Turmeric shots are a quick and easy way to get all the amazing health benefits of turmeric in a concentrated form. Typically made from fresh turmeric root, these shots are often mixed with ingredients like ginger, lemon juice, and black pepper to enhance their effectiveness.
Almost every person who cooks regularly has their own culinary secrets that make their dishes especially tasty: their mashed potatoes are tender and airy, steak is juicy, and chocolate biscuits melt in the mouth. We decided to find these secrets, tricks, and lifehacks shared by Internet users. Many of them can literally make the flavor of a familiar dish brighter and richer in just a couple of seconds.
Okay check this out: each human foot contains 72,000 nerve endings and 26 bones that help us to stand upright and walk. It also has 250,000 sweat glands that can produce up to half a pint of sweat every day!
With a fast-paced lifestyle and increased stress, it’s good to do a cosmetic treatment from time to time, as that small pleasure will probably not to be a blow to your budget. We have found some products on Amazon that will leave you pampered, like after a professional treatment at a beauty salon.
Celebrities always somehow manage to look so beautiful everywhere they go. It’s not because they’re celebrities, but because they have some unique beauty hacks that they use on a regular basis. Although they do have professional makeup artists and hairstylists, nothing can really beat natural remedies.
Women always want to look stunning, and sometimes they do weird and even painful things to achieve this. Perhaps these life hacks will seem absolutely senseless to you, however, celebrities who tried them are ready to prove you wrong.
Natural food-based home remedies have been used across all countries and cultures for centuries. While most of us only view it as fuel, food serves more purposes than just sustaining us. From skincare and haircare to curing everyday sicknesses, some of them are so beneficial that you can find a solution to almost any problem by just looking in your kitchen.We at Bright Side put together a list of foods that aren’t just meant to be eaten — they actually have numerous other benefits.
Although Indonesian women have a lot of sun exposure on their skin, they still manage to look gorgeous. As many cultures do, they use their own national resources that are different from others. Some secrets are ancient but still effective and can bring great benefits to the whole body.
We know that nowadays there are many products to enhance our beauty and, without a doubt, celebrities have access to the most expensive cosmetics. However, many of them claim that the secret to looking more beautiful can be just a few steps away at home if we get creative. Have you ever thought of washing your hair with juice?
When it comes time to make choices at the supermarket, some people may have the belief that the most expensive products are the best, but this is not always the case. Sometimes, you can optimize your budget by choosing inexpensive products that have the same quality as the more expensive ones. One alternative you can try is a private label of a large chain, which can offer the same products at lower prices since they don’t make significant investments in certain commercialization, distribution, marketing, and advertising processes.
Despite what many people think, high heels are not solely responsible for the creation of bunions. Genetics and heredity are also to blame. Obviously wearing high heels often can make the problem even worse, but there are solutions you can use to decrease the pain naturally. Surgery should always be a last resort after you’ve tried everything else.
All of us have likely tried to conduct an experiment, wondering “what happens if...” in our childhood at least once. And some of us still have this wonderful curiosity of a 5-year-old. Some just manage to notice unusual things, like a snail with 2 shells or a unicorn goat. Then there are those who test their ideas themselves by painting pasta in different colors or keeping a balloon inflated for 3 years.
If you notice that some patches of your skin are darker than your normal skin tone, there might be a few reasons for it. It could be caused by a medical condition that needs to be treated. Luckily, that’s not always the case. This pigmentation could be absolutely harmless and nothing to worry about. However, it’s always better to consult with your doctor to make sure there’s nothing serious going on.
Weight loss is often a slow business, so you wish there was a way to speed things up a little. Well, go ahead and rejoice dieting people, because there are many indirect means to burn more calories, suppress your appetite, and improve your muscle tone.
The average woman spends over $300 per month on beauty products and cosmetic procedures, according to research. That equates to approximately $3,700 a year and over $220,000 over the course of a lifetime, though a lot of objects of expenditure can be replaced with home procedures. At the very least, we all can make our own face masks with natural ingredients instead of buying them.
Dark underarms are rarely a serious health concern and are often caused due to a skin condition known as acanthosis nigricans (AN) which thickens and darkens the skin. However, having dark underarms can be embarrassing if you want to wear a tank top or enjoy a day in the sun by the beach in your bathing suit.
We don’t always have to cut out whole groups of foods or eat less in order to lose weight. On the contrary, we need to eat enough to give our body the fuel and much-needed calories and nutrients so it can take care of itself. Eating healthy is more than just not eating junk food. Eating healthy means eating the right foods for us that are nutritious and boost our metabolism, thus speeding up our weight loss process.
Now that medicine is developing so quickly, medications come in all possible forms and dosages. Whenever we face a health problem, we try to figure out what capsules, tablets, or drops we should take to ease the symptoms. Spinach, turmeric, garlic, and bananas — these products are associated with cooking. However, in many cases, their unique properties make them work just as good as conventional medications.
Most women of the world worry about their appearance and always want to look perfect. The beauty industry is evolving rapidly but most products are expensive and, most of the time, cosmetic procedures turn out to cost an arm and a leg. The good news is that we can always replace them with budget lifehacks that are often more effective than pricey cosmetic items and salon procedures.
Ringworm, also known as Dermatophytosis, is a highly contagious form of skin fungus, and according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 700,000 people visit the doctor annually with concerns regarding ringworm. Thousands of those infected do not seek treatment, so keep on reading to make sure that you know what to do if you should ever come across this kind of situation in the future.
How to remove facial hair? According to statistics, hirsutism — also known as excessive hair in unusual areas — affects about 5-10% of women of all ages. However, no matter how healthy we may be, we all have to use tweezers on our faces from time to time in order to look gorgeous. We’ve found that it’s not always necessary to use painful methods of facial hair removal — especially when other less painful methods can be found right in your kitchen!
Looking for natural remedies for dark sun spots? We have prepared 16 tips for you, based on the recommendations of dermatologists. They can also help you reduce your risk of skin cancer.
Accumulation of dead skin cells, friction, extensive exposure to sun, or a hormonal imbalance can become the cause of dark knees and elbows. These parts of our body don't contain any oil glands and it's important to protect them from dryness through proper care and hygiene.
The products of the vital activities that happen in our bodies are derived not only from urine, feces, and sweat but also through the tongue. At the surface of the tongue, we have little bumps called papillae and that’s where some food particles, bacteria, and dead cells are stored. The accumulation of these things can cause a white discoloration.
Statistics have shown that 95% of all people on our planet suffer from acne at some point in their lives. Acne and other skin imperfections can be provoked by dozens of various causes from your eating habits to using the wrong skin-care products. Until today, nobody has discovered the universal remedy to heal your skin once and forever. However, there are some really effective natural treatments that can help you get glowing and healthy skin without using any chemical or surgical remedies.
A smile costs nothing. And if there are shiny white teeth behind that smile, there’s nothing like it. People these days spend a fortune on dental surgeries, but there is always something nearby that can easily solve tooth problems in the comfort of your home. We at Bright Side wanted to shed light on some everyday foods that we never realized could be used to help our teeth too.
Every girl wants to look perfect everywhere and anywhere. Whether it’s a date night, a night out with the girls or even a day at the gym, we want to look ideal in every way, down to the smallest detail. Unfortunately, living our crazy busy lives, we almost never have time for ourselves.
Many dream of healthy and beautiful teeth, but few people dare to try chemical whitening. We at Bright Side have found several procedures you can perform at home that won’t damage your enamel or do you any harm at all. Of course, these tricks are not a substitute for regular visits to the dentist. But if you follow this advice on a regular basis you’ll see your teeth lighten up a few tones, while your gums will become healthier.