
11 Fun Facts About Life in Turkey That Excite Foreigners

11 Fun Facts About Life in Turkey That Excite Foreigners
year ago

Turkey has become a very popular tourist destination thanks to its exotic culture, beautiful beaches, and, of course, its delicious food. However, there are many fascinating tidbits about the life and customs of these people that you won’t always find in guidebooks. To really get to know a place like Turkey, there is nothing quite like immersing yourself in the locals’ way of life.

Unique Side of Turkey That Not Many People Know About

Unique Side of Turkey That Not Many People Know About
11 months ago

Turkey is an amazing country with centuries-old traditions that can take a lifetime to learn. For example, we were surprised to find out that Turks add yogurt to multiple dishes, have hairspray in men’s restrooms, and cover their cars with rugs, which are just a few fascinating facts about Turkey that can surprise even those who visit this country on a regular basis.

25+ Photos of Istanbul That May Turn Your Perception of Turkey Upside Down

25+ Photos of Istanbul That May Turn Your Perception of Turkey Upside Down
3 years ago

Istanbul is a truly unique city. Travelers who were lucky enough to visit this place are eager to share their impressions and note that this point on the map is a completely different Turkey. This country is often perceived as a place for an inexpensive beach holiday, and people sometimes forget about its rich history and unique atmosphere. Plus, people with hearts of gold live there. If you don’t believe us, take a look at our article and see for yourself.

The Tallest Woman in the World Opens Up About Her Daily Struggles

The Tallest Woman in the World Opens Up About Her Daily Struggles
7 months ago

Rumeysa Gelgi holds the prestigious title of being the tallest living woman globally. Her towering stature sets her apart, making her a notable figure in the diverse landscape of humanity. Living in Turkey, Gelgi stands as a unique individual, breaking records and inspiring those around her. But it’s not all rainbows and sunshine, as the woman recently opened up about the hardships inherent in her daily routine.

My Son Stays Quiet as His Wife Insults Me in the Worst Way Imaginable

My Son Stays Quiet as His Wife Insults Me in the Worst Way Imaginable
Family & kids
7 months ago

As the holidays neared, I, a widow, couldn’t shake off the usual joy of getting ready for a big family meal. Everything was supposed to be normal this year until my daughter-in-law unexpectedly said something that left an unpleasant feeling hanging in the kitchen. Margaret wrote to Bright Side and shared her story with us.

This Cat Doesn’t Drink and Leaves No Pawprints

This Cat Doesn’t Drink and Leaves No Pawprints
year ago

Let’s get into the “purrfect” world of felines. From the sand cat that can go for weeks without drinking water to the first cat that went to space. Here are the 10 interesting cat facts for you to enjoy and be informed about.

These Massive Tunnels Were Dug by Ancient Monsters

These Massive Tunnels Were Dug by Ancient Monsters
8 months ago

Scientists make discoveries that change the world, but even they can face mysteries. Here are 10 things that have baffled scientists.Imagine that you constantly hear a low-frequency hum — and no one can trace its source. Roughly 4% of the world’s population hears “The Hum.” It’s a geography-free sound. I mean, people all around the world hear it, so the name varies from Taos Hum to Auckland Hum, depending on the region where it gets generated. The sound is just on the threshold of human hearing. People hear it less when they’re outside, and it gets louder indoors, especially at night. What’s even scarier is that you cannot unhear it once you’ve heard it. Some folks say it started in London around the time of Charles Dickens who wrote “A Christmas Carol” and the low frequency sound actually comes from the “Hum-bug”. Or not...

Scientists Discovered a Huge River Under Black Sea

Scientists Discovered a Huge River Under Black Sea
8 months ago

Let us play a little guessing game, shall we? Can you name the sixth-largest river on Earth in terms of volume? That’s the amount of water that flows through a waterway. The first couple of rivers are easy to list. Number one is, of course, the Amazon River [South America]. Then we have the Congo [Africa] and the Ganges [India]. Feel free to name all the rivers on the planet. You won’t get any closer to the answer. Why? Because this river is not on the surface but underneath the waves of the Black Sea.

Why London Subway Is Getting Hotter Every Year

Why London Subway Is Getting Hotter Every Year
9 months ago

London metro — or “the Tube” if you want to sound like Londoners — carries something like 1.8 billion passengers annually, which is roughly equivalent to the population of China. (Good thing they all don’t show up at once! It’d be a very long line.) London has the oldest metro in the world. The first line opened in 1863. There’s no doubt that it had awesome engineering because most lines are still in use today. Other lines were continuously constructed, and now the city has one of the most famous mass transport systems in the world. Yet, like most of the best things in life, the Tube has its imperfections. It keeps getting hotter every year. An article proves that the average temperature inside the tunnels was around 57°F in 1900. So how come it became a sauna over the years?

