
A Man From Peru Has Found an Ingenious Way to Clean Lakes, and It’s a Breakthrough the Earth Was Crying For

A Man From Peru Has Found an Ingenious Way to Clean Lakes, and It’s a Breakthrough the Earth Was Crying For
2 years ago

As technologies develop, experts find more and more pollutants in the world’s oceans, and there’s a wide range of them, from pills and cosmetics to pesticides and petroleum. We’ve been using freshwater bodies of water for dumping chemical and biological waste for so long, it will soon be impossible to find a clean river or lake. When Marino Morikawa, a scientist from Peru, learned that the lake from his childhood had become extremely contaminated, he rushed to help.

Drone Captures Rare Images of Isolated People Who Are Cut Off From the World

Drone Captures Rare Images of Isolated People Who Are Cut Off From the World
7 months ago

G. Miranda’s breathtaking photographs, captured for Survival International, offer a rare glimpse into the secluded existence of various uncontacted tribes worldwide. From the enigmatic Sentinelese on North Sentinel Island, India, to the Amazon tribes near Brazil’s Javari River valley bordering Peru, these images provide a captivating aerial view.

Why Half of Colosseum Is Missing

Why Half of Colosseum Is Missing
year ago

The county of Kent, England has a cultural treasure called The Margate Shell Grotto. This subterranean passageway is lined with about four and a half million seashells, compiling an intricate mosaic. The gorgeous landmark was stumbled upon by accident in the 1800s, and it’s still engulfed in mystery to this day. That’s because no one knows who built it and why! Experts can’t even figure out how it was built, since they’d need to collect samples from the walls and the removed parts would be irreplaceable. A brief analysis of the substance beneath these shells points to some sort of “fish-based” concoction. Some believe these walls were designed by some sort of evolved ancient civilization. Others described The Margate Shell Grotto as belonging to either Egyptian, Roman, Indian, or Phoenician architecture. One other potential explanation is that the masterpiece was a personal project of an eccentric Victorian aristocrat.

This 500-Year-Old Village Looks Frozen in Time

This 500-Year-Old Village Looks Frozen in Time
year ago

This hidden village is called Aogashima. It’s located right in the middle of a volcanic crater! You can find it to the south of Japan, in northernmost Micronesia. The story goes that a volcano erupted in the Philippine Sea in the 1780s, causing a lot of harm to a nearby community. Half of the population managed to escape the massive eruption and came back years later to rebuild their village. At the moment, about 160 people are living there peacefully, even though the volcano is still considered to be active.

28 Body Facts That Will Change How You See Yourself

28 Body Facts That Will Change How You See Yourself
year ago

Some people even see colors as letters and numbers or hear them. Those who live closer to the Arctic Circle can name different shades of snow because that’s what they see all the time. To others, it’s just white. Some languages only have general names for colors. For example, “dark” stands for cool hues, like black, blue, and green. Colors like white, red, orange, and yellow are all called “warm.” Your eye processes more variations of warmer colors than cooler ones.

The Taj Mahal Changes Its Color + 6 Secrets of New World Wonders

The Taj Mahal Changes Its Color + 6 Secrets of New World Wonders
year ago

Let’s play a little guessing game: I’m going to name the sights you have on your bucket list. Machu Picchu, The Colosseum, Petra, Taj Mahal — did I get at least one of them right? I have to confess I was just taking them off the list of the New Seven Wonders of the World.It was officially finished in 2007 after a worldwide vote. What happened to the old list? Well, it was put together in the 2nd century BCE, and there is just one sight currently still standing: the Pyramids of Giza.

How Motherhood Looks Different From Country to Country

How Motherhood Looks Different From Country to Country
year ago

Babies are born without the ability to care for themselves and rely on their mothers for safety, nutrition, and emotional bonding. However, mothers also have responsibilities outside of caring for their children, such as working to support their families and communities. To reconcile these competing demands, mothers have developed various solutions throughout history and across cultures. That’s why mothers deserve our full appreciation. Let’s see how mothers handle things in the following 8 countries today.

World’s Largest City Nobody Can Drive To

World’s Largest City Nobody Can Drive To
year ago

The Amazon River, the boat, and dense jungle on both sides. All is silent, only the engine is revving, and you look around nervously under the earnest gaze of the Peruvian guide. Suddenly, the man smiles and points ahead. This is it. You’ve finally arrived at Iquitos. The city is hidden deep within the Amazon rainforest. On one side, Iquitos is surrounded by water and on the other lies thick impenetrable rainforest as far as the eye can see, making this city extremely difficult to reach.

Mystery of Nazca Lines May Finally Be Solved

Mystery of Nazca Lines May Finally Be Solved
year ago

If you ever fly over the deserts of southern Peru, you’ll notice distinct white lines against the rusty red background. Look closer, and you’ll see some clear shapes: straight lines, rectangles, triangles, swirls... It seems like they are parts of huge drawings. You notice a monkey, a whale, a condor, a hummingbird, and whatnot.

