
Earth’s Second Moon Has Arrived, Here’s What It Means for Us

Earth’s Second Moon Has Arrived, Here’s What It Means for Us
5 months ago

Exciting news, everyone! The moon has a new little buddy — a mini-moon! But before you get too thrilled, know that this cosmic guest is just passing through. This pint-sized asteroid will be hanging out with us for about two months, until November 25, before it returns to its usual hangout — a cozy spot in the asteroid belt orbiting the sun. Let’s see how our tiny visitor’s stay might shake things up for us and our planet!

Something’s Blinking on the Moon but Nobody Knows What

Something’s Blinking on the Moon but Nobody Knows What
year ago

The NASA hotline is ringing off the hook! The call center operator is all sweaty from stress. They barely have time to answer the phone, and all the messages they get say the same thing. There’s something glowing on the Moon. Indeed, hundreds and thousands of amateur astronomers were watching the Moon that night. And suddenly, there was a bright light on it. As if someone had lit a powerful spotlight on the surface. Scientists immediately began to look for an explanation to this phenomenon. They first thought it was simply the glow of an airplane flying between the observers and the Moon. But then it wouldn’t have been seen by so many people from different parts of the world at the same time.

This Moon Crystal Could Power Earth for 45,000 Years

This Moon Crystal Could Power Earth for 45,000 Years
year ago

Recently, Chinese scientists discovered something interesting on the Moon... An unusual crystal. Moreover, they found out that this crystal contains an element that can literally replace nuclear fuel! Let’s find out more. The composition of the Moon has long remained a mystery to us. Half a century has already passed since the Apollo mission. Unfortunately, we haven’t traveled to the Moon much since then, so it’s not surprising that it’s not so easy for us to study it. But recently we’ve made a breakthrough in this area! In December 2020, Chinese scientists sent a Chang’e-5 probe to the Moon. The mission was named after the ancient Chinese deity of the Moon, Chang’e. Quite poetic, isn’t it?

What Would Happen If The Moon Hit Earth

What Would Happen If The Moon Hit Earth
year ago

It all started with a minor change on our planet. At first, people noticed the Moon had become brighter and a little bigger. But nobody paid attention to this. The Moon affected tides all over the world. The water flooded the beaches, but it wasn’t a tragedy. A lot of fish came close to the shores. People found giant squid, anglerfish, and other creatures next to the coast, although they usually live in the dark depths. New, stranger things happen every day. Birds no longer fly to the south in winter. They gather in huge groups flying around cities with no purpose. The Moon used to help them navigate in nature, so they can’t figure out which way to fly anymore.

Why Isn’t Our Moon a Planet?

Why Isn’t Our Moon a Planet?
year ago

There are a lot of space objects all around the Universe, from stars to planets, to satellites, comets, and asteroids. But our closest celestial body is the Moon, which has been subject to much research, theories, and even myths. As our only natural and permanent satellite, the Moon is in the top ten list of biggest satellites in our Solar System.

What If the Moon Were 10x Brighter

What If the Moon Were 10x Brighter
year ago

The large ball of fire thousands of miles away from us is the brightest object in our Solar System, as well as the biggest. If Jupiter was the size of a basketball, then the Earth would be a tiny little grape. But the Sun makes even Jupiter look like a joke. That big burning ball in the sky is made up of hydrogen and helium and is 864,000 miles in diameter, making it more than 100 times wider than our little blue planet. It’s 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit just on the surface and 27 million degrees at the core.

Our Moon Once Had an Atmosphere That Faded Away

Our Moon Once Had an Atmosphere That Faded Away
year ago

Imagine stepping out of your spacecraft and setting foot on the surface of the Moon. Under your feet, the ground is covered with a fine material that looks like powder. That’s lunar dust. You look around and take a lungful of fresh air. It smells very different from the air on Earth but still nice... Unfortunately, this is a highly unlikely scenario. And one of the reasons is that the Moon has almost no atmosphere. Earth’s natural satellite is too small — less than 2% of our planet’s mass. That’s why it doesn’t have a magnetic field strong enough to keep an atmosphere. But even if the Moon had it, solar winds would immediately pull it away.

If the Moon Were Destroyed, What Would It Mean for Us?

