Why Smoke Always Blows in Your Face Around a Fire

Let’s solve some real-life mysteries! Why does smoke always follow you around when you’re camping? Why do earphones tangle in our pockets, and many more...
Let’s solve some real-life mysteries! Why does smoke always follow you around when you’re camping? Why do earphones tangle in our pockets, and many more...
Thanks to the development of modern science, we are aware of the many pros and cons of hygiene and cosmetic procedures. Women of the past centuries also wanted to stay healthy and look attractive at the same time. However, to achieve these goals, they sometimes used completely disconcerting means.
Let’s face it, keeping the house clean is a major burden for most of us, who have a job and possibly kids. Putting things off only worsens the situation, and dirt becomes even tougher. But fear not, as these 15 products we gathered for you can erase the most vicious stains.
Travelling by plane is not only a fast way to get to your destination. It can also be quite unpredictable. Some people have to deal with weird passengers sitting next to them, others find adventures at the airport, and some people are simply afraid of flying and get really nervous.
Fashion in the celebrity world has always been synonymous with glamour and sophistication. However, some celebrities take the art of dressing up to a whole new level, defying norms and embracing the weird, wild, and wonderful. In this article, we explore the audacious fashion choices of ten celebrities who have dared to challenge traditional styles, leaving an indelible mark on the fashion landscape.
The air is bone dry, and the wind is out of control. You feel like you’re standing in front of a fireplace. But you’re not, you’re standing in your backyard about to grill up a feast when you suddenly see the trees shaking uncontrollably. Leaves are falling like confetti. The wind just blew your last piece of laundry into the great unknown.You look around and everyone else is just as confused and scared as you are. In the distance, you see a red horizon of fire in the forest and a large vortex touching the sky. You drop everything and make a break for it. You’ll be lucky to outrun a tornado, they usually move at around 30 mph [(50 kph)] but can reach up to 70 [mph (110 kph)].
Ah, it’s a lovely day for a boat ride in the swamp. If not for these mosquitoes, then today would be perfect. But for some reason, the mosquitoes keep getting bigger the further you go into the swamp. They started out as tiny, almost invisible insects and can now be the size of your thumb. You can hear their buzzing as they wiz past you. You go deeper to investigate why they’re so big. Eventually, you see a large cluster of mosquitoes the size of your hand buzzing around. They notice you and start flying toward you. You grab a branch and start swatting them away.
One day recently, while a man is resting at home with his two canines, an unfolding calamity emerged in close proximity to their sleeping area. However, owing to the unwavering loyalty and affection displayed by one of the dogs, a young pup called Olivia, a disastrous event was successfully prevented.
In a display of remarkable courage and love, one uncle’s heroic act captured hearts as he rushed into a burning building to save his niece. Byrd’s selflessness amidst the raging inferno is a testament to the indomitable spirit of human bravery and the extraordinary lengths we go to protect our family. Join us as we delve into the inspiring story of this true hero’s unwavering determination and sacrifice.
If keeping your house sparkling clean takes much time and energy, try these 11 Amazon gems that will turn challenging household chores into a piece of cake. Say goodbye to stubborn stains, mold, pet hair and bad odors without spending endless hours brushing and scraping. Amazon customers have already tried these items and shared their impressions (supported by awe-inspiring before and after pics) to make your choice easier.
You’re walking along a hot desert under the scorching sun. You run out of supplies, there is no more water. You dream about rain, but there are no clouds in the sky. With each step, you lose more and more strength and... fall. You notice a small pond nearby. Is it real water or just a mirage? You can’t get to your feet, so you crawl there. The water is getting closer by the minute, but not because you’re moving towards it. It’s the water approaching you. In a few minutes, the pond area increases. Here, you’re already in it. A small lake has formed, 60 feet deep, at the place where the piece of the desert was.
There are many myths around arguably the greatest structure ever built by humans — the Great Wall of China. Some say it’s so grand that it’s visible from space; others claim that you can see it from as far as the Moon. Other theories suggest that the builders of the wall were left inside. Sorry to disappoint you, but all these impressive stories are just myths. But even with those stories busted, the Great Wall of China is an impressive and truly breathtaking structure, so let me tell you its true story.
