Gordon Ramsay Reveals His Brutal Parenting Rules His Kids Must Stick to — or Face the Consequences

Gordon Ramsay has become popular for his fiery behavior and no-nonsense attitude in the kitchen. His strict personality is showcased in Hell’s Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares. While he gets easily heated in the kitchen, Chef Ramsay is a doting father of 5 kids and impresses many of his fans with his peculiar parenting rules, which he enforces with his wife, Tana.

We’d love for you to learn more about the famous chef’s approach to raising his brood, and we bet you’ll have some opinions to share in the comments.

He refuses to give them a job.

Ramsay’s kids could settle into a similar lifestyle to their father’s, employed in one of his restaurants. But Gordon Ramsay insists he’d rather have his kids working for another chef.

In an interview, Gordon admitted, “I’m firm, I’m fair, and I will give you everything I’ve got to get you to the very top. And that’s it. I take a lot of flak for being straight and honest, but I’m not worried about that snowflake generation.

He then added, “It’s like not employing the kids. I don’t want the staff thinking, ’It’s Ramsay’s kid, we can’t tell them off.’ You want to work in this business? You go to another chef, learn something different and come back with something new to improve the business.”

He’s not spoiling them and won’t put them in his will.

Gordon Ramsay’s fortune is worth $220 million, but that doesn’t mean his kids can just relax and benefit from his wealth when he eventually passes on.

“It’s definitely not going to them, and that’s not in a mean way; it’s to not spoil them,” he revealed in his interview. He continued, “The only thing I’ve agreed with Tana is they get a 25% deposit on a flat, but not the whole flat.”

Instead, Ramsay will likely leave his earnings to some of the charities he supports.

The kids have to earn luxurious perks.

As a strict-but-fair father, Ramsay revealed that his children don’t join him and his wife in first class when they go on vacation. He says, “They don’t sit with us in first class. They haven’t worked anywhere near hard enough to afford that. At that age, at that size, you’re telling me they need to sit in first class? No, they do not. We’re really strict on that.”

He later defended his choice, saying, “I have got to keep it real with the kids. And also, I think just getting kids at the age of 5, 6, and 7 used to first class and those big seats, they do not need the space, they get entertainment on their iPads.”

Changes in eating habits are prohibited.

Chef Ramsay is incredibly passionate about the food he cooks and tries to instill a refined attitude toward meals in his kids. Several things are banned in this family, and one of them, in particular, is being a vegetarian.

He once said, “My biggest nightmare would be if the kids ever came up to me and said, ’Dad, I’m a vegetarian.’”

There’s no swearing in the Ramsay household.

This may seem totally out of character for Ramsay, considering the chef’s love of swear words, but the Ramsay kids aren’t allowed to curse.

The chef once said, “Swearing is industry language. For as long as we’re alive, it’s not going to change. You’ve got to be boisterous to get results. They know I’ve said bad words. I say it’s an industry language. They don’t swear.”

They don’t pressure them about school.

Ramsay and his wife don’t insist their children get high grades in all subjects during their school exams. The parents realize that each kid has different strengths — in Ramsay’s case, that was cooking.

Ramsay explained his point of view, “I disagree with everybody being judged on one exam. That upsets me because the pressure on youngsters today is ridiculous. I didn’t peak at 15, and I certainly didn’t peak at 12, and I certainly didn’t peak at 18.”

He added, speaking on his own experience, “I didn’t do well at school, but I did well at cooking. And so I’m grateful for the way I was pushed, and I think pushing yourself from 11 is important.”

Which of Gordon Ramsay’s parenting rules rings a bell with you that you also apply to your own family? Which of them would you never try on your own kids and why?


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