
9 Differences Between Men and Women That Have an Unexpected Explanation

9 Differences Between Men and Women That Have an Unexpected Explanation
2 years ago

Today, we would like to talk about the differences between men and women. You might say that you’ve known about these differences for your entire life, but it’s not that simple. We are sure that we’ll be able to highlight a few facts you’ve never heard of before. And in the bonus section, you’ll find out where the fashion for high heels came from.

6 Reasons Why Soy Milk Is a Healthier Option for Your Body

6 Reasons Why Soy Milk Is a Healthier Option for Your Body
2 years ago

Soy milk is a common replacement for dairy milk, and if you follow a vegan diet, you might be very familiar with it. You can include soy milk in your everyday drinks, such as cereal, coffee, and even smoothies. It offers your body plenty of benefits, including protein and calcium, and if you are lactose intolerant, even better. However, if you have any allergies or take medication, it’s advisable to consult with your doctor first before making any changes to your diet.

7 Shocking Things We Had No Idea the Male Body Could Do

7 Shocking Things We Had No Idea the Male Body Could Do
2 years ago

Most of the differences between men and women are more than obvious and are known by pretty much everyone. You don’t need us to tell you that women have more fat than men because they need it. But when it comes to the lesser-known facts, you can count on us to get our facts straight and to let you in on it.

3 Types of Love That Might Change the Way You View Your Relationship

3 Types of Love That Might Change the Way You View Your Relationship
2 years ago

Loving someone and falling in love can make us experience a ton of contrasting feelings that are often too complex to put into words. That’s where the ’’biology of love’’ can come in handy to help us understand why we feel the way we do. American anthropologist and researcher in the field of romantic relationships, Helen Fisher, has come up with an interesting theory based on the belief that not all love is experienced equally and that romantic love can be broken down into 3 different types.

6 Reasons Why Your Facial Hair Might Be Growing Faster

6 Reasons Why Your Facial Hair Might Be Growing Faster
year ago

While most of us have fine, light hair covering our faces, some women may notice that this hair can be thicker and coarser. This condition is known as hirsutism, and women suffering from it have more visible excess body and facial hair. Although there are many ways to get rid of annoying hair on your face, being proactive and avoiding the factors that might be causing this hair to grow can save you many trips to the beauty salon.

What Height Can Tell About a Woman’s Personality, Studies Suggest

What Height Can Tell About a Woman’s Personality, Studies Suggest
2 years ago

There is the question of whether the best things come in small or large packages. The truth is, there are several studies that prove that height can predict personality traits related to a woman’s career and personal development. And whatever your case is, short or tall, both share differences that make our personalities unique.

6 Ways Men Change When They Become Fathers (Their Bodies May Change Too!)

6 Ways Men Change When They Become Fathers (Their Bodies May Change Too!)
Family & kids
3 years ago

Pregnancy and childbirth bring about a lot of physical and psychological changes in the new mother’s body, but it turns out that men can experience a wide spectrum of bodily and mental changes when becoming dads too. A hormonal and emotional roller coaster, a strong affection for the new baby, anxiety, and depression, and even pregnancy symptoms — it may sound unbelievable, but this is what many men go through when their kids are born.

What Happens to Your Body When You Start Working Out Before Bed

What Happens to Your Body When You Start Working Out Before Bed
3 years ago

If you still think exercising before bed messes up your sleep, you might want to reconsider. Science backs up evening workouts and proves that they’re just as healthy and efficient as morning ones. Give exercising before bed a try and you’ll notice that it won’t leave you tossing and turning. Since not all of us have time for morning workouts, read on to discover the benefits of exercising at night.

Why Some Men Might Experience Pregnancy Symptoms When Their Partner Is Expecting a Baby

Why Some Men Might Experience Pregnancy Symptoms When Their Partner Is Expecting a Baby
year ago

Fatigue, nausea, and reflux are some of the symptoms a woman can expect to have during certain stages of her pregnancy. What she may not expect is that her partner could possibly also develop some of these, all the more so because men cannot get pregnant. But even if that’s the case, men can actually experience some of the discomforts that women have when pregnant. In fact, not only is this a fact, but it’s much more common than what you might think.