You’re in the countryside, in the middle of nowhere, when it happens. You look up at the sky and notice that it’s taken an ominous yellow hue. Suddenly, a terrifying thought pops up in your mind — haven’t you read somewhere that the yellow sky means an approaching tornado? Wait, stop running! Let’s figure out if it’s true!
There are very snowy winters in Sweden, you know. Snow covers all roads and slows down the traffic. Some cars may pull over to the side of the road and get out only with the help of a tractor. This is a common thing. But one day, during a snowfall, something astonishing happened.
Even if our Sun was completely made of bananas, it would still be insanely hot, just like it is right now. But it would have more “appeal”. Ha.
Clouds of fire and smoke fly upward, and the rocket launches. The Delta IV Heavy is one of the most powerful rockets people have ever made. Three massive engines burn tons of fuel, helping the spacecraft gain altitude. The two side boosters undock, leaving the common booster core for further ascent. When in orbit, the rocket releases its payload. This is the Parker Solar Probe — the first spacecraft to touch the Sun. And we’ll follow its journey step by step.
Hey, can you speak up? I just ate an entire pizza! That’s because after eating a hearty meal, our hearing tends to be a bit less sharp. During digestion, most of our bloodstream is directed toward the stomach, which takes away a bit from all the other organs. So next time you want to go listen to your favorite band at a live concert, make sure to eat a lighter meal to keep your ears pitch perfect.
There’s a heavy snowstorm. The cold penetrates his bones. His legs are almost knee-deep in snow. Experienced hunter Joe Labelle makes his way through the forest, covering his face from the headwind. Any other person would have already fallen and screamed in despair, but not Joe Labelle. He can survive in any circumstances and always knows what to do. Right now, he’s heading to one of the villages in the far north of Canada.
We have been using incense sticks for thousands of years. During this time they have been used for many different purposes like meditation, ceremonies, against insects, and more. However, back then the scents were limited, while today we have so many various fragrances and shapes to choose from, so we can actually find the one we really need. That’s why we at Bright Side picked the best scents by reading the reviews people left, and we think you’ll find this list very useful. And don’t forget to check out the bonus part, we have really cool incense burners for you.
Menopause is a naturally occurring and normal part of every woman’s life, just like her period. It occurs when women start aging, more specifically, when their estrogen levels drop. However, if you start experiencing symptoms that are difficult to bear, it’s important to visit your general practitioner.
A tasty hamburger, ice cream, or a cold soda have been craved more than once after seeing them in commercials. But then comes the disappointment when we realize that the real product is not what we were shown. The secret behind this deception is called food styling, and it’s a technique used by photographers to make us taste through our eyes.
Situations like a cramp while swimming, being close to fainting, or getting lost in the woods are not often experienced in our life. Still, 28.8% of people go to the emergency department frequently. To minimize our risk, we need to know how to behave without panicking during extreme situations.
Imagine one day you wake up and realize that you have been buried alive or locked in a car by a kidnapper. Luckily these are things that normally only happen in our worst nightmares. But there is still the possibility that you might face a life-threatening situation today and, so far, humans have turned out to fall short in effectively fighting these threats. It is clear that some expert advice is needed to figure out how to cope with the most extreme situations.
The pantry and cabinets in your house hold more secrets than you know. There are many different clever ways to use everyday products beyond their original purpose, like fixing a squeaky door with deodorant. Being able to delve into all the ways you can use the stuff you keep around your home is very useful for eventual emergencies or to save you a trip to the nearest grocery store.
In 2017, a New York company of “smart” medical aid kits not only started to sell first aid kits but also started to give consultations on how to perform first aid. Unfortunately, it can happen that in an emergency situation you might not even have a standard first aid kit. The good news is that things that seem trivial at first glance can actually be of great help.
Want to feel like a real detective? Look at this picture attentively and try to figure out whether everything on this picture is in the right place.
Many of us live with a constant lack of time, and it cannot but affect our daily routine. In order to get to work on time, we wash down our breakfast with tea and quickly jump in the shower, both seemingly harmless things. Bright Side decided to figure out exactly what we shouldn’t do after a meal and why.
Our homes contain many things that can serve as equipment for staging exciting science experiments for our kids. Well, maybe not just for kids. A few discoveries of the ’’why have I never noticed this before?!’’ variety won’t pass by without interest from grown-ups, as well!