
What If Another Planet Entered Earth’s Orbit

What If Another Planet Entered Earth’s Orbit
2 years ago

It’s there, I finally see it, for the first time in my life! A grayish body far away in the sky, hidden behind the clouds, the size of 1-4 of a full moon. It won’t be there for long, the last time it was there was 33 years ago — and we’ll have to wait for 33 years more to see it again.Tellus, the mysterious planet humankind still have so much to learn about. For a long time, Earth was the only planet quietly traveling its circular orbit around the center of our Solar System, the Sun. Our solar system was generally a pretty stable place. Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and other planets — they all acted in a predictable way, always the same orbits. Until some time ago something unexpected happened — another planet entered the Earth’s orbit.

22 Surreal Places That Show How Weird Our Planet Can Be

22 Surreal Places That Show How Weird Our Planet Can Be
6 years ago

The Benagil Sea Cave in Portugal is one of the most picturesque vacation destinations and one of the most photographed caves in the world. This spectacular rock formation, which can only be reached from the sea, attracts tourists from all over the world. Through the big round openings in the cave ceiling you can see the clear blue sky while lying on the sand and enjoying a soft sea breeze. Our planet is ripe with many unique places that look surreal and unearthly. Come with us on an exciting journey and see some of these places that will make you question your own eyesight!

10 Mysterious Creatures That Scientists Can’t Fully Explain

10 Mysterious Creatures That Scientists Can’t Fully Explain
week ago

Our planet is home to countless creatures, some of which continue to defy scientific understanding. From the depths of the ocean to the dense rainforests and remote mountain ranges, these mysterious species have puzzled researchers with their bizarre features, elusive nature, and unexplained behaviors. Despite advancements in science, many of these creatures remain shrouded in mystery.

10 Times When Pure Accidents Led to the World’s Greatest Discoveries

10 Times When Pure Accidents Led to the World’s Greatest Discoveries
month ago

Science and tech are all about taking calculated risks and making precise plans—especially when it comes to keeping costs under control! But, as with anything in life, things don’t always go the way we expect. Sometimes, the best discoveries happen by accident, and they end up changing how we see the world. For a little inspiration, this article is all about celebrating those happy accidents that have given us lifesaving medicine we often take for granted, the scientific breakthroughs that help us understand the world around us, and the technology that’s helping protect our planet’s future. It’s amazing how some of the most important things we rely on today came about by chance!

11 Practical Steps Toward Environmental Responsibility

11 Practical Steps Toward Environmental Responsibility
Tips & tricks
2 months ago

The planet needs our help, and the great news is—you don’t have to be a superhero to make a difference. While environmental challenges might seem big and overwhelming, small actions can have a huge impact.That’s why we’ve put together a list of 11 simple things we can all do to show we care about the Earth. Let’s jump in and start making a difference today!

How One Woman Creates Stunning Trendy Outfits From Secondhand Wedding Dresses

How One Woman Creates Stunning Trendy Outfits From Secondhand Wedding Dresses
5 months ago

Meet Cait Trantham, a girl who’s on a mission to give vintage wedding dresses a fresh twist! Instead of letting these beautiful gowns collect dust, she transforms them into modern, chic outfits that are perfect for any occasion. With her unique style and love for sustainability, she doesn’t just preserve these stunning dresses, but also creates eye-catching looks that blend the old with the new. Get ready to be inspired by her creative approach to fashion and see how she’s making vintage cool again.

Who Could Have Been in Twilight Cast and Who Got the Role Instead

Who Could Have Been in Twilight Cast and Who Got the Role Instead
year ago

With its fantastic characters and tales, the Twilight series captured our hearts and ushered in the ideal age of paranormal fiction. Bella and Edward shared heartfelt moments, and we eagerly anticipated the release of each new film. But, what if the original Twilight cast were portrayed by other actors who initially auditioned for it, or were the author’s original choice? Warning, the article has spoilers!