Avoid These Roads If You’re Not a Skilled Driver

Avoid These Roads If You’re Not a Skilled Driver
9 months ago

Better buckle up because you’re about to explore some of the world’s riskiest and nerve-racking roads. You’d better pack some water and snacks and prepare for exquisite views and extreme weather. And, most importantly, no matter what you do, don’t look down!

The Place Where Gravity Plays Hide and Seek

The Place Where Gravity Plays Hide and Seek
9 months ago

I’m about to introduce you to a place where the laws of physics take a vacation. Welcome to the Mystery Spot, where you can witness all kinds of implausible things that will leave you scratching your head in disbelief.Don’t worry; it’s not sorcery or witchcraft. It’s just some clever optical illusions that mess with your brain and make you question reality. Back in the day when the Great Depression was hitting hard, people needed some fun distractions. That’s how the entertainment industry gave birth to the concept of mystery spots.

No One Knows What’s Behind This Strange Ancient Door

No One Knows What’s Behind This Strange Ancient Door
10 months ago

Now, how about some surreal hidden places to check out? Grab a flashlight and your backpack... and bon voyage! The trip starts in the mountainous country of Switzerland. You travel to the town of Waltensburg in the eastern part of the country. It’s raining, and it’s very cold, but you still make your way to the bottom part of a mountain, where your first adventure awaits. After climbing high up in the mountains, you see a strangely shaped castle. To get there, you must walk up an extremely narrow pathway. “Don’t look down!” you think to yourself. You tighten the straps of your backpack and manage to walk along the pass.

Why Mushrooms Grow in Circles and 14 Phenomena That Defy All Logic

Why Mushrooms Grow in Circles and 14 Phenomena That Defy All Logic
10 months ago

Somewhere near California, there’s a curious place with over 5,200 underwater holes located right on the seafloor. No one was bothered much about them, — those holes were known to the maritime community and weren’t a big deal. Everyone just thought it was due to underground gas. However, back in 2019, the seafloor was investigated with a robot, and guess what — no gas was found there.They did find something, though. It turned out that 15,000 more holes appeared on the seafloor. Some scientists claim those were fish that had dug those holes. Seems like they just kicked up dust to accommodate themselves, and the dust was simply washed away by the currents. Right, some fish did live in those holes, but most of them were vacant. So, the mystery is yet to be solved!

Mysterious Phenomenon Leaves Turkish Residents Worried

Mysterious Phenomenon Leaves Turkish Residents Worried
year ago

Imagine going to work in the morning and looking up to the sky and seeing something that looks like a UFO. This can easily happen. These peculiar-looking clouds can be quite intriguing, but they’re not extraterrestrial in origin. In fact, they’re called Lenticular clouds. Read until the end, to discover an extra bonus point.

8 Wild and Domesticated Species You Could Easily Confuse

8 Wild and Domesticated Species You Could Easily Confuse
year ago

Approximately 10,000 years ago, people in Mesopotamia started taming animals for food, dairy, and skins. The skins of the domesticated animals were utilized for creating garments, storage containers, and tents. Goats were likely the initial species to be domesticated, and sheep followed shortly after. As a result, the same animals started to look different, and it’s only natural that many people would have trouble telling the difference between wild and domesticated species.

We’ve Probably Been Looking for Atlantis in the Wrong Place

We’ve Probably Been Looking for Atlantis in the Wrong Place
11 months ago

You’ve probably heard about the mysterious sea state of Atlantis. It was a high-tech utopia where people lived happily. But then something happened, and Atlantis disappeared from the face of Earth. Many believe that this city lies at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. But what if we’ve been looking in the wrong place all this time? What if it’s somewhere different from where they’re trying to find it? What if all this time, Atlantis was in the middle of the Sahara Desert? Well, this unexpected theory has some evidence. But to study this version, you first need to understand what Atlantis was and how we got to know about it. The very first mention of the mysterious city was in 360 BCE. Ancient philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis. His work “Dialogues” described Atlantis as a rich land with advanced technologies. Its inhabitants were powerful, intelligent, and beautiful, like superhumans.