If the Moon Were Destroyed, What Would It Mean for Us?
year ago

Now, what would Earth look like if it was the only planet in the Solar System? Or what would happen to our planet if the Moon went missing? Or what if dinosaurs had never gone extinct? We’ve all heard the story: over 66 million years ago, a big asteroid hit Earth. Almost 75% of creatures that roamed the planet at that time were wiped out in mass extinction. Amongst them, dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Velociraptor... All gone. But because of that, we’re all alive! According to science, the human race was developing more safely without these gigantic creatures hunting us. But what if that asteroid had crashed to the ground a few miles away from the place where it fell? What would the world be like today? Imagine walking down the street to your local supermarket and coming across a truck-sized T. rex. Could that ever happen in this alternate universe we’re talking about?

Scientists Have Successfully Grown Plants in Moon Soil

Scientists Have Successfully Grown Plants in Moon Soil
year ago

Ever wanted to taste a salad from space? Well, you might be able to one day. Scientists have taken soil from the Moon and successfully grown plants in it! Back in the late 1960s and early 70s, it was the first time in our history we set foot on a surface that wasn’t Earth. During the several trips to the Moon in the Apollo program, astronomers brought back some rocks and soil to study. Some scientists knew it would be a good idea to preserve this soil, stick some seeds in it, and see what would happen. They didn’t do anything at first, aware that decades into the future, they’d have more advanced equipment to conduct these studies. The researchers named the lunar soil “regolith” and used the seeds of a particular plant called blah-bah-blah-baa — you can read it here [Arabidopsis thaliana] which is found in Asia, Europe, and parts of Africa. It’s similar to such veggies as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. Yum.

The Moon Might Not Be What You Think It Is

The Moon Might Not Be What You Think It Is
year ago

It’s dark outside — almost 2 AM. You go outside and look at the sky. And here it is — bright, full Moon. You might think you know a lot about Earth’s natural satellite, but let me ask you this, “How did it form?” The answer is “nobody knows”! But, of course, there are theories. The most popular one, called “the giant-impact theory,” claims that the Moon formed during a collision between Earth and another planet. This planet must have been smaller than ours, the size of Mars. And the collision itself probably happened around 4.5 billion years ago.

What If the Moon Got Bigger (Much Bigger!)

What If the Moon Got Bigger (Much Bigger!)
2 years ago

Whoa, the light from outside your window just got brighter. It’s 9:30 in the evening, and you have a huge exam coming up tomorrow. You peek outside to see if your neighbors use their floodlights again, but they’re outside looking up in the sky. You stick your head out and notice that the moon got a lot bigger — double in size. You run outside and ask people what’s going on, but they don’t have a clue either. You take a picture of it and post it on social media. You view your feed and see that everyone is talking about it.

Moon Is Moving Every Night And 10 New Space Facts

Moon Is Moving Every Night And 10 New Space Facts
2 years ago

It’s normal for planets to be a bit tilted on the side. The Earth is tilted at a 23-degree angle. That’s why we have seasons. It’s summer when the part of the world where you are leans closer to the Sun. It works the opposite way, too — it’s winter when you lean away from it. But, Uranus is tilted more than normal. It lies at a 98-degree angle, which has a huge effect on its seasons. Each season on Uranus takes 21 years to play out. Something to think about next time we complain that winter lasts forever.

14 Childhood Beliefs That Turned Out to Be Completely Wrong

14 Childhood Beliefs That Turned Out to Be Completely Wrong
week ago

Childhood is a magical time when our imaginations run wild, and the world feels like a place full of endless possibilities. As kids, we wholeheartedly believed in things that, looking back, seem hilariously misguided or downright bizarre. We all had ideas that turned out to be completely wrong. In this article, we’ll dive into some of the most ridiculous childhood beliefs that turned out to be completely wrong. Get ready to relive those moments of sweet, silly ignorance!

11 Facts That Could Make You See the World Differently

11 Facts That Could Make You See the World Differently
3 weeks ago

Earth is a magical playground of wonders, bursting with surprises big and small! From sky-kissing mountains that scrape the heavens to invisible micro-creatures throwing their own secret dance parties, our planet is a masterpiece of endless amazement. Every corner of the world tells a story, every breeze whispers a secret, and every raindrop carries the magic of the universe.

