Food is essential for our body's growth and maintenance, it is the basic necessity of life. Different food gives off various tastes, and many people have experienced food cravings. According to Dr. Rajita Sinha, a professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, cravings simply reflect the desire for something rewarding. Studies show that certain foods activate the brain’s reward system, creating pleasurable feelings that influence our eating habits and make us crave them regularly.
Your body has a way of signaling when something is off. This is also true when you're lacking essential nutrients. And ignoring these signs can lead to long-term health issues. Here are 10 common symptoms of nutrient deficiencies and what they might mean, along with actionable solutions.
Your feet are more than just a way to get around—they can also provide important health indicators. Foot health is closely linked to your overall well-being, and paying attention to foot symptoms can help spot potential medical signs of underlying conditions. Changes in your feet, such as pain, swelling, or discoloration, might signal issues that need medical attention, offering a valuable opportunity for early diagnosis and treatment.
Whether it’s the start of a new year, a new you or new work, what most of us demand from our bodies is more energy. The time-old adage of drinking enough water, getting plenty of rest and eating right may sound clichéd. That being said, it’s exactly the kind of fuel and maintenance needed to keep our body fit, fine, and ready for any challenges we throw at it. On that note, here go some foods that beat fatigue, and why.
Victoria Beckham didn’t earn the nickname “Posh Spice” for no reason! Undoubtedly, the former Spice Girls member is dedicated to beauty. Therefore, it’s unsurprising that when it comes to her routine, there’s one rule she’s unwilling to compromise on.
Sometimes, we forget to brush our teeth before bed, but don’t worry; everybody has been there. However, the guilt we experience is well-founded because bacteria and leftovers thrive in our mouths. While some of these oral bacteria are healthy, others cause gum disease and cavities. It may surprise you that these issues may persist even if you brush your teeth twice daily. But are you properly taking care of your teeth?Important: This article was created for informative purposes only and isn’t recommended as professional advice. Consult with your doctor for more information on this topic.
Ostriches lay the biggest eggs on earth. Officially. On average, one ostrich egg is about 6 inches long and 5 inches wide and weighs roughly two times the weight of a Basketball. Yikes! Makes you wonder, does the Ostrich hen ever complain?
Chewing chili peppers speeds up your body’s metabolism, which helps you shed some of that extra weight. And chomping down on chili is a great way of clearing up your sinuses. If you want to keep it healthy, eat actual chilis, and stay away from those sauces with a skull and crossbones on the label!
Seems like to feel at home on any planet we need the four crucial elements: air, water, earth, and fire. I’m gonna tell you what you need to squeeze to get a glass of water on Mars, how to grow your salad there, charge your phone without getting an astronomical electricity bill, and even generate some fresh air!
Under the burning sun, among the sand dunes, somewhere in the Sahara Desert, you’re walking in search of an ancient treasure. Finally, you find a strange rock in the sand. It’s big, looks like a large piece of black coal or rock, but something shiny on its surface makes the rock unusual.This unique find is the oldest thing that has ever been discovered on our planet. This rock was born long before Earth appeared in outer space.
Under the burning sun, among the sand dunes, somewhere in the Sahara Desert, you’re walking in search of an ancient treasure. Finally, you find a strange rock in the sand. It’s big, looks like a large piece of black coal or rock, but something shiny on its surface makes the rock unusual. This unique find is the oldest thing that has ever been discovered on our planet. This rock was born long before Earth appeared in outer space.
Keeping yourself hydrated is very important since dehydration can lead to skin problems, headaches, and muscle cramps. But drinking plain water isn’t the only way to lock in the much-needed hydration. There are certain fruits and vegetables that contain so much water that you basically eat your water while enjoying a tasty meal.
When you’re planning to start eating healthy, bread is often one of the first foods you want to exclude from your diet. But when it comes to carbs, grains are anything but all the same, and while giving up white bread might help you shed a few pounds, cutting out whole grain bread can actually deplete your body of much-needed nutrients.
The process of growing your hair can be challenging and even frustrating. It can seem like you’ve been doing everything right, but you’re still not seeing much progress. Although there are many hair care products on the market that are said to increase your hair growth, there are actually some easy steps you can take to achieve long and luxurious locks.
Everybody enjoys eating chocolate from time to time and making a warm cocoa drink, but few realize the substantial health benefits that cocoa provides for the body. Cocoa is a powder made from its seeds by crushing them and removing the fat. It was first used by the Mayans and later introduced to Europe, where it was used as medicine in those times. It’s time we reverse the old into the new and use cocoa as a medicine today as well.
It might seem like too much of a good thing is never harmful. Many of us fall into the trap of gorging on, say, fruits and vegetables without realizing that they can be just as harmful as sugar or sodium. Luckily, we can avoid all the side effects by eating in moderation.
The eco-friendly movement has conquered millions of people all around the world. It is about taking care of the environment in general and your own health. Dozens of new good habits appear every day. But if you blindly follow every single one of them, you might actually harm your health.
When I was 18, I began to think about the foods I ate. It was triggered by the word “junk food,” which I read in some magazine. I also felt very sorry for animals, like cows, sheep, and pigs. I decided to give up on meat and generally began to carefully monitor what I ate. I read scientific articles and tried to understand how to replace normal (but not always healthy) foods. Not everyone around me understood my position, but now, 15 years later, I don’t regret my decision at all.
