The road to finding a soulmate is lined with dozens of first dates. Some of them are just boring, others leave a pleasant aftertaste. But there are also those that we are too embarrassed to remember. But you can discuss them with your friends!
Dating can feel like a rollercoaster – thrilling in theory, but occasionally nauseating in practice. These 10 dating stories take awkward encounters to a whole new level, proving that love might not always be in the air, but disaster often is. After reading these, you might just want to delete your apps and invest in a good book instead!
In today’s dating world, everyone has a story to share. But some stories are memorable not just for the laughs, but for the surprising twists they take. Recently, we got a story from a young woman in New York who thought she’d met the perfect match on a popular dating app. Their expensive first date seemed like it would be romantic, but things took an unexpected turn. What started as a funny dating mishap quickly turned into a surprising discovery, leaving her wondering if she’d judged him too soon.
Every profession has its secrets, and zoo workers are no exception. From the outside, it seems like a dream job: you’re surrounded by cute animals, and you just need to take care of them. But from the inside, of course, everything is different. What animal in the zoo do you think is more dangerous and aggressive than others? Maybe a lion or a tiger? No, it’s not.
On social media, there are mind-blowing stories of people who had an unforgettable encounter with a stranger. From bizarre conversations to moments of profound kindness, those who lived through it think back on their experience often. Above all, these situations remind us of the wonder of human connection.
Now I hate to break it to you, but there’s no such thing as a baby carrot. The cute little carrots they sell at supermarkets are actually regular carrots that have been shaved down to this “baby size”. You would think strawberry-flavored gummy bears should be red or pink, right? Well, sorry to say, but they’re green. Brown rice and white rice are the same product. The white variety starts off as the brown one, but then some parts of it are removed by milling, which gives the rice its white color. This allows it to be stored for longer, but at the same time reduces the rice’s nutritional value.On the topic of rice, it was used to build the Great Wall of China! The builders mixed sticky rice soup with lime and got rice mortar for construction. It was stronger and had better water resistance than regular lime mortar. Thanks to the rice soup, the Great Wall has been able to stand for centuries despite the elements.
Meet “Ötzi” or “The Iceman” — a natural mummy. He lived sometime between 3350 and 3105 BCE. He was discovered in 1991 in the Ötztal Alps, near the borders of Austria and Italy. And yes, the nickname derives from the name of the mountain. Ötzi is Europe’s oldest known naturally mummified human. Ötzi was 40 something when it happened. Science is awesome. We now even know that he was left-handed and lactose intolerant! He was wearing shoes stuffed with grass and laced with aurochs leather. He also had a fur hat and carried a backpack with everything he needed to quickly make a fire. His body is now kept in a special room at a constant temperature of around −21˚ Fahrenheit. These days, Ötzi is kinda a celebrity, featuring in numerous documentaries and books.
When you order a drink that isn’t supposed to have cinnamon in it but still smells like it — don’t even try it! Chances are that someone has messed with your drink and tried adding some ingredients that shouldn’t really be there. Cinnamon has the superpower of covering up the smell and taste of other substances. So, the best you can do is never leave your drink alone and always sniff it before drinking.
The art of cooking is like magic — we mix ingredients in different proportions and get a delicious result. But the most interesting thing is that some common seasonings can be used in a totally different way, resulting in a dish with remarkable flavor. Internet users shared the secret ingredients that help them cook like Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsay.
Running a food business requires strictly following a long list of rules and regulations, especially since it involves people’s health. But sometimes, we don’t really know what’s going on behind their closed kitchen doors. And, as paying customers, we deserve to get our money’s worth by eating good and clean food.
Tradition is everything when it comes to celebrating Christmas in the royal family. They usually have a very strict schedule that they follow every single year without fail. They attend church services together and they visit the Queen for all the festivities, but not all together. The younger members usually arrive first and the senior members later. This is something that reflects their status.
When a person has lived in a different country for a long time, they can’t remain the same. They learn the way people speak there, different food preferences, and other everyday habits. And the customs that once seemed strange and foreign become very familiar.
Mothers are “all in” when it comes to their child’s well-being. But you would be surprised to find out how many things can have an impact on your bundle of joy during pregnancy. That’s why we should be cautious about which kind of habits we adopt, since they can have a long-term impact on our child.
It’s not surprising that delicious food, good service, and the pleasant atmosphere that we experience at restaurants cost money. But we still want to control our expenses and not leave them realizing that we’ve just spent a fortune.
Many people dream of achieving success in their occupation. But to become a master in your field and see your photo in the hall of fame, you’ll need to come a long way. The careers of some people end before they even have a chance to begin.
Many people who love traveling have a bucket list with places and activities they’d like to go to at least once in their life. If you’re an avid traveler, you can probably relate to that. Unfortunately, we all suffer from time limitations when it comes to discovering some of the incredible places out there and because you have to decide which of these to visit, having a quick overview might come in handy. After all, traveling isn’t just about taking a plane and going somewhere, it’s also about planning a future trip and imagining how it would be to go to those exotic places.
75% of cafe and restaurant visitors go there because they don’t want to spend their free time cooking food and they prefer to eat out with their friends. And about 45% of people will eat out at least twice a week. However, it is better to avoid some meals in order to not do any harm to your health.
Many tourists think that it’s impossible to really get to know a country if you don’t try its national cuisine. However, some of the dishes are so exotic that not everyone is brave enough to try them.
Even if you like a certain restaurant chain, you should know that the quality of the food they serve in different places may really depend on the management and staff. In order to avoid having a negative experience, chefs and other cafe and restaurant employees shared their own observations that can help us predict how good the meal will be, before it even starts.
According to statistics, restaurants in general become more popular with each passing year. People like to visit them and order take-out. We also like to go out to eat but we want to be sure that we are making the right choice. So, we decided to make note of these life hacks from Reddit users. Chefs and waiters described the signs of a restaurant that no one should ever eat at, including you.
While some are constantly trying to lose excessive fat, others find it tough to gain weight. Ironically enough, junk food won’t work for those who can’t gain weight. The solution is simple — eat food rich in healthy fats and protein, like milk, avocados, nuts or salmon. Eating the products on our list as a snack, garnish, or a main dish will help you gain weight. And if you combine them with regular exercise, they will help you to build muscle.
Though the thyroid gland is tiny, it controls lots of processes (including metabolism) in our body. When it doesn’t work properly, it may produce more or less hormones than the body needs. In both cases, people may notice unpleasant changes: sudden weight fluctuation, mood swings, skin issues, and even breast cancer.
No matter whether you have brown or blue eyes, you’ve probably been wondering how you’d look with green eyes, for example. But very few of us know that there are a number of factors including food and emotions that can change the color of our irises. We will tell you the most interesting facts and show examples how eye color can change appearance using celebrity examples.
Even though there are tons of remedies to make up for a lack of vitamins, people from different countries still suffer from vitamin deficiency. But this is not a good reason to take loads of vitamins without knowing their effects. Scientists found out that a balanced diet gives the body all it needs. In this article, we will tell you about how to restore a lack of vitamins without it being harmful to your health.