the ability to feel, taste, and even listen and respond to certain things.

5 Good Habits That Are Actually Bad for Our Health

5 Good Habits That Are Actually Bad for Our Health
2 years ago

Our everyday habits influence our behavior more than we realize, and it’s important to consider what we put our minds to on a regular basis. According to research, habits can actually be destructive, so it’s much better to have knowledge about what’s really good and bad for you.

What Could Happen to Your Body If You Sit Too Much

What Could Happen to Your Body If You Sit Too Much
2 years ago

Sometimes, all we want is to have a chill day and to not have to move a single muscle. But leading a sedentary lifestyle can lead to serious problems like heart disease and diabetes. As a matter of fact, sitting or lying down too much is more risky than meets the eye. That’s why we invite you to take a walk, even between your living room and your kitchen, and to read about how being inactive can worsen existing skin conditions and cause varicose veins.

5 Signs That Should Make You Feel Worried About Your Body Checking Habit

5 Signs That Should Make You Feel Worried About Your Body Checking Habit
2 years ago

Body checking is something most people do, since we care about how we look. However, it becomes a problem when a person needs to be aware of how they look at every moment of their lives. They feel the need to check themselves during all times of the day, and it becomes a compulsive action for them. If it reaches that state, it means that it’s officially a deeper issue that needs to be addressed.

7 Body Facts Common Only for a Small Percentage of People

7 Body Facts Common Only for a Small Percentage of People
2 years ago

When you think of mutants, surely you picture people flying, shooting lasers from their eyes, and Hugh Jackman flexing his luscious abs... But let’s not get carried away. Mutations maybe won’t help you save the world in a cape, but there are some spectacular human features that are super rare and make their owners truly unique. Bright Side wants to show you seven body features that, if you have, you can consider yourself part of a small lucky bunch.