15+ Situations That Can Make Us Go, “Aww” in Seconds

2 years ago

Our life becomes brighter with every memorable moment. Whatever it is, whether it’s a meeting with your old fluffy friends, your baby’s first steps, or your first (and long-awaited) day at college — these moments make our lives colorful. The heroes of our article shared these special moments with the Internet, and we can’t help but adore every single story.

We at Bright Side collected 16 too-cute-to-be-true situations and want to share them with our readers.

1. “I decided to make her the dress to coincide with my proposal.”

“This is Cara, my best friend and partner in crime. She grew up admiring Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Wanting to recreate the famous scene, I decided to make her the dress to coincide with my proposal.”

2. “She’s struggled with her muscle core; she’s exceeded expectations by standing with assistance.”

3. “My mom reunited with the donkeys we gave to a petting zoo 6 years ago.”

4. “My 80-year-old father-in-law meeting his new great-granddaughter — just look at this man’s face!”

5. “A doggy bedroom under my desk”

6. “My grandma showing off a quilt she made for my little sister’s birthday!”

7. “The way my dad looks at his new dog. He doesn’t show a lot of emotion and this moment just got me.”

8. “Our flight got canceled for my birthday trip to Sedona, and we missed the fancy pedicure we had booked.”

“My husband surprised me the next day on my birthday with a private wine tasting and then blew my mind busting out a bottle of nail polish to do my toes.”

9. “My girlfriend’s grandma made hats for her kitchen appliances.”

10. “I got my dog when I had major depression, so I taught him to get me out of bed every day.”

“The depression is long gone but he still wakes me up. Today, he wedged himself between me and my pillow because I slept in a little bit. Couldn’t ask for a better friend.”

11. “I was driving my husband’s car and pulled down the visor to block the sun. This is what I found.”

12. “Cup o’ puppy”

13. “My girlfriend of 4.5 years and I got engaged today in front of our friends.”

“The excitement on her face in this photo of her with her ring on for the first time is going to stay with me forever.”

14. “I’ve been a full-time single dad, and today I took my girls to get our nails done. It was my first time and I love it!”

15. “I started college the other day after being out of school for 6 years and never thinking I was capable of doing it.”

16. “My grandparents celebrated their sixtieth anniversary today.”

Have you ever been in a situation that made people go, “Aww!”? Were you lucky enough to capture these moments?

Preview photo credit jel2930 / Imgur


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