
19 Sky Photos That Are Probably Taken in a Parallel Universe

19 Sky Photos That Are Probably Taken in a Parallel Universe
6 years ago

We all tend to think that clouds are so light that they float in the sky with ease, but actually, it’s not true — an average cloud contains millions of tons of water and weighs as much as 100 elephants. However, even though they are so massive, clouds always manage to impress us with their miraculous shapes and unusual colors.

12 People Witnessed a Supernatural Event and It Haunts Them to This Day

12 People Witnessed a Supernatural Event and It Haunts Them to This Day
10 months ago

Not everyone relies on horror movies to feel fear; some have encountered eerie events in their own lives. And while some of these incidents can be explained, others provoke people to question and cast doubt on what is genuinely true. Below, a few brave souls have shared their unusual stories online, and they are guaranteed to give you goosebumps.

What If All the Planets Moved Between Earth and the Moon

What If All the Planets Moved Between Earth and the Moon
year ago

You’re on a plane heading to an important astronomy convention when you see a large figure outside your window that eclipses the whole Sun. You spit out all of your coffee, and everyone in the plane stares outside in shock. You then notice that it has rings like Saturn. You were supposed to fly to Japan, but you’re forced to land in California.As soon as you land, you look up in the sky and see some more giant planet-like structures floating around in the sky. Everyone is taking pictures and trying to figure out what’s going on. Suddenly you notice a huge ball of fire crashing down near the airport. Everyone scrambles for safety, and luckily, it ends up in the middle of the runway with no one around. The bad news is that there’s no more runway for planes to land.

A Giant Asteroid Is Flying to Earth, and You’ll See It

A Giant Asteroid Is Flying to Earth, and You’ll See It
year ago

The sun is rising, lighting up the trees, swamps, and massive plants of the Yucatán Peninsula. It’s 66 million years before today — the last days of the Mesozoic era. This peaceful world doesn’t know yet that a rock the size of a mountain is nearing Earth at a speed of more than 40,000 mph [(64,000 kph)]. It looks like a fireball that’s growing larger and larger with every passing minute. Soon, it already seems to be bigger than the Sun. Dinos, roaming the prehistoric Earth, don’t know that they have to run, hide, save themselves! Not that it’s going to help.

What to Do If You’re in Fire Tornado Path Suddenly

What to Do If You’re in Fire Tornado Path Suddenly
year ago

The air is bone dry, and the wind is out of control. You feel like you’re standing in front of a fireplace. But you’re not, you’re standing in your backyard about to grill up a feast when you suddenly see the trees shaking uncontrollably. Leaves are falling like confetti. The wind just blew your last piece of laundry into the great unknown.You look around and everyone else is just as confused and scared as you are. In the distance, you see a red horizon of fire in the forest and a large vortex touching the sky. You drop everything and make a break for it. You’ll be lucky to outrun a tornado, they usually move at around 30 mph [(50 kph)] but can reach up to 70 [mph (110 kph)].

What If Earth’s Gravity Suddenly Dropped 50%

What If Earth’s Gravity Suddenly Dropped 50%
year ago

You decide to go out for a morning jog for the first time in your life. You put on your headphones and get ready for something hard and unpleasant. But as soon as you go outside, you feel an extraordinary lightness. At first, you enjoy it and speed up, but then you realize that something’s wrong. You’re running too fast and too easily. You feel like you’ve just taken off a heavy backpack that you’ve been carrying all your life. You’re so fast you think you must have a superpower now. But, you notice another athlete running as quickly as you. You notice a puddle ahead of you and jump over it. You jump so far and so high it feels physically impossible. You fall to the ground, shocked.

What If Mosquitoes Became Giant?

What If Mosquitoes Became Giant?
year ago

Ah, it’s a lovely day for a boat ride in the swamp. If not for these mosquitoes, then today would be perfect. But for some reason, the mosquitoes keep getting bigger the further you go into the swamp. They started out as tiny, almost invisible insects and can now be the size of your thumb. You can hear their buzzing as they wiz past you. You go deeper to investigate why they’re so big. Eventually, you see a large cluster of mosquitoes the size of your hand buzzing around. They notice you and start flying toward you. You grab a branch and start swatting them away.