12 Lies Our Parents Told Us That We Believed Without Question

12 Lies Our Parents Told Us That We Believed Without Question
Family & kids
4 months ago

Growing up, our parents were our ultimate guides, teaching us about the world—even if they had to get a little creative with the truth. From quirky tales to well-meaning fibs, they often fed us lines we never thought to question. Here are 12 of the funniest, strangest, and most surprising "lies" parents told to our readers that they wholeheartedly believed in childhood.

Earth Officially Has Two Moons Now, and What It Means For Us

Earth Officially Has Two Moons Now, and What It Means For Us
4 months ago

Exciting news, everyone! The moon has a new little buddy — a mini-moon! But before you get too thrilled, know that this cosmic guest is just passing through. This pint-sized asteroid will be hanging out with us for about two months, until November 25, before it returns to its usual hangout — a cozy spot in the asteroid belt orbiting the sun. Let’s see how our tiny visitor’s stay might shake things up for us and our planet!

14 People Share Jaw-Dropping Things Their Partners Did

14 People Share Jaw-Dropping Things Their Partners Did
6 months ago

Relationships can be full of love and laughter, but sometimes, there are moments that leave you scratching your head. Whether it’s a puzzling misunderstanding or a hilariously misguided decision, these instances can reveal that your partner might not be the sharpest tool in the shed. While frustrating at times, these moments often lead to amusing stories that highlight the quirks of everyday life. In this article, we share real-life tales of people who realized their partner’s brilliance might need a little sharpening.

115+ Self Love Quotes to Celebrate Yourself Twice as Big

115+ Self Love Quotes to Celebrate Yourself Twice as Big
year ago

In a world that often demands perfection, embracing self-love becomes an essential act of rebellion against self-doubt. To kickstart this empowering voyage, we’ve curated a collection of 100+ self-love quotes that will inspire you to love yourself twice as big. These quotes echo the wisdom of celebrities like Beyoncé and famous poets like Oscar Wilde, who remind us that we determine our self-worth and that saying no can be the first step toward self-love. Join us on this uplifting journey as we explore the profound impact of positive affirmations and the transformative power of self-acceptance.

9 Surprising Universe Revelations You Were Unaware Of

9 Surprising Universe Revelations You Were Unaware Of
year ago

Our universe is an endless expanse teeming with surprises waiting to be uncovered. From the mysterious depths of space to the intricate workings of subatomic particles, every corner of the cosmos holds unexpected wonders. Whether it’s the discovery of new celestial phenomena, the unveiling of cosmic mysteries, or the revelations in the microscopic realm, our universe continually challenges our understanding and opens doors to uncharted territories.

What If All the Planets Moved Between Earth and the Moon

What If All the Planets Moved Between Earth and the Moon
year ago

You’re on a plane heading to an important astronomy convention when you see a large figure outside your window that eclipses the whole Sun. You spit out all of your coffee, and everyone in the plane stares outside in shock. You then notice that it has rings like Saturn. You were supposed to fly to Japan, but you’re forced to land in California.As soon as you land, you look up in the sky and see some more giant planet-like structures floating around in the sky. Everyone is taking pictures and trying to figure out what’s going on. Suddenly you notice a huge ball of fire crashing down near the airport. Everyone scrambles for safety, and luckily, it ends up in the middle of the runway with no one around. The bad news is that there’s no more runway for planes to land.

16 Myths Your Parents Told You, but They’re False

16 Myths Your Parents Told You, but They’re False
year ago

Misinformation and myths abound in various forms of media, leading people to believe in falsehoods that can shape their perspectives and actions. It is crucial to critically evaluate information and seek reliable sources to navigate through the sea of misconceptions.

What If Earth’s Gravity Suddenly Dropped 50%

What If Earth’s Gravity Suddenly Dropped 50%
year ago

You decide to go out for a morning jog for the first time in your life. You put on your headphones and get ready for something hard and unpleasant. But as soon as you go outside, you feel an extraordinary lightness. At first, you enjoy it and speed up, but then you realize that something’s wrong. You’re running too fast and too easily. You feel like you’ve just taken off a heavy backpack that you’ve been carrying all your life. You’re so fast you think you must have a superpower now. But, you notice another athlete running as quickly as you. You notice a puddle ahead of you and jump over it. You jump so far and so high it feels physically impossible. You fall to the ground, shocked.