If you think you are one of those people who feels sleepy after every Thanksgiving meal and who blames the turkey for your fatigue, you may have been duped. As it turns out, this is one of the biggest food myths. However, there are other ordinary foods, like certain nuts, that can actually help you to fall asleep faster. Not only that, but they can treat insomnia and help you have a peaceful sleep without waking up in the middle of the night.
A group of researchers from the University of Nevada-Reno discovered that coffee grounds can be used as biodiesel, and quite possibly in the near future, your car fumes will smell like a cup of freshly brewed cappuccino. But that very first cup of coffee that fuels most of us in the morning may not be the best way to start your day. In fact, doctors believe the best time to enjoy your cup of java is mid- to late-morning, between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
Bone broth might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about eating healthy. However, it has a lot of health benefits, like anti-aging effects. Even the gorgeous Salma Hayek loves it and says it helps her stay young!
“Sugar face,” a mustache above your upper lip, and even infertility — these are just a few effects that are linked to consumption of the insidious white crystal — sugar. Taking it off of our plates and out of our cups may not turn us into superheroes, but it can definitely improve our life and our health.
From the 16th century on, English doctors endorsed the healing power of water for everything from a bad mood to heatstroke. Some of their methods, like a seaside vacation, were effective. Others, like repeatedly dunking ladies into the cold sea — not so much. However, generally, they had the right idea: there is a link between close proximity to a body of water and better mental and overall health.
An athletic diet doesn’t exactly indicate something sweet and tasty. Yet, a review of many studies convinces us otherwise. Chocolate milk, previously scorned as a junk-food drink that leads to childhood obesity, is making a comeback with an unforeseen new reputation: the perfect beverage for sporty guys and gals after a grueling workout.
You may go to sleep and wake up still thinking about eating that tasty piece of chocolate, or perhaps you struggle to live even one day without tomatoes. These kinds of cravings can signify that you’re stressed, but according to some researchers, you may lack certain nutrients as well.
A runny nose, a scratchy throat, and nonstop sneezing — sounds like you’re dealing with a pesky cold. You might not have the appetite of a grizzly bear at the moment, but you still have to eat something. The right foods can help strengthen your immune system and improve your symptoms sooner, while the wrong foods can make you feel even worse.
Food groups such as dark leafy greens, berries, and kefir are highly rated as “superfoods” by some health experts. Thanks to research and health specialists, we’re becoming more and more aware of foods that can turn our lives around. Plus, there’s always more we can do for our diet and our health, so why not make it a delicious journey?
Day by day, your weight may vary by as much as 5-6 pounds. But this doesn’t always mean that it’s time to go on a diet. As it turns out, even factors like the time of the day or your menstrual cycle can affect the numbers you see on the scale.
If you compare a ground hamburger patty and a portion of cooked spinach of the same weight, you’ll be surprised to learn that spinach will contain almost twice as much iron as the patty. The high level of iron is not the only fact that makes spinach worthy of being called a “superfood.” It turns out that spinach can make your body healthier and stronger in many ways, from helping your skin glow to improving your digestion.
Today we want to talk about a type of food that can be prepared with oil, water, or simply hot air. It has several flavors: natural, buttery, caramel, and chocolate, among others. This snack food was once used as a hair ornament, and many love to devour it while watching a movie at home or at the cinema. If you’re reading this and think we’re talking about popcorn, you’re right!
Weight loss, breast cancer prevention, reducing insomnia, and way more — peanut butter is a natural treasure that can promote many positive changes in the body! It is full of useful vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and elements that your body just craves. All you need to do is just enjoy it in moderation and you will see the results soon enough.
Since ancient times, cucumbers have been used in India in meals as well as in traditional medicine. In a warm country like India, cucumbers can help provide necessary hydration and coolness to the body. And that’s not the only benefit this fruit provides (yes, it’s a fruit, not a vegetable).
Even though dates aren’t considered to be a superfood, they’re very close to it. They offer so many health benefits that it’s almost a necessity for us to eat them! And the fact that they’re sweet and taste very good makes them that much better! All it takes is a week of eating this delicious fruit and your body will thank you.
Most people are aware of what a healthy diet should include. But during pregnancy, the body’s requirements change, meaning it needs additional protein, vitamins, and minerals. As a matter of fact, during the second and the third trimesters, the body might need an additional 300-500 calories every day to fulfill the caloric needs of the mother and unborn child. The mother will need approximately the same amount of extra calories daily after giving birth, during the first few months of breastfeeding.
Traditionally beards are considered to be a sign of masculinity, power, strength, and wisdom. However, in the pursuit of getting a full and radiant beard, many men fail due to the uncontrollable itchiness at the beginning and improper beard care that can make it look lackluster and dull.
Puffiness, swollen legs and feet, and stiff joints are unpleasant symptoms of fluid retention. There are 3 types of water retention, and first of them (medical fluid retention) is caused by serious health conditions like heart and thyroid diseases, arthritis, or lupus. The other 2 types are cyclical and general fluid retention. They are associated with lifestyle and women’s menstrual cycles and usually are not subject to medical treatment.