Animal kingdom

16 Myths Your Parents Told You, but They’re False

16 Myths Your Parents Told You, but They’re False
year ago

Misinformation and myths abound in various forms of media, leading people to believe in falsehoods that can shape their perspectives and actions. It is crucial to critically evaluate information and seek reliable sources to navigate through the sea of misconceptions.

7 Unrelated Ancient and Modern Animals That Look Very Similar

7 Unrelated Ancient and Modern Animals That Look Very Similar
year ago

When we look at creatures in the animal kingdom, we often have the following thought: if they have similar traits, they must be related somehow. Zebras, horses, and camels must have some common ancestor. The same goes for dogs and jackals: somewhere back in their lineage, they must have some common great-great-great grand...wolf, right? Well, the way evolution works in nature is way more complex. Take, for instance, convergent evolution, which is when different creatures evolve independently of each other but end up having similar traits.

Why Animals With Blue Colors Are Super Rare

Why Animals With Blue Colors Are Super Rare
year ago

There’s a deer, a dolphin, a squirrel, and... a dinosaur!? You’ve already figured out I’m about to ask you what they all have in common, right? The boring answer is they’ve all lived on this planet at a certain point in time, bla bla bla, sure. What’s even more surprising about their common features is their coloration! On that note, let me tell you about Abbott Thayer and his amazing theories on animal coloration! He was a portrait painter extraordinaire, but he also had a thing for the colors of the natural world. He came up with some pretty cool ideas about how animals can stay hidden from predators or prey, and they’re still relevant today!

11 Animals That Break the Stereotypes of What We Think About Them

11 Animals That Break the Stereotypes of What We Think About Them
2 years ago

The animal kingdom is full of tales and stories. And each creature holds facts and myths that can sometimes be difficult to look past. We always assume owls are wise and that dolphins are happy animals who enjoy entertaining humans. All these stereotypes are based on ancient cultures, kids’ stories, or cartoons, but many of them have no basis in truth.

15+ Unique Animals That Prove Mother Nature Can Always Wow Us

15+ Unique Animals That Prove Mother Nature Can Always Wow Us
2 years ago

The animal kingdom never ceases to amaze us. Sometimes you can see a critter and do a double-take, whether it’s because of a surprising pattern or a wild animal rocking a distinctive look.We at Bright Side always enjoy seeing unusual and remarkable creatures, so today we’ve collected 16 pics of special animals to open your mind.

18 Animals Who Found Their Bestie and Now Cannot Part With Them

18 Animals Who Found Their Bestie and Now Cannot Part With Them
3 years ago

There’s nothing quite like our beloved 4-legged friends finding a special bond, whether it’s with their fellow animal kingdom pals or their favorite humans. Either way, friendships are seemingly meant to be.Bright Side loves to see matches made in heaven, so we’ve gathered 18 photos showing just how special that friendship bond truly is.

19 Animals Who Radiate Beauty In Their Own Special Ways

19 Animals Who Radiate Beauty In Their Own Special Ways
2 years ago

There are over 8.7 million species in the world, and the vast majority belong to the animal kingdom, with thousands more that are yet to be discovered. From translucent life forms to furry creatures, each animal has its own unique traits and physical features. And here are some animals with looks that are nothing short of special.

22 Animal Moms Sum Up What Motherhood Is All About

22 Animal Moms Sum Up What Motherhood Is All About
2 years ago

Becoming a mom is such an amazing and strange thing when you think about it, that it becomes hard to really explain how it feels. The impact of having children would change anybody’s life and the animal kingdom is no exception to this rule. The maternal instinct is very powerful. There is nothing more moving than seeing a cat, dog, or bird feeding and protecting its offspring. As we look at them, we may wonder what they feel, since their expressions show complete love and dedication (even if the children are of another species).

A Lion, a Bear, and a Tiger Who Were Rescued From Abusive Owners Decided to Live as a Family

A Lion, a Bear, and a Tiger Who Were Rescued From Abusive Owners Decided to Live as a Family
3 years ago

Lions, tigers, and bears all have different preferences when it comes to their living situation — lions live in prides, and tigers and bears are mostly solitary. But sometimes life makes for odd couplings (or triple-ings). A trio of these animals decided to form their own little weird pack and they live together in harmony, despite belonging to different species. From the trauma they faced together when they were young, these guys generated a unique bond. One that we can all learn from. This special BLT (bear, lion, tiger), as the group is known, is a reflection of how all animals can grow to love each other, despite coming from different worlds.

10 Bedazzling Animal Pregnancies That Show How Wise Mother Nature Is

10 Bedazzling Animal Pregnancies That Show How Wise Mother Nature Is
4 years ago

In the animal kingdom, some parents go to hell and back when it comes to bringing their offspring into this world. Animals have many different ways of giving birth. Depending on the species, the offspring can weigh tons, or even come from the male. There are species where the mother even has a gestation period of more than 3 years! Yes, you read that right: she’s pregnant for 3 years...

