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Family gatherings during the festive season can be challenging. Other than the time and work that goes into planning and organizing the perfect Christmas dinner, some relatives might even not get along that well. A woman who decided to invite her brother’s ex-wife to the family event was met with loud disapproval from her new SIL. But when telling her story to netizens and asking for advice, she explained that she had a good reason behind extending the invite.
Here’s some background info: My brother’s ex-wife and I’ve been best friends before the 2 even started dating. 3 years ago, they first met at my family’s 4th of July cookout. A few weeks after that they started dating, which at first was a little weird to me seeing as though she’s my best friend, and he’s my brother.
They eventually got engaged and got married two years ago through court with my parents, her parents, my older sister and me being present. Unfortunately, the marriage didn’t last long. They divorced 4 months after, and my brother ended up getting his own apartment. Right around that time, he met his now-fiancée, whom he is set to marry next year in February.
Now getting to the upcoming Christmas dinner part. My parents are hosting Christmas dinner at their house and when I found out my best friend wasn’t spending Christmas with her family due to them planning to do their own thing this year, I decided to invite her to my parents’ home with my parents’ permission of course. I told my brother about it to give him a heads-up. He didn’t care or mind.
But when his fiancée found out about it, she called me, asking why did I think it was okay to invite my brother’s ex to my family Christmas dinner. I reminded her that my brother’s ex has been my best friend before the 2 met. She actually knew about this when my brother first told her.
But she didn’t accept that. She told me I was being disrespectful inviting my brother’s ex-wife and I told her if she has a problem with MY BEST FRIEND being there, she can just stay home. I feel as though I shouldn’t have to stop inviting my friend to events just because my soon-to-be SIL has an issue with it.
While Christmas is about family, community, and spending time with loved ones, Christmas parties can also come with a set of challenges. There are many things that can go wrong even at the most common gatherings, such as work events.