I remember my english teacher from school, she always tried to find out what we liked, or what films we were interested in so we could try to discuss it in english during the class. It made the whole experience way more interesting than just reading a boring student book. Thanks to her I like english
15+ Alumni Shared Stories About the Special Teachers They Will Never Forget
When we are kids we all complain about having to go to school. This is classic. But later on, when we grow up, we remember it fondly, and at the same time with a certain melancholy. An important part of these memories is linked to those people who helped us gain more knowledge: our teachers. There are all kinds: serious, funny, demanding, relaxed, friendly, and so on. This becomes clear when we see a large number of stories from former students where they tell some of the anecdotes they experienced with their teachers.
The Bright Side team also went to school and, when reading other people’s anecdotes, we remembered how nice it was, so we put together the following compilation with the best memories about teachers.
- I’ll always remember Juan Fuentes, my English teacher. He was a very old man. My classmates and I were around 14 or 15. He used to complain saying: “And then I hear you guys saying all the time “Oh, I love him,” and then he would shout: “HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT YOU LOVE HIM, AT THIS AGE YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT LOVE IS.” He repeated this so many times that I didn’t get married until I was 28, hahahahahaha. © Belkis Maholy Sandoval Palmera / Facebook
- My math teacher used to tell us, with a sort of cartoonish voice, “It’s easier than walking,” for any problem she had us solve. © Sirley Villaverde / Facebook
- In elementary school I had a teacher named Pedro who taught fifth and sixth grade. On special occasions like Christmas, he would always give a gift to every student in his class. I remember him very fondly because what he gave us meant a lot to all of us. At dismissal time, he would walk to catch the bus and we all wanted to join him. He was always very kind. If a child didn’t have enough money for a graduation outfit, he would put up his own money to buy it. He always thought about his students and had a great humility. I was in third grade when he talked about how he was saving money to buy a car. He finally managed to buy it when I was in sixth grade, and I remember that more than one of us were happy about that. © Karen D Guerrero / Facebook
- Most of my teachers always treated me well. But one of them was especially nice to me. I did well on an exam, so he gave me a very nice pen and an agenda. I still remember that nice detail. © Rake Garcí / Facebook
- I remember a typing teacher who had a very peculiar little voice, and when we were typing on the machines, she would say: " Rhythm, rhythm, rhythm...". © Teresa Bonet / Facebook
- My high school philosophy teacher was also a university professor, so his classes were at a very high level. But he had a weakness... he liked to gossip. So he would come in with something he had just learned about people from school and let us talk to find out more about what happened. But first he would make it clear that the following hour would only be spent studying philosophy. And then he would start... we didn’t even have time to pick up a pencil from the floor because he spoke so fast that we would get lost. He was a genius. I think that’s the subject I learned the most about in school. © Carina Demarchi / Facebook
- My fourth-year biology teacher used to bring his guitar and sing in class, but we would also study everything that he taught about the subject. © Olga Mucci / Facebook
- I don’t remember the name of my World History teacher from the Trilce Academy in Santa Beatriz, Lima, Peru. But every time he stepped into the classroom, we all had to stand up (he had actually asked us to do this since the very beginning of the school year). After about 5 seconds of absolute silence, he would stare at each one of us and, faithfully, with a book under his arm, he would say the following: “Good morning, students, I have been called from beyond to illuminate the darkness of your ignorance.” We all laughed except for him. One of the best teachers I still remember. © Sergio Aldana / Facebook
- I had a History teacher who lived the subject in such a way that, to explain certain battles to us, he would divide the classroom into 2 parts and he would take one side and then the other so that we would understand why we were “facing” each other. He was very tall and a bit clumsy, and the way he moved was very funny. We had a great time during his classes, and we certainly understood everything better that way. © Jessica Acuña Orellana / Facebook
- I remember my 5th-grade teacher who, for a special occasion, called me and asked me to become his accomplice to organize a huge surprise for the whole class. He was going to pay for a big party with music, dancing, and everything, so he asked me to come to class early to organize the whole thing, and he told my classmates that there was going to be a normal class. We put up balloons, music, and when the group arrived, they were in for a big surprise. The joy in their faces was great, it was the best celebration I ever had. I will never forget that day, nor my teacher Miguel Ángel Sesma Masa. © Guillermina Ibarra / Facebook
- In the first year of Biochemistry, our professor of History of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences was Horacio Lopez Romano. He told/narrated the subject in such a way that he would catch your attention immediately! He made me like our profession even more! Almost 20 years later, I still remember him, it was fascinating how much he knew. © Lorena Alvarez / Facebook
There are certain things about school that are impossible to forget. What teacher do you still remember to this day?
I had the same with my chemistry teacher. She just tried to explain it from the most fun way she could... and tried to conduct small exciting experiments to entertain us. A lot of people tied their life with chemistry after her
seriously, bless such teachers! :)
thats how my chem teacher is teaching us!!!!

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