18 Headscratchers That Require All Your Brain Power to Solve

18 Headscratchers That Require All Your Brain Power to Solve
year ago

While humans often pride themselves on being the most intelligent species on the planet, it’s essential to remember that our minds require ongoing training and stimulation. Our brains, while capable of great feats, need regular challenges to engage in logical and analytical thinking processes.

Gold Isn’t Rare Like We Thought

Gold Isn’t Rare Like We Thought
year ago

While choosing the best metal to use for goods exchanging, our ancestors considered many different types. Gold seemed to be a good choice since it’s resistant to corrosion, and you can melt it over a flame, which makes it easy to stamp it as a coin or work with it in any other way. Gold is not that rare but is not easy to find and extract in larger amounts with pre-industrial technology. Geologists believe most of the Gold on our planet came from space with meteorite storms more than two billion years ago. It’s one of the densest metals on our planet, and humans have mined around 180,000 tonnes of it by now. If you want to tell if the diamond you’re holding is real or fake, breathe out on it. The genuine diamond will remain transparent, while the fake one will get foggy.

A Giant Asteroid Is Flying to Earth, and You’ll See It

A Giant Asteroid Is Flying to Earth, and You’ll See It
year ago

The sun is rising, lighting up the trees, swamps, and massive plants of the Yucatán Peninsula. It’s 66 million years before today — the last days of the Mesozoic era. This peaceful world doesn’t know yet that a rock the size of a mountain is nearing Earth at a speed of more than 40,000 mph [(64,000 kph)]. It looks like a fireball that’s growing larger and larger with every passing minute. Soon, it already seems to be bigger than the Sun. Dinos, roaming the prehistoric Earth, don’t know that they have to run, hide, save themselves! Not that it’s going to help.

What If Whole World Fell in Love With You Overnight

What If Whole World Fell in Love With You Overnight
year ago

You avoid crowds of people, try to go unseen. Every night you stay in different places. You see your face on posters all over the city. You’re everywhere, and they’re after you... No, you’re not some wanted fugitive. You’re loved by every person on the planet!

What If Earth’s Gravity Suddenly Dropped 50%

What If Earth’s Gravity Suddenly Dropped 50%
year ago

You decide to go out for a morning jog for the first time in your life. You put on your headphones and get ready for something hard and unpleasant. But as soon as you go outside, you feel an extraordinary lightness. At first, you enjoy it and speed up, but then you realize that something’s wrong. You’re running too fast and too easily. You feel like you’ve just taken off a heavy backpack that you’ve been carrying all your life. You’re so fast you think you must have a superpower now. But, you notice another athlete running as quickly as you. You notice a puddle ahead of you and jump over it. You jump so far and so high it feels physically impossible. You fall to the ground, shocked.

If All Plants Ate Meat, There’d Be More Oxygen in the Air

If All Plants Ate Meat, There’d Be More Oxygen in the Air
year ago

You check under the sofa. Nope. You open the cupboard. Not there. You lie down on the floor and sneak a peek under your bed. Nah. No kitties there, just dust bunnies. Then, where’s your cat?! Oh no, could that crazy pet slip out through the back door?A wave of panic overwhelms you, and you bolt outside. Your backyard, once green and blooming, is now covered with a thick layer of rock-hard asphalt. Several large fake plants in pots make the dull landscape somewhat more upbeat.

Most Expensive Thing on Earth Takes Billions of Years to Make

Most Expensive Thing on Earth Takes Billions of Years to Make
year ago

The most expensive stuff in the universe — yeah, grandiose — is called anti-matter. Its existence was first theorized in 1930, when the electron was discovered. Scientists thought it might mean the exact opposite should exist too, and they called this hypothetical particle “positron.” Later, antipodes of other elementary particles, protons and neutrons, were proven to exist as well.When a particle and its evil twin collide with each other, they disappear, releasing literal tons of energy — 10,000 times more than a nuclear reaction does. But there’s a catch: it takes about 100 billion years to create just 1 g of anti-matter, and it can only be created using the Large Hadron Collider. That’s why the cost of this substance is about $62 trillion bucks. And we’re not even close to getting that much!Throughout the entire history of space observation, only two objects from another star system, or maybe even another galaxy, have entered our Solar System. The first one was the Oumuamua asteroid, discovered in 2017. The second was Borisov — a comet found in August 2019. The cloud of dust that surrounds it allows scientists to learn more about substances that may have come to us from another galaxy.