If You Find That Rock in Your Yard, Don’t Touch It At All

If You Find That Rock in Your Yard, Don’t Touch It At All
year ago

You’re playing fetch with your doggie when all of a sudden you see something falling down from the sky. It’s glowing and has a large tail behind it. It’s speeding down at an alarming rate, getting ever closer.You try to grab your pooch to take it inside, but it goes stubborn, barking and growling. But then you look up and notice the shining UFO becoming more like a ball, and it looks like it’s heading towards you! You run around your backyard trying to catch your hound, but this time it thinks you’re playing with it and runs away from you.You improvise and chase it to go inside the house. And great timing too: the object in the sky flashes, so brightly you can’t even look at it, and then boom! It’s like a small piece of the sun just crashed right behind your house. You leap behind a couch and try to take a look at what happened. Your neighbors knock on your door to see if you’re all right. Once you open to them, they all flood in with their cameras.

What If Earth Had Rings Like Saturn

What If Earth Had Rings Like Saturn
year ago

You’re relaxing in your room and streaming some good tunes when suddenly, the network’s down. You try rebooting your phone, but there’s still no connection. Out of nowhere, your sister barges into your room in panic. She’s screaming something about rings. Boxing rings? Wedding rings? Rings on the tub? She’s not making any sense. So she drags you out of the house and shows you the sky. You take a look-up and see streaks of objects forming miles above the Earth’s surface. Her connection seems to work. The two of you check online what’s going on, and everywhere the same thing is making headlines: Rings are suddenly appearing in our sky! #Earthrings is breaking the hashtag record and videos are going super viral. Your sister can’t help but join the crowd and takes a bunch of selfies with the sky.

What If Earth Were Born in Another Star System?

What If Earth Were Born in Another Star System?
year ago

What would the Earth look like if it was born in another stellar system? I did a little research for you to find out. And the results were surprisingly wholesome! There are some warm tropics, strong winds, and... giant dragonflies. But okay, let me explain from the very beginning. Since 1995, NASA has discovered more than 4,100 planets outside the Solar System [exoplanets]. Unfortunately, most of them are either flying ice balls like Neptune or gas giants like Jupiter. But there are still as many as 161 planets similar to our Earth! And one of them is very close to us — in the Centauri constellation. There are three stars in this constellation.

If Humans Never Appeared, What Creature Rules Earth?

If Humans Never Appeared, What Creature Rules Earth?
year ago

If you were to look at Earth from the International Space Station at night, you’d be able to see the light of the cities from space! That’s how big our impact as a species is. There are huge multicultural cities all around the world. We’ve built buildings SO high, they nearly disappear out of sight. Cities are built from the ground up for thousands and thousands of people to live in.

Kraken vs Cthulhu: Who’s #1 Sea Monster Legend?

Kraken vs Cthulhu: Who’s #1 Sea Monster Legend?
year ago

The sky is burning... The world’s oceans are foaming... Thunder and lightning are shaking the air... Two of the most terrible and powerful monsters collide in a duel. A harbinger of the end of the world! Just the sight of this monster can drive anyone mad. Great and atrocious Cthulhu! And the biggest squid on the planet is fighting against it! A beast that knows no fear because it’s fear itself! The cause of a thousand shipwrecks. The mighty and hideous Kraken! Let the most epic fight in the history of the Universe begin!

If Your Hair Stands on End, You’ve Seconds to Run!

If Your Hair Stands on End, You’ve Seconds to Run!

Well, it’s time to stretch your legs and take a walk in the park! The sun is shining, and you enjoy the weather and life on the whole. That’s when you spot a rapidly growing vertical cloud.Bright white at first, it’s approaching alarmingly fast, becoming dense and inky. The sky is darkening, and a gust of wind blows the hat off your head.And then, your hair starts to stand on end! That’s your cue to run for your life — you’re about to be hit by lightning! At this very moment, positive charges are rising through your body.They’re reaching toward the negatively charged part of the storm. If you don’t react fast, these charges will meet, and it’ll end badly for you.

Astronomers Discovered Bizarre Blue Blobs in Space

Astronomers Discovered Bizarre Blue Blobs in Space
11 months ago

Scientists were looking at a list of gas clouds when they saw something strange — five groups of blue stars that are not quite a galaxy and not a known type of star cluster either. These groups of stars are called “blue blobs” and they’re located in the Virgo galaxy cluster. Now, the big question is — how did these blue blobs form if they don’t have any nearby parent galaxy where they could form? Scientists realized there are some heavy metals present in these blobs.

