If you want to create an itinerary that combines breathtaking ancient sites, authentic bazaars, and relaxation all in one trip — visit Egypt. This country can provide some exciting experiences that are not found elsewhere.
Traveling can be exciting, but let’s be honest, it doesn’t always go smoothly. There are times when things get so bizarre or overwhelming, you end up thinking, “Maybe I should’ve just stayed home with a good show and some snacks.”
We look forward to holidays, and get delighted when we travel. Even if it is a weekend trip somewhere not far away. But traveling can be full of surprises, both pleasant and not so pleasant. Our article has stories like this.
Everyone has their ideas about an ideal holiday. Some dream of an all-inclusive hotel with 3 meals a day and the sea at a walking distance. Others dream of new cities and countries, and an ideal walk for them is at least 20,000 steps a day. But both can bring back a million-dollar story from their holiday.
Family jewels not only have special charm, but also convey family history spanning decades. In addition, vintage jewelry is often distinguished by a unique design that is almost impossible to find today.
What crowns the pyramids of Egypt? How does Iceland create its unique “volcano bread”? Where can you witness the world’s rarest phenomenon? The pursuit of these answers not only energizes us but also sparks dreams, making us feel like pioneers. Our natural curiosity pushes us to explore the mysteries of ourselves and the fascinating world around us.
King Tutankhamun gained immense fame due to the unearthing of his tomb in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings in 1922. Recently, researchers have accomplished the first-ever digital recreation of King Tutankhamun’s face.
In the hushed embrace of time’s tapestry, where whispers of ancient marvels echo through the ages, there lies a realm of wonders long lost to the annals of history. Journey with us, as we uncover the veil of centuries and peer into the distant yesteryears, where the air was laced with mystique and the earth breathed artistry.
In 1912, the Titanic, a historic maritime tragedy, met its fateful end, resulting in the loss of over 1,500 lives. Even after all these years, the memory of this catastrophic incident continues to endure. Remarkably, the sinking of the Titanic stands as the most devastating shipwreck in history at that time, and it remains unrivaled as the most tragic peacetime sinking of a cruise ship ever recorded.
Let’s get into the “purrfect” world of felines. From the sand cat that can go for weeks without drinking water to the first cat that went to space. Here are the 10 interesting cat facts for you to enjoy and be informed about.
You’re shopping at your favorite mall, and it’s time to get to the next level. You notice the escalator stopped moving, so it’s probably broken. You can choose to walk on it anyway or look for the stairs or an elevator. So, what it’s going to be? If you chose option A and bravely stepped on a stopped escalator, I have some bad news for you. You’re putting yourself at risk since the escalator isn’t designed to be used as regular stairs.
The 46-year age gap between Iris and Mohamed wasn’t enough to stop their sweet passion. In fact, 40 years after her divorce, the retired cleaner, 83, found love again, and she was determined to not let it go, despite her family’s reluctance. We can’t wait to share this adorable story that screams love in all languages.
Listen to this: Neanderthal fiber technology. Nope, I’m not joking: the concept is real. In 2020, a team of scientists published a paper that redefined the way we saw our closest ancestors. A find in France changed archeology forever. And it wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.
One of the most unexplored and mysterious places on Earth is located in plain sight. It’s one of the most majestic monuments of humankind. The wonder of the ancient world hides a secret that scientists and archaeologists still can’t solve. This is the Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt.
Although it’s tall and massive, the Statue of Liberty doesn’t always stand still. When the wind is strong enough, she sways by around 3 inches, and her torch — about twice as much. And then on calm days, if you look closely at her feet, you can sometimes catch her doing a little jig underneath that flowing robe. Nah, not really.
Humanity has been looking to the stars, searching for secrets that outer space is hiding. But deep underground, within the soil of our own planet, there are literal troves of fantastic things just waiting to be discovered.
Hey! I have an invitation for you. Pack your bags, and let’s head down to the world’s most visited city: Paris! The city of love, the city of blinding lights, or whatever you want to call it. Our goal is to uncover as many secrets as possible regarding the world-famous Musée du Louvre. Are you up for it? Grab your travel book and bon voyage!
Its ruins lie somewhere in the darkness of the ocean depths, covered in seaweed, damaged by the ravages of time. The city of Atlantis allegedly existed 12,000 years ago. Then it sank, and over centuries, people have been passing stories about it. Many think it was just a regular island. But so many legends tell about a powerful empire. Atlantis supposedly was one of the wealthiest and most fascinating cities of its time. Your breath would have been taken away if you had stepped through its central gate. Amazing decorations and towering marble statues were all over the place.
Several female celebrities have had multiple relationships throughout their life but found true happiness only after the age of 40. Despite this, it is believed that women over 40 only have a 40% chance of getting married. This may be due to the fact that at this age, women have a clearer understanding of what they really want from their partners. Below is a list of famous women who serve as an inspiration that it is never too late to find true love and start a new chapter in life.
You have heard about Nikola Tesla. You have DEFINITELY heard about the Great Pyramids in Egypt. But what if I told you that Tesla may have probably uncovered the ancient mystery surrounding the pyramids? Wait, what? Is this a crossover episode? Nope! It’s highly probable that the secrets of the pyramids are hidden in plain sight.