Are These Islands the Hidden Home of Atlantis?

Are These Islands the Hidden Home of Atlantis?
year ago

The Azores are nine islands in the Atlantic Ocean, sitting about a third of the way from Europe to North America. A history textbook will tell you that the Portuguese explorers discovered this beautiful archipelago in the 15th century. Until then, they were uninhabited.

10+ Pics That Prove Our World Has Utterly Changed

10+ Pics That Prove Our World Has Utterly Changed
year ago

Traveling and exploring can always lead us to mysterious new places. That’s how many ancient ruins were found by brave explorers centuries ago. Most places have changed a lot since their discovery, and some of these transformations are incredible.

15+ Alumni Shared Stories About the Special Teachers They Will Never Forget

15+ Alumni Shared Stories About the Special Teachers They Will Never Forget
2 years ago

When we are kids we all complain about having to go to school. This is classic. But later on, when we grow up, we remember it fondly, and at the same time with a certain melancholy. An important part of these memories is linked to those people who helped us gain more knowledge: our teachers. There are all kinds: serious, funny, demanding, relaxed, friendly, and so on. This becomes clear when we see a large number of stories from former students where they tell some of the anecdotes they experienced with their teachers.

10 Intriguing Places That Were Found Thanks to Google Maps

10 Intriguing Places That Were Found Thanks to Google Maps
2 years ago

It’s such an intriguing idea to be able to travel around planet Earth without getting off the couch. Despite the fact that Google launched its Google Maps service back in 2005, curious users from different parts of the world still make interesting finds — from alien images to mysterious desert drawings and structures that have some historical value.

20 Exotic Birds That Seem to Have Come From Another Planet

20 Exotic Birds That Seem to Have Come From Another Planet
4 years ago

The animal kingdom is full of very diverse species that brighten up our planet with their colors and surprise us with the way they behave. However, there are animals that seem to have arrived from other planets due to their unique and unpredictable characteristics, which never cease to amaze human beings.

30+ Facts About Soap Operas That Made Everyone Stop and Cry in Front of Their TV

30+ Facts About Soap Operas That Made Everyone Stop and Cry in Front of Their TV
3 years ago

The television of the ’80s and the ’90s is impossible to imagine without the many popular TV series of the time. This time is often called “the era of soap operas.” Adults would stop doing whatever they were busy with in order not to miss out on the precious episodes of their favorite series and children would get upset if they missed an episode because then they couldn’t discuss it with their classmates.

16 Natural Wonders That Show How Unique Planet Earth Is

16 Natural Wonders That Show How Unique Planet Earth Is
4 years ago

Many people who love traveling have a bucket list with places and activities they’d like to go to at least once in their life. If you’re an avid traveler, you can probably relate to that. Unfortunately, we all suffer from time limitations when it comes to discovering some of the incredible places out there and because you have to decide which of these to visit, having a quick overview might come in handy. After all, traveling isn’t just about taking a plane and going somewhere, it’s also about planning a future trip and imagining how it would be to go to those exotic places.

20+ Photos That Prove Alpacas Are the Perfect Cure for a Bad Day

20+ Photos That Prove Alpacas Are the Perfect Cure for a Bad Day
2 years ago

They’re cousins with camels but they’re much smaller, fluffier, and more photogenic than that side of the family. Alpacas, which are native to Peru, were considered Mother Earth’s (Pachamama) gift to the Incas but they’re certainly a gift to all of us. Just take a look at their smiles, big eyes, statement hairstyles, and attitude, you’ll be convinced they can give you the gift of happiness at any given moment.

15 Amazing Animals You Would Love to Have

15 Amazing Animals You Would Love to Have
2 years ago

What was your pet growing up? A dog? A cat? Well, times have changed, and now you can see how people all over the world take incredible creatures to raise and love as household animals. Bright Side made a list of peculiar and adorable pets that are extremely unusual. A lot of people would love to have them as pets, but it might not be such a great idea after all.

15 Photos That Show How Our Planet is Changing

15 Photos That Show How Our Planet is Changing
year ago

Earth is a living, breathing organism. It is undergoing constant changes — glaciers melt, rivers dry up and appear again, cities expand, forests and deserts shift around. And all the while, our planet remains breathtakingly beautiful. Today, Bright Side brings you a selection of incredible NASA photos that demonstrate how the face of the world has changed over the last century! What’s most astonishing is how fast these natural and man-made changes occur. The photos below portray transformations with a time span ranging from a few decades to just one year. Some of the photographic evidence is truly unbelievable. Now you have the chance to see these beautiful and thought-provoking images for yourselves!