Your face is more than just a way to express yourself, it can also provide important health indicators. Changes in your skin, eyes, or facial features may signal underlying health issues. Paying attention to these signs can help you spot potential conditions early, offering a valuable opportunity for diagnosis and treatment.
Our bodies have a remarkable way of communicating when something isn’t quite right. From subtle changes to more noticeable symptoms, these signals can offer crucial insights into our health.
A craving for ice or a constant yearning for salty foods could indicate an underlying issue or a deficiency in vitamins and minerals, according to experts. That’s why it’s crucial to be aware of any new habits, particularly if they appear abruptly and without an obvious cause. We’ve compiled a list of signs your body might be sending you, aiming to assist you in leading a long and fulfilling life!
The saying, “Healthy body, healthy mind,” might also work the other way around. Science has been questioning the connection between our spirit, mind, and body for a long time. And it has been proven that our lifestyle choices really affect our health. For instance, mirthful laughter in combination with the right medical treatment can raise good cholesterol and may also lower heart attack risk.
In a time of transoceanic travels and rare medical advances, sailors used to fear scurvy, a disease that affected them the most. Today, we know that scurvy is no more than a deficiency of vitamin C in our body and that by simply eating an orange a day, it can be cured.Our Bright Side team wanted to show you all the benefits eating an orange a day can offer your body so that you can stay healthy.
Rice is a staple food for more than half of the world’s population, and it is consumed regularly by people all over the globe. Even though brown rice is considered healthier than white rice because it is richer in vitamins and minerals, people still prefer to munch on white rice. However, this food is still a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and other minerals, but we at Bright Side got curious about finding out what might happen if we eat rice on a regular basis.
Looking around at a bunch of cakes and cookies might be a real challenge, especially if you’re on a diet. It’s hard to resist, and you probably think that you need to get yourself together and turn away from those evil carbohydrates. In reality, you can look, smell, or even take a bite or 2, it won’t ruin your diet if you eat them in moderation. In fact, on the contrary, you may even benefit from it.
Some foods appear harmless at first. They don’t seem to pose any threat, however, more often than not they can silently cause heart diseases, cholesterol issues, and much more. Some are even full of mercury. Hopefully, this list of foods that you wouldn’t believe can cause issues will open your eyes, because it definitely opened ours.
There’s no doubt that eggs have many health benefits, such as supporting your weight, bettering your eye health, and providing many nutrients, like protein and omega-3 acids. However, new research suggests that it may be better to replace them with other foods that include the same types of nourishment needed for your body. This way, you might stay on track to good health.
When we go to the grocery store after a long working day, the last thing we want is to try to read the ingredient information written in the tiniest font. Researchers say that only 15% of people actually pay enough attention to the nutrition info on the products they buy. This allows some manufacturers to use misleading marketing strategies to make us buy their products.
Having a little facial hair is common and normal. But in some cases, dark, coarse hair may appear on your face, and you might find yourself reaching for the tweezers on a nearly daily basis. This unpleasant condition is called hirsutism, and it’s often caused by a hormonal imbalance. Although waxing and laser hair removal can help to get rid of unwanted hair, there are some natural ways to reduce it that might be just as effective.
You need your morning coffee after you finish up breakfast and a cup of hot cappuccino after lunch. And chances are you need that strong espresso to flush down a heavy lunch or to keep yourself going for the rest of the day. Truth is, the time when you are enjoying your cup of Java could be affecting your health more than you thought. Turns out, the habit of savoring a cup of coffee post-meal can impact your health and your looks.
There are different types of diets that adapt to the preferences of each person. There are even celebrities who, concerned about the environment, animals, or their health, decide to eliminate meat from their diet. Some are vegans and others vegetarians, but they all have a reason why plant-based food has become part of their lifestyle.
It is estimated that each American eats 53 pounds of bread per year. The reasons are very simple since bread is delicious, convenient, and can be easily transported anywhere. However, like most things that taste so good, bread also has its negative effects on the human body. And when our bodies are bothered, they send signs so we can take care of the problem.
Eating just half a cup of walnuts daily can lower cholesterol levels and benefit your overall health. But apart from keeping your heart happy, walnuts are a true superfood when it comes to the beauty of your skin. Walnuts are packed with vitamins and essential nutrients, which makes them a must for naturally glowing and youthful skin.
Black tea is not actually black. In China, this tea is referred to as “red tea” due to its color. And drinking it daily can have lots of health benefits. Some people even use it as an alternative to coffee due to its comparable caffeine content. But it can also come with some risks if you have one too many cups per day.
Kissing someone you love doesn’t just make you and your partner feel good and strengthen your bond. Turns out, it has a lot of health benefits. For example, you might not feel in the mood to kiss your loved one when you have a headache, but that’s exactly what can help you get rid of it!
