
The Story of Einstein’s Wife Who Was a Genius Overshadowed by Her Husband

The Story of Einstein’s Wife Who Was a Genius Overshadowed by Her Husband
year ago

In scientific history, certain names shine brightly, while others remain in the shadows. One such obscured figure is Mileva Marić, known to many merely as «Albert Einstein’s wife.» Yet, Mileva was more than just a spouse—she was a brilliant mathematician and thinker in her own right, whose influence on Einstein’s work is only now gaining recognition.

Scientists Finally Simulated Time Manipulation With a 25% Chance of Changing the Past

Scientists Finally Simulated Time Manipulation With a 25% Chance of Changing the Past
year ago

Have you ever experienced those moments where time seems to sprint by in some instances and crawl at a snail’s pace in others? Whether it’s the joy of spending time with a cherished friend or the tedium of being stuck in sweltering traffic, time can play tricks on our perception. Yet, despite these fluctuations, time itself is often believed to be constant, ticking away at the same steady rate, or so we thought.

What If You Were Born on a Spaceship

What If You Were Born on a Spaceship
year ago

Wow, you’re zipping through space, in a large ship as big as 3 New York City Central Parks. There’s a lot of commotion going on. No, it’s not some alien invading the spaceship... it’s a very important day. The date is January, 22nd, 2700. You’ve just been born, outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. Happy Birthday!There’s a medical team attending to everything, futuristic gadgets help out with every aspect. And the view from the giant spherical glass ship, is nothing but the incredible vastness of space. You can’t even see Earth anymore, the spaceship is flying to a new destination millions of miles away. ETA on reaching that new host planet, decades.

Days on Earth Have Been Getting Longer Since 2020

Days on Earth Have Been Getting Longer Since 2020
year ago

“Time” is the most frequently used noun in the English language. That’s how unique this everyday concept is. Of course, time has always existed, but the idea of keeping track of it did not. So, what is time? Physicists say it’s the progression of events from the past into the future. It also only moves in one direction. At least for now, we can only move forward in time, but not backward. Hypothetically, technology could one day allow us to send a human into the future — if we managed to move close to the speed of light. But would that also allow us to travel to the past and return back to the present? Scientists don’t think so. Interstellar travel at the speed of light might be possible in the future, but it would be a one-way-ticket voyage exclusively to the future.

There Are More States of Matter Than You Think

There Are More States of Matter Than You Think
year ago

What do you know about the weird and wacky world of states of matter? Most of us know that matter can be solid, liquid, and gas. Some of us even know about a special fourth state called plasma. But what about the extraordinary states that behave in crazy ways, like dancing and color-changing? Forget what you thought you knew about solids, liquids, and gasses, because we’re diving into the wild side of physics. Let’s go.

This Plane Unexpectedly Flew to Space

This Plane Unexpectedly Flew to Space
2 years ago

Joseph Walker is about to have an historic flight, but he does not know of it yet. He smiles at his chase pilot showing the “OK” sign and closes the cockpit of his steel friend — the newest unpowered rocket plane, X-15. It’s placed under the wing of a B52 bomber. They take off and go up to 45,000 feet. Joseph is calm and full of joy because he has been getting ready for this moment his whole life. He trusts his steel-winged friend like no other. The bomber drops the X-15. The rockets fire up, and with a fantastic thrust, Joe flies steeply toward the edge of space.

White Holes: Black Holes’ Neglected Twins

White Holes: Black Holes’ Neglected Twins
2 years ago

We all know about black holes. But what about their mysterious twin siblings — white holes? Have you ever even heard about these guys? Do they even exist? And the most important question of them all — are these two actually a big interdimensional portal? Let’s find out. A black hole is a creepy space object with an INCREDIBLY strong attractive force. Its gravitation is so great that even light cannot escape from it. That’s why it seems black to us.

They Were Looking for Another Earth, See What They Found

They Were Looking for Another Earth, See What They Found
2 years ago

The search for ET is on! It’s most definitely on. With the successful launch of the James Webb Telescope, the search for Earth-like planets has become a riveting topic of worldwide attention. Apart from the James Webb Telescope, other tools are being used to find good “Earth-like” candidates. The TESS satellite and the Kepler telescope are at the forefront of searching for other Earths. After we first clear the air of a few pesky philosophical questions, we will take a close look at these two searches — and what the James Webb Telescope hopes to find. So, why are we searching for Earth-like planets? Because we can!

Why It’s Impossible to Fall into a Black Hole

Why It’s Impossible to Fall into a Black Hole
2 years ago

You might think falling into a black hole is as easy as falling into a giant pit. But boy, is it a whole different ball game! To actually fall into a black hole, you would need some incredible luck and a dash of wizardry. Moreover, if you were watching something fall into a black hole, you wouldn’t even see it! Why? Well, let’s try to understand the magic of physics. Falling into a black hole is really, really tricky. First of all, to even have a chance of doing this, you would need to aim perfectly and start your journey from very far away. It’s like trying to hit a tiny target from a long distance.

10 Plot Twists That Defied Common Sense and Logic

10 Plot Twists That Defied Common Sense and Logic
2 years ago

Movies don’t always match reality. On some occasions, taking a creative license can help make a story more entertaining. However, some filmmakers can go overboard with narrative liberties, and this can result in stories that defy the laws of physics. So we’ll show you 10 cases in which some films ignored reality and offered us incredibly illogical scenes.