20 Exotic Birds That Seem to Have Come From Another Planet

20 Exotic Birds That Seem to Have Come From Another Planet
4 years ago

The animal kingdom is full of very diverse species that brighten up our planet with their colors and surprise us with the way they behave. However, there are animals that seem to have arrived from other planets due to their unique and unpredictable characteristics, which never cease to amaze human beings.

7 Animals Who Belong to Their Partners Forever

7 Animals Who Belong to Their Partners Forever
4 years ago

There aren’t that many animals who can show us what being faithful truly means. Only around 3-5% of them have one partner for their whole life. And some couples even have their own relationship traditions that are the purest display of their devotion to each other.

16 Pairs of Animals You Almost Always Mistake for One Another

16 Pairs of Animals You Almost Always Mistake for One Another
4 years ago

The animal kingdom provides so much diversity that it’s almost impossible to keep track of all the different species in the world. Sometimes the distinction between close relatives is too hard to even notice. But different species often evolve in similar ways because of their environment. We at Bright Side gathered 16 pairs of animals who are almost indistinguishable from each other at first sight in order to show you the differences between them.

15+ Animals That We Want to Ask “What Are You Doing Here?”

15+ Animals That We Want to Ask “What Are You Doing Here?”
4 years ago

When we’re not looking, our friends in the animal kingdom live in their own little worlds, where they can get into the craziest of shenanigans and turn up in the strangest of places. It’s almost as if they’re keeping an eye on us from the shadows. At least, that’s what we hope they’re up to...

Test: Can You Guess Which Wild Animals These 15 Babies Are?

Test: Can You Guess Which Wild Animals These 15 Babies Are?
4 years ago

The animal kingdom is full of creatures that we might consider frightening because of their appearance, even though they’re really harmless. And we can also grow confused when they look adorable and automatically assume they’re friendly when in fact, some of them are potentially lethal. This impression can change dramatically just by looking at pictures of them as babies or puppies.

A Man From Switzerland Gives Up a Promising Career and Leaves for South Africa to Save Wild Animals From Poachers

A Man From Switzerland Gives Up a Promising Career and Leaves for South Africa to Save Wild Animals From Poachers
5 years ago

Statistics say we have already lost 43% of African lions and are on our way losing all the elephants within our lifetime because of poaching and loss of habitat. Luckily enough, there are people who love animals so much, that they just can’t stay away from the poaching crisis. In 2017 Dean Schneider, a successful young man from Switzerland, quit his job, sold everything he had, and moved to Africa with a mission to help animals in need.

24 Albino Animals Who Are As Real As Your Life

24 Albino Animals Who Are As Real As Your Life
2 years ago

Albinism has always been a marvel in human society, and it’s fascinating to see that this wonder is also found in the animal kingdom. It’s a rare sight, causing the skin, hair, and eyes to have little to no pigment, resulting in everything on the body appearing white. It’s a spectacle so visually wonderful that it never fails to make people’s jaws drop, and it’s even more baffling when we see an animal that looks so abnormally exquisite.

20 Adorable Photos Proving There’s Nothing Like a Mother’s Love (New Pics)

20 Adorable Photos Proving There’s Nothing Like a Mother’s Love (New Pics)
5 years ago

Parenting is one of the cutest moments in the animal kingdom. Animal parents teach their babies how to fly, walk, and hunt. Just like us, they keep their young safe and healthy and forget about themselves. For example, a harp seal mother doesn’t eat while she’s nursing her pup. Her nursing period lasts 12 days and she loses up to 7 pounds per day.

20 Animal Couples That Prove Love Does Exist

20 Animal Couples That Prove Love Does Exist
5 years ago

True love does exist. From a pair of butterflies to a couple of gorgeous penguins, the animal kingdom gives us amazing examples of heartfelt, inseparable couples who show us that “happily ever after” is not just a fairytale. You just can’t deny the magic and power of love when you look at this.

10+ Animal Photos Proving There’s Nothing Like a Mother’s Love

10+ Animal Photos Proving There’s Nothing Like a Mother’s Love
year ago

Nothing can be compared to a mother’s love. Humans might stay with their parents the longest, but that doesn’t mean the animal kingdom isn’t full of examples of loving mothers. Many animals have powerful bonds with their children. Mother elephants nurse their children for up to 6 years and take care of them for about 16 years or more. But they’re just one of the many animal mothers that affectionately show their love.

18 Kind Animals That Adopted Other Species

18 Kind Animals That Adopted Other Species
4 years ago

Children should always be surrounded by love, warmth, and care. This rule even applies to baby animals. Those in the animal kingdom instinctively know this and they prove it by their own example. This article will show you unbelievable examples of animals adopting the cubs of other species and it just might touch your heart.