Kraken vs Cthulhu: Who’s #1 Sea Monster Legend?

Kraken vs Cthulhu: Who’s #1 Sea Monster Legend?
year ago

The sky is burning... The world’s oceans are foaming... Thunder and lightning are shaking the air... Two of the most terrible and powerful monsters collide in a duel. A harbinger of the end of the world! Just the sight of this monster can drive anyone mad. Great and atrocious Cthulhu! And the biggest squid on the planet is fighting against it! A beast that knows no fear because it’s fear itself! The cause of a thousand shipwrecks. The mighty and hideous Kraken! Let the most epic fight in the history of the Universe begin!

We’re Safe From Big Asteroids, but Only for 1,000 Years

We’re Safe From Big Asteroids, but Only for 1,000 Years
year ago

Asteroids flying around is sometimes like a fierce game of dodgeball where you never know when some of them can go in your direction. So we can just track the situation and hope for the best! To figure out the risk, scientists from different organizations have to study the positions and paths of the asteroids that come close to our planet, especially those that are at least 0.6 miles wide. And the good news is that none of these asteroids will probably hit us for at least the next 1,000 years. Phew!

Why Isn’t Our Moon a Planet?

Why Isn’t Our Moon a Planet?
year ago

There are a lot of space objects all around the Universe, from stars to planets, to satellites, comets, and asteroids. But our closest celestial body is the Moon, which has been subject to much research, theories, and even myths. As our only natural and permanent satellite, the Moon is in the top ten list of biggest satellites in our Solar System.

What Would It Take to Make Mars Earth-Like

What Would It Take to Make Mars Earth-Like
year ago

Seems like to feel at home on any planet we need the four crucial elements: air, water, earth, and fire. I’m gonna tell you what you need to squeeze to get a glass of water on Mars, how to grow your salad there, charge your phone without getting an astronomical electricity bill, and even generate some fresh air!

Even Biggest Bug Lover Doesn’t Know These Facts

Even Biggest Bug Lover Doesn’t Know These Facts
year ago

Poor Pete. Pete is so scared of bugs all he wants is to find a place on Earth where he can be safe from them. After years of research and traveling, he eventually finds the place to go: Antarctica! Pete makes it there, confident that bugs wouldn’t survive in the cold. Ahhhhhhh! Little did he know that insects are on every continent of this planet. Well, not really. He was kind of right about Antarctica: it isn’t home to a lot of bugs. In fact, there is only one true species of insect that calls this place home: it’s a wingless midge called Belgica antarctica. This fly is tiny [0.08 to 0.23 inches long], but it’s still Antarctica’s largest terrestrial bug.

“The Last of Us” Happen in Real Life, Here’s How

“The Last of Us” Happen in Real Life, Here’s How
year ago

Fungi are everywhere. You may see mold on an old lemon in your fridge. It’s a fungus. You may notice fungi on your mattress and the tiles in your bathroom. There may be several million species of fungi in the world, and most of them are unexplored. Of the fungus among us, some are pretty harmless, such as those that appear in the dark corner of your fridge. And others can turn a living creature into a zombie. And this is not some movie, but reality.

