
Sand and Shells Are the Main Ingredients of This Artist’s Work, and It’s Making Waves

Sand and Shells Are the Main Ingredients of This Artist’s Work, and It’s Making Waves
2 years ago

Anna Chan, a trained jeweler and designer by trade, uses beautiful seashells in different colors and textures on a bed of sand to create captivating works of art. A detailed portrait of a fierce lion or a penguin mother with its baby chick — Anna has the power to create emotion through her sculptures. Luckily, the artist answered a few burning questions we’ve had about her craft — keep reading to get the scoop.

16 Women Whose Married Life Is a Never-Ending Drama

16 Women Whose Married Life Is a Never-Ending Drama
5 months ago

Family life is full of adventures, but the life of the heroines of this article seems to be something epic. After all, you never know what will happen when the husband tries to do his wife’s makeup, to dive deep into parenthood, or to figure out his significant other’s hints.

10 Vacation Must-Haves From Amazon That Have Tons of 5-Star Reviews for a Reason

10 Vacation Must-Haves From Amazon That Have Tons of 5-Star Reviews for a Reason
year ago

Every season is a holiday season with Amazon whose sellers offer a large variety of traveling must-haves. The items we selected for you today can solve a bunch of holiday-related problems. We’ll tell you about a waterproof phone case that will allow you to take amazing underwater pics; a secret bra pouch that will keep your credit cards and money safe; a stroller that easily fits in carry-on luggage (what?😲) and many more brilliant items. Buy them now and thank us later, after your enjoyable stress-free vacation!

11 Problem Solvers From Amazon That Had Us Shouting, “Finally, Someone Was Actually Thinking!”

11 Problem Solvers From Amazon That Had Us Shouting, “Finally, Someone Was Actually Thinking!”
year ago

Despite all the technological progress we’ve witnessed during the last decade, a bunch of annoying everyday problems have still remained unsolved up until recently. Luckily, Amazon sellers heard our prayers and felt our pain, and today they are ready to provide us with simple yet brilliantly working solutions. These 11 gadgets and tools will cut your grapes in quarters, keep your house sparkling clean and even save trapped animals from your pool. Wow! Thank you. What else could we say?

Where the Waterfall to Nowhere Really Goes

Where the Waterfall to Nowhere Really Goes
11 months ago

The world’s largest waterfall is tucked away underwater! The Denmark Strait cataract is located between Iceland and Greenland. If you suddenly grew fish gills allowing you to comfortably breathe underwater, you’d be able to see a breathtaking series of waterfalls. They begin at 2,000 feet under the surface and then drop for about two miles — down to a depth of 10,000 feet.

29 Myths Even Your Parents Thought Were True

29 Myths Even Your Parents Thought Were True
year ago

Hi! Do chameleons only change colors for camouflage? No. They can actually change colors to reflect their mood. So, males turn a bright color to show their dominance, and they become darker when they get aggressive. Chameleons also change colors to adapt to different temperatures. A cold chameleon will turn dark to absorb more heat, while a smoking-hot chameleon will turn itself pale to reflect the sun’s rays.

These People Kept Order in the Ancient World

These People Kept Order in the Ancient World
year ago

You’re an adventurer looking for a golden hourglass hidden in the jungle of an exotic country. You finally find the artifact. Someone starts shouting as soon as you grab it. “Stop! This is the police! Hands up!” You look around and see two officers. You turn the hourglass over and fall into a suddenly formed portal that takes you through space and time.

A Dream Find: These Footprints Change History as We Know It

A Dream Find: These Footprints Change History as We Know It
year ago

White Sands National Park in southern New Mexico attracts plenty of people with its endless chalk-colored dunes. Tourists leave their traces behind. Some of those traces, although they look crispy clear and new, are slightly older than others. Between 21,000 and 23,000 years old, to be precise. Scientists found around 60 fossilized footprints in layers of gypsum soil. They are the oldest evidence of human presence in North America. There has been a nearly century-long debate on when the first humans populated this area. Most researchers believed it was not earlier than 13,000 years ago.