What If Earth Started Orbiting a Black Hole

What If Earth Started Orbiting a Black Hole
11 months ago

Our Sun. Something strange just happened now. Every TV channel, the news, they’re all talking about a black hole that came closer to us — on the spot where our Sun used to be! You can even see an accretion disk, and the background of the sky looks kinda distorted, which means it got really close.Normally, black holes are so far away that we can’t see them with the unaided eye. You can’t even see them with a telescope directly! What is it doing here, so close? Where is the Sun? Did the black hole swallow it?

10 Old-Fashioned Ways to Predict the Weather

10 Old-Fashioned Ways to Predict the Weather
11 months ago

Urbania. Sounds like a made-up city from a fairy tale. But it’s not. It is real and located in central Italy. The town’s name isn’t the only strange thing about it. Every year, the local newspaper and television publish a strange weather forecast. It is based on onion wedges. Yes, you’ve heard it correctly. Italians from this region [Province of Pesaro and Urbino] eagerly look forward to a forecast based on a vegetable.

If You See This Lunar Phenomenon, You’re Lucky

If You See This Lunar Phenomenon, You’re Lucky
year ago

The Moon. Our little companion. Our only friend in the big, dark, cold space. It’s not surprising that any events related to it, like solar or lunar eclipses, excite us. But how about... the black Moon? The blue Moon? A supermoon? Have you ever heard of them? Well, let me tell you about it and how you can observe them. Let’s get your calendars ready. The distance between the Earth and the Moon is 238,900 miles. Feels not so far, doesn’t it? But trust me — most people GREATLY underestimate this distance! Did you know that every planet in the Solar System, including Jupiter and Saturn, would fit between the Moon and us? I couldn’t believe it myself!

These Animals Travel Across the World, but Why?

These Animals Travel Across the World, but Why?
year ago

The sky suddenly turns orange. All you can see as you look up are millions of butterflies. You just got lucky to witness the spectacular natural show: the annual migration of monarch butterflies. Every fall, as the days get shorter and the temperatures go down in the northeastern U.S. and Canada, these beautiful creatures leave their summer breeding grounds. They travel up to 3,000 miles to Mexico and never come back.

Metal Balls Fell From Space in India, What Are They?

Metal Balls Fell From Space in India, What Are They?
year ago

It’s raining cats and dogs! Literally! Things falling down from the sky can be pretty unexpected, so here are some examples.Residents of Texarkana, Texas, once had light rain and fish shower. No need to go fishing out in the sea — the fish literally falls down on your head! In fact, animal rains are not uncommon: waterspouts or updrafts occurring in different corners of the Earth sometimes carry small creatures up with them. Those could be crabs, frogs, or indeed fish. A waterspout is generally a whirlwind that picks up water and grows in size until it connects the surface of the water and the clouds. Lightweight critters living close to the water surface often get caught in the vortex and carried up and away. Thunderstorm clouds are constant companions of waterspouts, too.

The Northern Lights Drifted South But Why

The Northern Lights Drifted South But Why
year ago

Bright, colorful flashes of pink and green light up the night sky. You’re watching it from your backyard in Pennsylvania. That’s not something you’re used to, but it’s very likely to happen more often in the near future as the northern lights are shifting south! Northern lights, or auroras, appear as a result of solar storms.

Why Airplanes Don’t Have Keys

Why Airplanes Don’t Have Keys
year ago

It seems strange that a commercial jet doesn’t have keys to turn it on! But it’s a bit more complicated than just turning a key. Instead, there’s a series of buttons and dials on the control board that starts the complicated process. A battery provides the power to the aircraft that is charged through a small electric generator within the jet’s tail. Airflow gets in and moves into the jet’s engines to keep them cool. A reserve power then warms the turbines by turning them slowly until they start spinning at the right rate. Then, the engines can be turned on, one at a time. With up to 4 engines on a commercial jet, this entire process can take up to 90 minutes!

Auroras Make Weird Noises, and Now We Know Why

Auroras Make Weird Noises, and Now We Know Why
year ago

Imagine you’re showing Planet Earth around to a visitor from outer space. How about we show them some of Earth’s majestic phenomena? First things first: the dancing Northern Lights. They’d probably think it’s a work of magic if science hadn’t been able to explain how on Earth these things work. It’s crazy that such a beautiful phenomenon can emerge from such a violent encounter. So how about we take a closer look into the process?