Lake Appeared in Desert in Minutes, No One Knows How

Lake Appeared in Desert in Minutes, No One Knows How
year ago

You’re walking along a hot desert under the scorching sun. You run out of supplies, there is no more water. You dream about rain, but there are no clouds in the sky. With each step, you lose more and more strength and... fall. You notice a small pond nearby. Is it real water or just a mirage? You can’t get to your feet, so you crawl there. The water is getting closer by the minute, but not because you’re moving towards it. It’s the water approaching you. In a few minutes, the pond area increases. Here, you’re already in it. A small lake has formed, 60 feet deep, at the place where the piece of the desert was.

15+ Weird Pics That’ll Make You Scratch Your Head

15+ Weird Pics That’ll Make You Scratch Your Head
year ago

The world is full of ordinary things, but every once in a while, we come across something truly bizarre that makes us question our perception of reality. We’ll explore some of the weirdest captures from around the world, showcasing just how astonishing our planet can be.

Days on Earth Have Been Getting Longer Since 2020

Days on Earth Have Been Getting Longer Since 2020
year ago

“Time” is the most frequently used noun in the English language. That’s how unique this everyday concept is. Of course, time has always existed, but the idea of keeping track of it did not. So, what is time? Physicists say it’s the progression of events from the past into the future. It also only moves in one direction. At least for now, we can only move forward in time, but not backward. Hypothetically, technology could one day allow us to send a human into the future — if we managed to move close to the speed of light. But would that also allow us to travel to the past and return back to the present? Scientists don’t think so. Interstellar travel at the speed of light might be possible in the future, but it would be a one-way-ticket voyage exclusively to the future.

The Moon Might Not Be What You Think It Is

The Moon Might Not Be What You Think It Is
year ago

It’s dark outside — almost 2 AM. You go outside and look at the sky. And here it is — bright, full Moon. You might think you know a lot about Earth’s natural satellite, but let me ask you this, “How did it form?” The answer is “nobody knows”! But, of course, there are theories. The most popular one, called “the giant-impact theory,” claims that the Moon formed during a collision between Earth and another planet. This planet must have been smaller than ours, the size of Mars. And the collision itself probably happened around 4.5 billion years ago.

5 Mass Extinctions, and We’re Looking at the Sixth

5 Mass Extinctions, and We’re Looking at the Sixth
year ago

When we say ‘extinction’ — say it with me: “extinction” — we usually think of dinosaurs that went for lunch with a humongous asteroid and wiped out from the face of Earth. We don’t think of ourselves possibly going away in the near future. But what we forget is that there have been five mass extinctions that our planet witnessed in the last half a billion years, not just one. And we can be nearing the sixth one, where one of the species to possibly disappear are humans. The first great mass extinction came about 440 million years ago, in the — Period. Back then, life was mostly thriving in the oceans and along the coastlines. Biodiversity was great at the time: there were thousands of different species. Trilobites, sea scorpions, and all kinds of weird-looking mollusks and even fish — you name it, Ordovician had it.

A Skyscraper That Changes Its Shape + 17 Weird Buildings Around the World

A Skyscraper That Changes Its Shape + 17 Weird Buildings Around the World
year ago

Have you ever seen a skyscraper that can change its shape? The creators of the F&F Tower in Panama City had a concept and only $50 million, which isn’t a lot in skyscraper money. So, they couldn’t afford a mistake, and they finished a concrete structure with the 39 upper floors rotating 9 degrees around an axis from the first attempt without spending any extra time or materials. Dubai’s Rotating Tower will look different every time you see it once it’s finished. Each of its 80 floors will rotate 360 degrees individually around the center of the building. The lucky residents will be able to control that rotation, which means they can choose their view from the window. A complete lap should take about 90 minutes. And no, the tower won’t be a huge waste of electricity — it will produce its own energy! Wind turbines between the floors will drive the rotations.