Women who exercise at least 2.5 hours per week during pregnancy have more of a chance to return back to their normal weight quickly. But sometimes this is not enough to see your skin firm up again. By following expert tips as part of a plan, you have a better chance at having your skin return to normal and firm up again.
From being a safeguard against the flu to fighting serious illnesses, pomegranates have proven to be great protectors of our bodies. They are rich in antioxidants and that’s why they can fight many intruders that cause us pain and inflammation. While many benefits are mentioned online, only a few have been actually proven by scientists.
In addition to environmental factors like exposure to sunlight and pollution, our eating habits also have a significant impact on the way our skin looks and feels. Fasting is a growing trend lately, mainly because a few alternative medicine practitioners claim that changes in diet could prevent acne, skin cancer, or even aging of the skin and fasting to improve skin health is a current trend.
What makes you cry, only makes you stronger, is probably what an onion will tell you. Rich in vitamins and nutrients that improve your health from head to toe, onions are actually a superfood that will do wonders for you if consumed daily.
Nutritious drinks like yerba mate tea are great for pushing you through the day, while chicory coffee can be a pleasant relaxant. In fact, there are different drinks that promise to give you a boost for both your good days and your bad ones. The natural world can offer us many (delicious) treats that are simply health in a cup in places you’d least expect.
Many of us have been focusing on eating less salt and in some cases have ignored it completely because salt is considered bad for our health. Well, this is not all true, after all, salt is an important electrolyte that helps our body work normally. If you have decided to avoid salt, make sure you don’t remove it completely and try to understand how the body will react to this new change.
First invented by accident in the 1940s, the microwave is now one of the major kitchen appliances in every household. While this contraption means convenience for cooking and reheating, there are specific types of foods that you should avoid cooking in the microwave at all costs.
According to a study, Japanese people live longer than people in other countries of the world (second only to citizens of Monaco). An average life expectancy in Japan is about 85.3 years. In comparison, Americans, on average, live for up to 80 years.
Weight control, improved cholesterol and gut health, benefits to your cognitive functioning, and way more for our well-being — these tiny little nuts hide some huge potential inside them. Not only are pistachios delicious, but they also contain a lot of useful elements that our bodies strive for. Whether added to your dishes or just eaten as a snack, they deserve to be included in everyone’s meal plan.
Today we want to talk about a type of food that can be prepared with oil, water, or simply hot air. It has several flavors: natural, buttery, caramel, and chocolate, among others. This snack food was once used as a hair ornament, and many love to devour it while watching a movie at home or at the cinema. If you’re reading this and think we’re talking about popcorn, you’re right!
According to different studies, people that have pets go to the doctor less often than those who don’t. Just petting animals on their backs helps to reduce your blood pressure and levels of cholesterol and stress. And everyone who has had a pet knows that they change our lives radically.
Cuddling doesn’t just show your ability to sympathize, it also lowers your level of stress hormones, some researchers say. Besides, if your cholesterol is high, hugging helps to balance it. But there is one more thing. It can actually be addictive.
A study shows that sleeping for 8 hours regularly is not really a luxury, but more an essential part of a healthy routine. Lacking sleeping hours can seriously affect your mental, emotional, and physical health. Researchers found that about 40% of people in the US are sleep deprived. Let’s have a look at what happens if you start prioritizing your sleep.
People got to know raisins accidentally when they found dried grapes on vines around 2000 BCE, and it was one of the most important food discoveries ever. Vitamins, fiber, and minerals that are abundant in this dried fruit make it a wonder-working superfood that doctors and nutritionists love recommending to their patients.It turns out we can make raisins even more beneficial if we soak them in water overnight. Water dissolves all the minerals and nutrients of a raisin and its skin, boosting the health properties of this powerful fruit.
Ever since my first PE class in elementary school, I’ve heard plenty of good things about stretching exercises, but I didn’t take them seriously back then. When I turned 30, I started experiencing pain in my back from time to time. No medicine that I took would help me, so I had to look for other solutions to this problem. That’s when I decided to conduct an experiment and incorporate stretching into my daily routine. I’ve been stretching my muscles for 10 minutes a day for a month and now I can see some unexpected changes in my body.
Extra pounds have bigger impact on your body than just making you weight more. Gaining some weight over a year might seem innocent, but new pounds can add up over time and have serious consequences. The taste of food becomes dull for overweight people, they are more likely to feel depressed and anxious, and have short- and long-term health problems with breathing, conceiving, and with their heart.
Garlic is a plant that each of us has tried at least once. We are so used to it that we don’t even notice the uniqueness of this product. Did you know that the beneficial properties of this food are not just limited to protecting you from getting a cold?
We think that by now, everyone knows that animals have a positive impact on the health of their owners. And dogs are especially useful because, according to scientists, on average, they make a person’s life 2 years longer. And there is no evidence to support the claim that there are other domesticated pets that have a better influence on our health. This is what cardiologist and professor Thomas Lee thinks.