A beam of electric light pierces the darkness over the calm waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The Titanic is quietly making its way through the waves, its passengers asleep, when suddenly, a monstrous white shape is caught in the light beam. The fateful iceberg is about to rend the side of the legendary ship. April 14, 1912. Only two days before someone will take a photo of a giant iceberg with a pretty unusual elliptical shape. It turns out that this iceberg most likely formed out of snow that fell 100,000 years ago! Researchers used computer modeling to figure out its origin. They used data from 1912 and added some new information about winds and ocean currents. They concluded that the iceberg was probably a part of a small cluster of glaciers in Southwest Greenland.
Imagine you’re 15 and you got bored of playing video games. Instead, to pass the time, you decide to give some attention to an old hobby of yours: tracking down lost Mayan cities. You’ve heard that some ancient civilizations are said to have built entire cities based on constellations, so you decide to check out whether that was true for the Mayans.
It’s scalding hot. You arrived in Egypt a few hours ago, but you’re already standing in the middle of the town of Saqqara, in front of Egypt’s oldest pyramid. You realize you forgot to put on sunscreen, but you don’t even have time to think about that. The task at hand is much more important and exciting than sunblock. You were called to report on recent findings of Ancient Egyptian mysteries. We’re talking about things that are being unearthed after 4,000 years. Do you get how important that is?
The Amazon River, the boat, and dense jungle on both sides. All is silent, only the engine is revving, and you look around nervously under the earnest gaze of the Peruvian guide. Suddenly, the man smiles and points ahead. This is it. You’ve finally arrived at Iquitos. The city is hidden deep within the Amazon rainforest. On one side, Iquitos is surrounded by water and on the other lies thick impenetrable rainforest as far as the eye can see, making this city extremely difficult to reach.
When traveling to a foreign country, no matter how safe it is, foreigners should always be extra careful. There are many possible dangers, from keeping their valuables close to their bodies and not drinking too much, to not going to unknown areas. So, the best thing to do is to research the place before visiting. This way, you will be prepared and hopefully be able to avoid scary situations like the people below.
Imagine you could spend an entire week scanning ancient ruins and taking photographs of the world’s most surreal archeological sites! Would you be up for it? So, let’s do some digging! — The first stop on your busy itinerary is South East Asia. It’s home to some pretty cool ruins. You start in Bagan [Bay-gn], located in the hinterlands of Myanmar. There are many ways to visit the site, and you’re glad you’ve booked two different experiences!
It’s your first trip to Egypt, and your new friends there invited you for lunch. The food seems a bit dull, so you decide to spice it up with salt and pepper. You don’t see it on the table, so you ask the host for it, and you notice everyone’s shocked. It turns out it’s a huge insult to the cook when someone wants to change the original taste of the food on their plate. The cook made it that way for a reason and wanting to spice it up means showing that the dish wasn’t good enough.
We’re all different because of our diverse cultures, and it’s a big part of the fun of traveling to discover things about a place that aren’t as common or exist in your home country. But if you know these things, your trip will be more leisurely, and you can avoid embarrassing or funny situations.Bright Side has always been amazed by how various ethnicities are, so we’d like to give you a few tips to help you get the most out of your journey.
Naming your child is one of the most important and defining moments of becoming a parent. And the decision can be a challenging one. Many parents want to pick names that stand out, or that have deep and personal meanings for them. And celebrities are no different. Some celebrities defy convention, choosing unique names, often with interesting meanings.Bright Side collected some of the most creative celebrity children’s names and the inspiration behind them. Some are mysterious and some are sweet, and we hope they inspire you to embrace your individuality and think outside the box.
A trip to another country is always an adventure, especially if you’re visiting it for the first time and are amazed by local particularities. Egypt is no exception either. Many tourists come here to see the pyramids and the underwater beauty of the Red Sea, but it turns out that you can also go on hot-air balloon rides there, and there’s a cat around every corner.
It’s said that it’s important to be in the right place at the right time but the women we’re showcasing today couldn’t use this piece of advice. All of these women, with their progressive views, were very much ahead of the time they were born in.
For centuries, poets, philosophers, psychologists, artists, scientists, and ordinary people have tirelessly attempted to find out what love is. Why do some people make us feel good while others don’t? How do we choose each other? And finally, how can you really know if you’ll be happy with this person for the rest of your life?
Petra is an ancient city, carved into rocks. It is located in the country of Jordan — most of which is covered in deserts. Getting to this unique object is no easy task — it is only possible to do through a narrow canyon. But this doesn’t stop tourists.
There are a few historical figures that have managed to escape textbooks and become, one way or the other, part of popular culture. Among them we will absolutely find Cleopatra, which is, well... a textbook case of what we described before: more than 2,000 years have passed since she roamed the Egyptian palaces, and she’s still imposing all kinds of beauty trends. She has been portrayed in all sorts of ways, from the femme fatale to the relentless seductress that the Romans thought she was. And of course, celebrities have not restrained themselves from bringing her to life in their own, very personal way.
Sometimes, it seems that in the modern world, it’s impossible to surprise or shock anyone anymore. However, the media is full of news that certain movies are banned in some countries because the authorities required it.