10 Toys That’ll Turn Your Kid’s Bath Time From Potential Disaster to Wonder-Filled

10 Toys That’ll Turn Your Kid’s Bath Time From Potential Disaster to Wonder-Filled
2 years ago

According to research, the first few years of a child’s life are critical for learning. And playtime is the best way for kids to learn how the world works. It pulls together the logical and creative parts of the brain — this includes the bath time experience as well.Oftentimes, kids don’t like bath time because of the change of temperature, the fact that it’s slippery, or because they easily get water in their eyes. But getting some toys is a great idea to make bath time fun for your kid.

19 Touching Tattoos That Can Make Even a Tough Dad Weep

19 Touching Tattoos That Can Make Even a Tough Dad Weep
2 years ago

There are some people who are against tattoos, and others that are willing to get a new one every month. No matter how you feel about this type of art, you can probably agree that many of them are actually quite meaningful. Though, sometimes, it’s hard to understand why anyone would get a tattoo of a big frog or a crocheted acorn.

17 Photos That Can Make You Feel Like You’re Living Inside an Inception

17 Photos That Can Make You Feel Like You’re Living Inside an Inception
2 years ago

In most optical and photographic illusions, what we see in front of our eyes disagrees with the laws of physics and reality. But a second and maybe third look shows us the actual truth instead of the illusion. And we can be so surprised that we fall into a trap, seeing something that was never there in the first place. The reason behind this may be the fact that humans like being caught off guard, since they might learn something new.

15 Real Life Brain Teasers That Were Captured in a Photo

15 Real Life Brain Teasers That Were Captured in a Photo
2 years ago

Although none of us live in a magical land (unless you’re a wizard, of course), people come across puzzling things every once in a while. Whether it ends up being a mere optical illusion or the wondrous work of nature, these eye traps are caught on camera by the most attentive ones. They end up on social media where folks give their best attempt at figuring out what exactly is going on.

15 Pics That Seem Like They Were Taken in Another Universe

15 Pics That Seem Like They Were Taken in Another Universe
2 years ago

You have seen it with Spider-Man, but a hypothetical multiverse is more fact than fiction — physicists trying to understand the world predict there might be infinite universes with infinite versions of you. With that being said, now we are going to explore the vastness of the multiverse without the need to drop your phone or leave the couch.Bright Side will show you 15 pictures that are so bizarre and fascinating that they totally look like they capture something that came from another world.

15 Photos That Prove Cats Are Liquid

15 Photos That Prove Cats Are Liquid
3 years ago

Turns out the laws of physics simply do not apply to cats, and they can take whatever shape they wish, just like water. From appearing to flow down the drain to melting away in a container, cat owners are sharing the ways they caught their felines acting like liquid.

19 Unpredictable Cats That Broke All the Possible Laws of Physics

19 Unpredictable Cats That Broke All the Possible Laws of Physics
4 years ago

Every cat owner has probably asked themselves, “Who is the owner here?” at least once. Because it’s hard to find a more arrogant, inventive, and unpredictable pet. Sometimes owners begin to think that they are immune to the mischief of their beloved pets, but these witty animals find another dozen ways to prove otherwise.

9 Child Prodigies That Should Be Considered Geniuses

9 Child Prodigies That Should Be Considered Geniuses
4 years ago

Some people are truly extraordinary and show it from an early age. In the fields of science, art, and sports, child prodigies stand out because they manage to reach impossible goals for someone their age. These accomplishments are usually related to their superior intelligence which allowed them to maturely approach a discipline that interests them. These children have surprised us with their fantastic work capacity and dedication to their passions.

9 Amazing Women in the History of Science Who’ve Changed the World

9 Amazing Women in the History of Science Who’ve Changed the World
6 years ago

In the history of humanity there have been brilliant women who played a fundamental role in science, but despite their outstanding contributions, were never recognized. Some were overshadowed by the men in their lives, a few had to deliberately step aside, and others met an untimely and unfortunate death. Very few of them managed to settle in the scientific world and obtain recognition.

10 Brilliant Women Who Are Changing the World

10 Brilliant Women Who Are Changing the World
6 years ago

There are many women in the world who deserve recognition for the amazing work they do. These women shape the future of the world and are changing social opinions and stereotypes. For example, nowadays, businesswomen already represent more than 1/3 of all people involved in entrepreneurial activity, and it’s getting better every day.

What Happened to Wonder Children After Growing Up

What Happened to Wonder Children After Growing Up
6 years ago

Talented kids are incredible. As small children, they accomplish goals that some adults never even dream about. Unfortunately, sometimes talent isn’t just about fame and success and some of these stories only prove this fact.

13 Natural Phenomena That Left Us Speechless

13 Natural Phenomena That Left Us Speechless
6 years ago

Even if you’re good at physics and know the nature of different phenomena, you just can’t help being surprised at how impressive they are. Let’s just take a look at the pictures that we’ve found for you. The photographers managed to capture ball lightning, an underwater ice sculpture, and even a smoke vortex.

9 Secrets of Famous Magic Tricks That Will Impress Even the Most Skeptical Audiences

9 Secrets of Famous Magic Tricks That Will Impress Even the Most Skeptical Audiences
7 years ago

The amazing world of magic attracts both children and adults. As kids, we all loved magic tricks, didn’t we? We get older, but a good tasteful trick or illusion never does. We at Bright Side were quite surprised to find out that swift hands, thorough preparation, and a lot of practice are pretty much everything a magician needs. Satisfy your inner child’s curiosity, and find out how some of the most interesting magic tricks are really done!