Ancient Planet Hides Inside Earth for 4 Billion Years

Ancient Planet Hides Inside Earth for 4 Billion Years
year ago

You take off from Earth and park your spacecraft somewhere near the Moon. You’re now almost 240,000 miles away from your home planet. That’s almost 100 widths of the United States. Now, you take out a giant hammer and an enormous chisel using the robotic arms of your spaceship. You place the chisel at the Earth’s North Pole and strike its head with the hammer. Earth splits open like an eggshell, and you see it... Another planet.It’s Theia. And it’s hiding inside our planet like a yolk in an egg. You’d need to go back in time 4.5 billion years to find out how it got there. This beautiful nebula will soon become our Solar System. Colored dust and various space debris are slowly coming closer toward the common center. Soon this jigsaw puzzle of debris becomes too heavy and dense. The temperature inside the giant is rising. Soon, it gets so high that it triggers a nuclear chain reaction.

What If Our Sun Was Replaced With Another Star

What If Our Sun Was Replaced With Another Star
year ago

The Sun, our majestic and life-sustaining star, has been a constant presence in our skies since time immemorial. Its radiant energy provides warmth, light, and the conditions necessary for life to thrive on Earth. But have you ever wondered what would happen if our Sun suddenly vanished and was replaced by another star?Arcturus. A huge red star. It’s just bursting from inside out! The red sea of plasma on its surface rages and pulsates. This star burns anything that comes close to it. And now... flop! Arcturus is gone! But at the same moment, it reappears at the center of our solar system, replacing the Sun. What we see in the sky isn’t a small yellow dot anymore, but a giant red ball. It’s 25 times wider and 30% heavier than the Sun.

Here’s What to Do If You See the Red Moon

Here’s What to Do If You See the Red Moon
year ago

People stop their cars on the highway, get out of them, and lift their heads in wonder. In the cities, everyone takes to the streets. Balconies and rooftops of houses are full of people staring at the Moon in shock. It’s red. Some people scream that it’s the end of the world; some seek shelter. Indeed, the usual white Moon now looks like it has been doused in red paint. There’s no need to be afraid if you see such a thing. On the contrary, enjoy the view, because you have witnessed a rare astronomical phenomenon. This is a total lunar eclipse.

Why Beds Are Raised Off the Ground + 14 Other Cool Facts

Why Beds Are Raised Off the Ground + 14 Other Cool Facts
year ago

I hate to break this to you, but money isn’t actually made of paper, which also proves that money doesn’t actually grow on trees. Most banknotes are 25% linen and 75% cotton, which is why they have such a distinct look and feel. Back in the 19th century, money was made of parchment paper. That’s why people could very easily counterfeit it, unlike now.

What If a Big Meteorite Slammed Into the Moon

What If a Big Meteorite Slammed Into the Moon
year ago

About 8 billion inhabitants of planet Earth found the same terrible news in one day. Someone saw it on TV. Others heard it on the phone while scrolling through social media or listening to music. Some witnessed this news in a dream while sleeping. Someone’s voice said it in all languages to ensure everyone understood it. “I have good and bad news for you. Let’s start with the bad news. You’re all characters in YouTube videos in which your planet gets into a situation where the Moon breaks in half. For the audience, it will be a hypothetical story. But for you, these events will become a reality. The good news is that... I was joking. There is no good news. But don’t worry, the apocalypse won’t start on your planet. Maybe just a little bit. Have a nice day.”

They Looked Inside Lost Bermuda Triangle Ship, Here’s What They Saw

They Looked Inside Lost Bermuda Triangle Ship, Here’s What They Saw
year ago

The moon shines brightly and illuminates the black water of the ocean. Thick fog descends on it in ominous silence. Then, it’s suddenly broken by the creaking of wooden boards, followed by a rippling of the waves. Through the fog, you see the outline of an old large ship. Its hull is rusty, and a strange cold is coming from it... But the most unsettling thing is that there’s no one on the deck.