7 Reasons Why We Should Allow More Onions Into Our Lives

7 Reasons Why We Should Allow More Onions Into Our Lives
2 years ago

Onions, despite being one of the more basic ingredients in our pantry, are rich in vitamins and have great health benefits. Actually, its properties are much more effective if you eat them raw, but if cooked, this bulb still holds important benefits for our bodies.

9 Simple Ingredients to Get Rid of Facial Hair at Home

9 Simple Ingredients to Get Rid of Facial Hair at Home
Girls stuff
year ago

Typically, the unwanted growth of facial hair on women happens because of high levels of androgens (like testosterone) in their bodies. These strands aren’t necessarily dangerous to your health but you may want to remove them, and there are many options you can choose from, like electrolysis, laser removal, or waxing. But many of these techniques can be expensive and even painful.

13 Animal Dads Who Never Shy Away From Their Duties

13 Animal Dads Who Never Shy Away From Their Duties
4 years ago

Nobody messes with momma: this is a simple truth that everybody knows. Unfortunately, the same thing cannot always be said about dads. Animal fathers, especially, have a spotty reputation, considering the abundance of “deadbeat dads” and “cannibal dads” among them. There are some dads who are a force in their youngsters’ lives and, just like human fathers, some animal dads can make exceptional sacrifices for their families.

Science Says Childbirth Can Change a New Father’s Body and Brain

Science Says Childbirth Can Change a New Father’s Body and Brain
Family & kids
2 years ago

Mood and hormonal swings, stress, and dozens of unexpected body changes — this is what pregnancy and childbirth bring to a woman’s life. It is believed that fathers remain unaffected, because they don’t carry babies, and they don’t give birth. Recent studies showed, however, that men also experience hormonal, neurological, and behavioral changes when they welcome their newborn kids into their lives.

3 Things Your Finger Length Could Say About Your Personality

3 Things Your Finger Length Could Say About Your Personality
year ago

Although our appearance comes from genetics, some parts of our body can reveal interesting information about our personalities. Studies have shown that the length the ring finger depends on the levels of testosterone, the male hormone, which you were exposed to in the womb and it can have a direct impact on the formation of the personality.

How to Grow a Beard Even If You Think You Can’t

How to Grow a Beard Even If You Think You Can’t
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

Traditionally beards are considered to be a sign of masculinity, power, strength, and wisdom. However, in the pursuit of getting a full and radiant beard, many men fail due to the uncontrollable itchiness at the beginning and improper beard care that can make it look lackluster and dull.

15 Beauty Tips That Can Make Any Girl Breathe a Sigh of Excitement

15 Beauty Tips That Can Make Any Girl Breathe a Sigh of Excitement
Girls stuff
year ago

Most women of the world worry about their appearance and always want to look perfect. The beauty industry is evolving rapidly but most products are expensive and, most of the time, cosmetic procedures turn out to cost an arm and a leg. The good news is that we can always replace them with budget lifehacks that are often more effective than pricey cosmetic items and salon procedures.

9 Hormones That Lead to Weight Gain and Ways to Avoid It

9 Hormones That Lead to Weight Gain and Ways to Avoid It
year ago

Weight gain is often associated with overeating and can be caused by various hormones going berserk. While gaining weight is easy, losing it is not. Various triggers like stress, age, genes, and poor lifestyle choices can cause a hormonal imbalance leading to obesity.

6 Curious Facts Your Appearance Can Say About You

6 Curious Facts Your Appearance Can Say About You
2 years ago

Scientists have declared that physiognomy, the art of reading character from faces, is a fake science. However some researchers have proven that a face can deliver very important information about our personality. Carmen E. Lefevre from the University College London assures us that appearance is the product of genes, hormones, and lifestyle. This is why a human’s face can really be a mirror into our soul.

10 Important Signs That Your Body Is Very Stressed

10 Important Signs That Your Body Is Very Stressed
year ago

Everyone occasionally feels under the weather. But if there is something that has constantly been bothering you for some time, you should take your health seriously. Perhaps it’s all about stress. Many doctors say that it can cause different diseases. Bright Side has chosen a few of the most popular symptoms that show your body is being affected by stress.