What If a Tiny Needle Hit Earth at Light Speed

What If a Tiny Needle Hit Earth at Light Speed
11 months ago

Something’s moving towards our planet that could end all life on Earth. It’s a regular needle weighing about 5 grams. You’re probably wondering why it’s so dangerous. Can something that small really do any harm? It’s hard to say, because it’s moving at the speed of light, and we don’t really know what will happen when it hits.That’s because the idea itself is hypothetical, so it leaves us with a bunch of questions. Here’s the first one: What happens to a sewing needle in space? Could it actually accelerate to the speed of light? The short answer is no. But it’s not that simple. In our universe, nothing that has mass can reach the speed of light. It takes energy to make any object go faster. Since there can’t be an infinite amount of energy, nothing can ever accelerate that much.

The Largest Cave with Its Own Weather Inside

The Largest Cave with Its Own Weather Inside
year ago

In 1991, somewhere in the lush jungles of central Vietnam, a local logger found a mysterious hole among the foliage and bushes. He looked in there and felt a strong wind blowing into his face. Then, he heard a strange sound from the cave depths and realized that it was the sound of a river. The logger didn’t check the cave but decided to go back there with a flashlight and a rope. When he returned, he couldn’t find the cave anywhere. He spent a few years searching for it. Finally, in the 2000s, the logger managed to locate it again. In 2009, he brought scientists to this place. They found out the cave, called Son Doong [sn don], is the largest in the world.

The Titans Among Us: 6 Fascinating Stories of Real Giants

The Titans Among Us: 6 Fascinating Stories of Real Giants
10 months ago

Imagine being so tall that you can work in construction without a ladder, touch the ceiling in your house without even raising a hand, or lift a horse without a problem. That’s all real in the world of giants, and I’m not talking about some fictional characters here.

Things That Are Common in Other Countries, Sound Absurd in Yours

Things That Are Common in Other Countries, Sound Absurd in Yours
10 months ago

Hello, traveler! Are you ready for 80 days around the world? Can’t take that much time off? Well, how about 8 minutes around the world... But this is no ordinary tour! You’re about to hear some weird and extraordinary stuff about different countries! So, when you visit them for real, you can brag about your cultural knowledge to your friends and even pretend to be a local!

Man Found a Huge Underground City in His Basement

Man Found a Huge Underground City in His Basement
10 months ago

Imagine discovering an ancient city without leaving the comfort of your home! In 1963, a man in the Nevşehir Province of Turkey did exactly that. He was renovating his house. He knocked down a wall in his basement and found a mysterious room. He continued digging and saw a tunnel. This is how Derinkuyu Underground City was found. Derinkuyu is one of the deepest multilevel underground settlements of Cappadocia and in all of Turkey. This engineering masterpiece has 8 levels. The inhabitants living on those floors had access to cellars, storage areas, chapels, a school, a study room, and other structures.

12 Popular Beliefs About Food That You Ought to Stop Following

12 Popular Beliefs About Food That You Ought to Stop Following
year ago

There have been many myths and misconceptions about food and diet that we’ve all been familiar with since we were kids. However, as years go by, science keeps busting more and more of them. But this doesn’t mean that everyone is aware of these myths — unless they are scientists keeping track of all the new studies. That’s why we decided to look around and see which of these misconceptions are still quite popular.

20 Photos That Will Make You Want to Go to Turkey

20 Photos That Will Make You Want to Go to Turkey
year ago

Whether you are into ancient sites, diverse cuisine, vibrant bazaars, or breathtaking nature, Turkey has it all. This country has a lot to offer with it’s fascinating history that dates back to the dawn of time, and a unique geographical location where two continents merge.

8 Foods That’ll Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

8 Foods That’ll Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep
3 years ago

If you think you are one of those people who feels sleepy after every Thanksgiving meal and who blames the turkey for your fatigue, you may have been duped. As it turns out, this is one of the biggest food myths. However, there are other ordinary foods, like certain nuts, that can actually help you to fall asleep faster. Not only that, but they can treat insomnia and help you have a peaceful sleep without waking up in the middle of the night.

20 Meals From Other Countries That Really Shocked Tourists

20 Meals From Other Countries That Really Shocked Tourists
2 years ago

When we travel, we often find out that the meals we’re used to can be very different in other countries. Sometimes, the taste seems divine and very often we don’t even realize how something like could occur in someone’s mind. And still, some of these unusual combinations really work great together.

What Mandatory School Uniforms Look Like in 9 Different Countries

What Mandatory School Uniforms Look Like in 9 Different Countries
3 years ago

Just like traditions and habits change depending on the country you’re living in, so does the education system and the mandatory uniforms kids have to wear to school. Every single country has different types of uniforms and, even if it’s true that uniforms change according to schools, most uniforms share common styles regardless of the country. And those are what we’re interested in in this article because we believe it shows the amazing diversity of cultures that exists on our planet.