How Ancient Mythology Influenced the Powers of Black Adam

How Ancient Mythology Influenced the Powers of Black Adam
year ago

Now imagine... You’re in Ancient Egypt... It’s 5,000 years ago... Impressed by your fairness and decency, the pharaoh’s wizard summons you. He explains to you that he has chosen you as the heir to his powers to fight the evil forces of the world.You accept the responsibility. All you have to do is call the wizard’s name out loud, and you’ll invoke the power of six Egyptian deities to become invulnerable in every way... Okay, I need to stop you right here before this daydream gets too exciting...Snap out of it this instant! It is not your OG story, it’s Black Adam’s — at least in one version of the comics. You know him, DC Universe’s invincible and immortal hero-but-not-really or in other words villain-but-not-really... Thanks to my very own telepathy power, I can sense that now you want to know what his powers are that make him so indestructible.

Betelgeuse’s Supernova Can Cause Ice Age on Earth

Betelgeuse’s Supernova Can Cause Ice Age on Earth
year ago

Imagine you’re looking up at the sky on a clear night, and you see all those beautiful stars twinkling up there. Well, one of them is Betelgeuse — a celebrity among stars. If you want to catch a glimpse of it, look up at the Orion constellation. It low-key looks like an archer holding a bow, and you can spot Betelgeuse as the reddish-orange dot on their shoulder. It’s one of the brightest stars in the sky, so it’s hard to miss! Betelgeuse is not your ordinary star. First of all, it’s gigantic, up to 1,000 times the size of our Sun. Can you imagine that? It’s so enormous that if we could somehow replace our Sun with Betelgeuse, it would engulf all the inner planets, including Earth!

Why Oreo Cream Remains on One Side After Twisting

Why Oreo Cream Remains on One Side After Twisting
year ago

Many people believe our ancestors were monosyllabic grunters. But according to a new study from the University of Western Australia, this might not be the case. The primary purpose of any language is to convey some meaning, right? So, researchers believe that non-verbal communication most likely came before oral language.

What If Earth’s Oxygen Levels Rise to 50%

What If Earth’s Oxygen Levels Rise to 50%
year ago

Imagine a planet where every breath you take electrifies your body like a shot of espresso. The sky above you is an intense shade of blue, while colossal trees stretch towards the heavens, their vibrant green leaves growing at an astonishing rate. Daily exercise becomes a thrill like no other. With the abundance of oxygen, you become a supercharged version of yourself. Running feels effortless as you dart across the landscape, lifting weights that would normally seem impossible. It’s as if the world itself is infused with a surge of energy. Everything is moving faster.

The Sun Is Actually a Rainbow, Here’s How

The Sun Is Actually a Rainbow, Here’s How
year ago

Did you know that our Sun is actually... green? Okay, okay, I’m kidding. In reality, it’s... all colors you can imagine at the same time! Wait, what? I know it sounds like a joke, but I’m being serious. Can’t you tell? In fact, our Sun contains absolutely all the waves of the light spectrum. It’s simultaneously red, blue, green, yellow — you name it! Where do you think rainbows come from? When sunlight gets reflected off water droplets in the air, it splits into a bunch of colored waves that we can see individually. And when they’re all together, we see a white ray of light. Our eyes are unable to perceive the concept of “all colors at the same time,” so their combination seems white to us.

If Your Hair Stands on End, You’ve Seconds to Run

If Your Hair Stands on End, You’ve Seconds to Run

Well, it’s time to stretch your legs and take a walk in the park! The sun is shining, and you enjoy the weather and life on the whole. That’s when you spot a rapidly growing vertical cloud.Bright white at first, it’s approaching alarmingly fast, becoming dense and inky. The sky is darkening, and a gust of wind blows the hat off your head.And then, your hair starts to stand on end! That’s your cue to run for your life — you’re about to be hit by lightning! At this very moment, positive charges are rising through your body.

Why Planes Can’t Fly Over Disneyland

Why Planes Can’t Fly Over Disneyland
year ago

Disneyland’s airspace has the protection level of the White House and the Kennedy Space Center. It’s prohibited to fly over the theme park without a special waiver. The restriction was introduced in 2003 for security reasons, so now you will never see a plane or even a single drone flying over the park. Disneyland’s staff invented two unique colors: “Go Away Green” and “Blending Blue”. They are specifically designed to make the guests’ eyes ignore them.