9 Natural Wonders That Will Transport You to a Sci-Fi Dimension

9 Natural Wonders That Will Transport You to a Sci-Fi Dimension
year ago

Planet Earth is full of wondrous phenomena. I mean, can you imagine going for a midnight swim and suddenly finding yourself surrounded by a glowing blue haze? As if there were huge pillars of light coming out of the seabed directly toward the surface! This experience is rare, but it sure is magical.

We’ve Probably Been Looking for Atlantis in the Wrong Place

We’ve Probably Been Looking for Atlantis in the Wrong Place
year ago

You’ve probably heard about the mysterious sea state of Atlantis. It was a high-tech utopia where people lived happily. But then something happened, and Atlantis disappeared from the face of Earth. Many believe that this city lies at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. But what if we’ve been looking in the wrong place all this time? What if it’s somewhere different from where they’re trying to find it? What if all this time, Atlantis was in the middle of the Sahara Desert? Well, this unexpected theory has some evidence. But to study this version, you first need to understand what Atlantis was and how we got to know about it. The very first mention of the mysterious city was in 360 BCE. Ancient philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis. His work “Dialogues” described Atlantis as a rich land with advanced technologies. Its inhabitants were powerful, intelligent, and beautiful, like superhumans.

Island With Highly Active Volcano but People Still Live There

Island With Highly Active Volcano but People Still Live There
year ago

Fraser Island sits off the coast of sunny Queensland, Australia. But don’t fall for its beauty; it’s home to the most dangerous beach in the world. There’s nowhere on the island to seek medical attention. So if you do run into danger, you’re on your own.Dingo attacks are super common here. If you don’t know what a dingo is, it looks like an adorable dog but beware; this wild breed is extremely dangerous. And the dingo’s gnashing teeth aren’t the only thing to be scared of; the seas around the island are swimming with great white sharks. There’s jellyfish in the water too. Fraser Island is home to some of the world’s most dangerous kinds, including the Portuguese bluebottle. One sting from its venomous tentacle is enough to take down an adult human.

Why Ancient Structures Are Always Found Underground

Why Ancient Structures Are Always Found Underground
year ago

Whenever you hear about ancient ruins, you almost never picture them being suspended somewhere, or just randomly hanging on the branch of a tree, right? In fact, for most of the ancient artifacts we have exposed in museums all over the world, archeologists did quite an impressive amount of digging!

“This Is Better Than My Bed!” People Rave About This Air Mattress, and Now You Can Try It Too

“This Is Better Than My Bed!” People Rave About This Air Mattress, and Now You Can Try It Too
2 years ago

One thing that can keep you from having every weekend outdoors is the discomfort of spending the night in a sleeping bag, and this air mattress can help you. Besides, this mattress can be useful not only for camping, but also when your guests decide to stay overnight or your children have a pajama party at your home.Do not miss the bonus at the end, where we have prepared for you other products that will increase your comfort while camping.

Coconut Water and 7 Other Brazilian Beauty Secrets That Will Make You Age Backward

Coconut Water and 7 Other Brazilian Beauty Secrets That Will Make You Age Backward
Girls stuff
2 years ago

Brazilian women are famous for their beauty. They love soft, healthy hair, care a lot about their nails, and most of all — they believe in the power of natural beauty. Because they don’t really use much makeup or wear jewelry, they mostly rely on the beauty secrets that they have, and those that have been passed down generationally. These beauties were taught from a young age, and often set trends in the beauty industry based off the ones they use themselves.

7 Ways to Safely Remove Something Stuck in Your Eye

7 Ways to Safely Remove Something Stuck in Your Eye
4 years ago

Normally, our eyelashes, eyelids, and tears work together to stop objects from entering our eyes or to quickly flush them out if they do get in. But still, it’s quite often that a small piece of sand or some dust does enter one of your eyes — like while riding a bike or when you’re at the beach, for instance. This can damage the surface of the cornea, which can be painful, so it’s important that you know how to get it out as soon as possible.

50 Surefire Ways to Entertain Your Kid While You’re Working

50 Surefire Ways to Entertain Your Kid While You’re Working

Every parent has likely been in a situation where a child is asking for attention but you have too much on your plate to do so. So you need to quickly occupy your kid with something to do in order for you to complete your tasks. This list of fun activities will come in handy for such emergencies. Some of these ideas can be adapted for toddlers, while others will work perfectly on older schoolchildren.