Time and Space Change Places in a Black Hole, But Why

Time and Space Change Places in a Black Hole, But Why
year ago

Did you know that there’s an astronomical object in which space and time actually swap places? How does it work? And what exactly does “swapping space and time” mean? Well, let’s figure it out. Imagine that you’re on a spacecraft. The vehicle can only move straight. Your path leads to some inevitable point, and you have no idea what lies ahead. You can only hope that it won’t be too bad. Meanwhile, everything around you is complete madness. A chaotic collage of many historical events. What do you see? Ancient humans and dinosaurs? The birth of the universe? A... future? Who knows. That’s what the universe would look like if we swapped time and space. And, theoretically, this is what you’d see if you fell into a black hole and somehow were able to survive. But how is something like this even possible?

Could Jupiter Become a Star?

Could Jupiter Become a Star?
2 years ago

Imagine leaving your house one morning and seeing not one but 2 stars shining in the sky! The first one is our good old Sun, and the other is... Jupiter! But how has a PLANET turned into a star? And what will now happen to Earth and its inhabitants? Before we find the answer to these urgent questions, we need to revise some things we know about Jupiter. The largest planet in the Solar System is a gas giant, which means it’s made up mostly of gases. Due to the pressure and temperature differences, these gases separate into layers. This creates those red and white bands that can be clearly seen from Earth.

Eyeball Planets: They Are as Eerie as They Sound

Eyeball Planets: They Are as Eerie as They Sound
2 years ago

The hunt for interesting exoplanets and life forms somewhere out there in the vast expanse of the Universe keeps going; no stopping here! We’re basically searching for a second Earth — a planet that’s similar to our home and where we could finally find some space friends. We’re not picky, any form of life is fine, even some bacteria-sized organisms. And this search has mostly been going on in the habitable zone around other stars. We also call this the Goldilocks zone. That’s a region where conditions are “bearly” just right for liquid water to exist, whether we’re talking about the surface of a planet or a moon.

What If Earth’s Oxygen Levels Rise to 50%

What If Earth’s Oxygen Levels Rise to 50%
2 years ago

Imagine a planet where every breath you take electrifies your body like a shot of espresso. The sky above you is an intense shade of blue, while colossal trees stretch towards the heavens, their vibrant green leaves growing at an astonishing rate. Daily exercise becomes a thrill like no other. With the abundance of oxygen, you become a supercharged version of yourself. Running feels effortless as you dart across the landscape, lifting weights that would normally seem impossible. It’s as if the world itself is infused with a surge of energy. Everything is moving faster.

Why We Humans Are MOST PROBABLY the First Intelligent Life in Space

Why We Humans Are MOST PROBABLY the First Intelligent Life in Space
2 years ago

Did you know that humans are real space people? You were born in Space. Heck, even I was born in Space. We all were born in Space! But for humans to be here on Earth, so many conditions have to be precisely correct that it is highly improbable that we even exist. But we do. First, we — and any other space creatures who might be out there — have to live on a planet orbiting a yellow-ish white star, not a red star or a blue star. Not a blue star because they burn out too quickly — in a few million years — there wouldn’t be time for evolution to do its relatively slow magic and produce intelligent beings. Blue stars also tend to swell up and turn red — when they collapse and explode! It makes it highly unlikely that any civilization could prosper near a blue star.

The World Held Its Breath as Valentine’s Asteroid Neared Earth

The World Held Its Breath as Valentine’s Asteroid Neared Earth
2 years ago

Ah, yes. February 14, 2000. Just a regular Valentine’s Day, some flowers and some candy, the beginning of the new millennium, and... A good day to make history. NEAR Shoemaker (which stands for Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous) spacecraft, launched in 1996 [February], finally got a date with asteroid 433 Eros. It wasn’t about swiping right but going around Eros and completing the first soft landing on an asteroid ever.NEAR almost didn’t make it there, because an engine misfire from 1998 brought it into the wrong trajectory, and it missed the target. Yet, engineers decided to let NEAR do the circle around the Sun for one more year — and it eventually made it.NEAR Shoemaker was created to find, target, and stalk some smaller space objects for around a year and collect important data about them. This spacecraft got more than 160,000 pictures of the asteroid’s surface which helped with research in the years to come — before that, some scientists took asteroids for just some random flying piles.