What If Earth Had a “Twin” In Our Solar System?

What If Earth Had a “Twin” In Our Solar System?
year ago

Among all the planets of the Solar System, our Earth is unique since it’s the only one that has developed life. But what if we got a competitor? What if a second Earth appeared out of nowhere? Then there would be two different scenarios. The first is the destruction of both planets. The second has an unexpected but pretty logical ending. But let’s start with the catastrophic scenario. The second Earth with the same conditions could exist only if it received absolutely the same amount of sunlight as our planet. The orbit that our Earth follows is perfect for getting the necessary amount of solar heat. If we were a little further away, the entire surface of our planet would resemble Antarctica. And if Earth was a little closer to the Sun, we’d all live in a huge desert inhabited by very few living beings. So, for the second Earth to be identical to ours, it’d need to follow the orbit of our planet.

If Earth Collided With Mars, Which Planet Survives

If Earth Collided With Mars, Which Planet Survives
year ago

Millions of people around the world go out on the streets and rooftops to look at the amazing cosmic phenomenon. Another planet... right next to the Moon! A big red one. At first, everyone’s excited. Mars showing up out of nowhere is having a strange effect on humanity.Just as the moon can affect the psychological and physical state of some people, Mars’s unexpected visit is causing people to behave pretty strangely. Every night, the sky is lit up by the white light of the Moon and the red glow of Mars.Many people get a sort of instant insomnia. Some even stop drinking coffee because they no longer feel sleepy. Mars brings out the energy and a little wildness in people, makes them laugh more, and even drives a few poor people crazy. They begin to go out of their houses more often and enjoy the unusual night sky.

If There’s Ring Around the Sun, Find Shelter Fast

If There’s Ring Around the Sun, Find Shelter Fast

Aah, beautiful. You’re walking with your friend, and look up at the sky. The sun looks a bit different today... like it has some kind of ring around it, a rainbow-type thing. Huh... "Look at that!’’ Your friend pulls his head up out of his phone. “You shouldn’t look directly at the...stop everything,” he says. “It’s a sun halo, we need to find shelter now, unless you have the world’s biggest umbrella on you!”A sun halo is nature’s sign that there’s a snow or rainstorm on its way. It’s caused by clouds that are made of bazillions of small ice crystals, flying around at 20,000 feet (6 km)! Sunlight goes through those crystals, which causes the light to split and refract, like when there’s a rainbow. Now, don’t look at the sun halo directly. It’s gonna be tempting because it’s not something you see every day, plus it’s really beautiful... but ultraviolet light can burn the exposed tissue of your retina and cause serious damage. So not worth it.

How Long You’d Live on Different Planets

How Long You’d Live on Different Planets
year ago

If you landed on Mercury, the first thing you’d notice would be how close it is to the Sun. It’s actually the closest planet to the big ball of fire and the smallest. But it’s not the hottest planet. Venus takes credit for that. It takes Earth 365 days to orbit the Sun, and it takes Mercury more than 3 months. Well, 88 days, to be exact. The days are boiling hot, with the temperature reaching above 800 °F (425 °C). But on the other side of the planet that the Sun doesn’t reach, the temperatures drop to −300 °F (-180 °C). Mercury’s atmosphere can’t hold any heat when it’s nighttime, just like a desert. Deserts have no atmosphere, which is why they have no moisture, and no clouds or rain.If you manage to get from one end of the planet to the other and always stay in between the scorching heat and freezing cold, then you can survive. But oxygen isn’t a friend to Mercury’s atmosphere. So you’d just live for as long as you can hold your breath. Plus, there’s a magnetic field that has solar winds from the Sun that create plasma tornadoes.

Extreme Universe: What Happens When We Visit the Hottest, Puffiest, and Most Massive Places

Extreme Universe: What Happens When We Visit the Hottest, Puffiest, and Most Massive Places
year ago

Tired of boring old Earth? Want to know what lies beyond the starry night sky? You’re not the only one. People have been asking the same question for centuries. Luckily, scientists got you covered. They have discovered a lot about amazing places light-years away from our Blue Planet. Just one light year is about 6 trillion miles; mind-blowing, huh? So, hop on, the spaceship of knowledge is lifting off.